
  • 网络ONE STOP SERVICE;One-stop service;one stop shopping;one-stop shop;one stop shop
  1. 最后讲解专为中国网通这类客户服务而设计的新措施&虚拟销售团队、一站式服务和双重记帐法。

    Finally , the thesis sums up China Netcom 's new designs for these customers , Virtual Sales Team , One Stop Service and Double Accounting .

  2. 提供集铝合金挤压型材散热器设计、挤压模具设计、制造、工业型材挤压生产到产品CNC深加工的一站式服务。

    We provide one-stop service including aluminum heatsink design & making , industrial profiles extrusion , CNC machining and further process .

  3. 每位准新娘都会惊喜地发现,婚庆中心提供全方位的一站式服务。

    A marvellous discovery for every bride-to-be , The Wedding Centre is the ultimate one-stop shop .

  4. 基于WebServices的一站式服务框架模型

    " One-Stop " Services Framework Model Based on Web Services

  5. 第四章简单介绍了基于主题的web信息采集系统来解析一站式服务的简单网页。

    The fourth chapter introduces the based on web information acquisition system theme " one-stop service " to analyze the simple web pages .

  6. 美国与东盟将开展合作,启动“东盟一站式服务”(ASEANSingleWindow)试点项目,这是一种加快货物通关的贸易便利化项目。

    The United States and ASEAN will work together to launch the " ASEAN Single Window " pilot program , a trade facilitation project to expedite cargo clearance .

  7. 一站式服务、联合服务等将是实现e-Science环境下文献情报服务的主要手段。

    Finally , one-stop service , collaboration service and so on will become primary methods to supply services .

  8. 随着Facebook在欧洲遭遇越来越多来自监管方面的障碍,这些严密审视可能会分散公司对提供包括网络即时通讯、在线出版和数字广告在内的一站式服务的注意力。

    And as Facebook runs into an increasing number of regulatory hurdles here , the scrutiny could potentially distract the company from its ambitions of becoming a one-stop shop for Internet messaging , online publishing and digital advertising .

  9. Kayak提供包括酒店、航班、交通和旅行社在内的一站式服务,让你成功摆脱行前调研环节。

    Kayak takes away the research associated with traveling by providing a one-stop-shop for all your hotel , flight , transportation and organization needs .

  10. 就其实现技术而言,面向服务的体系结构(SOA)模型和满足该模型的Web服务技术目前成为解决电子政务一站式服务集成问题的一个新的发展与研究方向。

    As one of their solution approaches , the SOA ( Service-oriented Architecture ) model , as well as Web service technology that satisfies the service model , is becoming a new development and research aspect of solving E_Government 's " One Stop " service integration .

  11. 并根据主要问题,按BPR实施方法和步骤对门诊流程进行再造,包括门诊预约流程、自助服务流程、医生站一站式服务流程、辅助检查流程。

    According to major problems , outpatient process will be reengineered by the methods of BPR , including outpatient appointment process , self-service processes , doctors station stop service processes and auxiliary examination process .

  12. MUX珍视每个细节的设计感,更珍视为都市男女提供便捷舒适的一站式服务!

    MUX pays much attention to the design of each detail and lays great emphasis on providing convenient and comfortable one-stop service for urban men and women .

  13. 医院创建病房一站式服务中心的探索与体会

    The Exploration and Experience to Establish Hospital Ward One-step Service Center

  14. 一站式服务是指服务提供者提供统一的业务受理点。

    One-station service means service providers supply uniform business acceptance point .

  15. 天津开发区对国内外投资者实行一站式服务。

    TEDA provides one-stop service for investors from home and abroad .

  16. 社区职业教育一站式服务培训模式研究

    On " One Station " Cultivation Model of Community Vocational Education

  17. 提供一站式服务的电子资源整合系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Practice of an Integrated E-Resource System for Aggregation Service

  18. 医院体检中心一站式服务初探

    Probe into the physical examination center 's one-stop service mode

  19. 一站式服务在产科门诊中的应用研究

    Applied research of " one-stop " services in obstetrics clinics

  20. 一站式服务中心对门诊患者退款的协调与管理

    The coordination and management of outpatient 's refundment by one-step service center

  21. 构建军校图书馆一站式服务模式探讨

    Exploration of Constructing the One-stop Service Mode in Libraries of Military Academies

  22. 一站式服务架构下电子政务中统计服务平台的设计

    Design of statistics in E-government architecture of one-station service

  23. 基于一站式服务的模式及支撑平台

    The Model and Support Platform Based on One-Stop Service

  24. 任汇川:我们想为客户提供一站式服务。

    Mr. Ren : We 'd like to offer one-stop service for customers .

  25. 综合医院开展一站式服务的实践与效果

    The practice and effects of developing One - Stop Service in general hospitals

  26. 倡导人性化服务理念推广一站式服务

    To initiate personalized service concept and one station service

  27. 论高校图书馆一站式服务模式对一线馆员的要求

    The Demand of One-stop Service Pattern of Academic Libraries on Basic Level Librarians

  28. 高校学生事务一站式服务模式的探索与实践

    The Exploration and Practice of " One-Stop " Service Pattern of Students ' Affairs

  29. 图书馆开放型一站式服务模式的实施及对策

    Implement of Open One-stop Service Mode in Library

  30. 一站式服务对护理资源开发及护理质量影响的研究

    Study of Influence of One Station Service on Nursing Quality and Nursing Source Exploitation