
  1. 哦,penny-pinching就是精打细算,一分钱掰成两半花的意思。

    LL : Penny-pinching is being very careful not to waste money .

  2. 我奶奶买什么东西都巴不得一分钱掰成两半花。

    My grandma was always pinching pennies when she bought anything .

  3. 柏林的政界人士解释道,一分钱掰成两半花的德国选民,不会答应对挥霍成性的其它欧洲国家进行纾困。但这个解释只给出了一半答案。

    Listening to politicians in Berlin explain that parsimonious German voters will not stomach a bail-out of their spendthrift continental cousins offers only half an answer .

  4. 居家过日子,一分钱掰成两半花,再节省在花钱,唯有多挣钱才能生活质量。

    Live at home , hand in half a cent to spend , to save money is in , only more money in order to change the quality of life .