
  • 网络financial center;Finance Center
  1. 财务中心应加强监督和控制职能。

    The Financial Center should strengthen the function of supervision and control .

  2. 在具体构建上,建立以集团财务中心为载体的资金管理中心,以资金计划为预算驱动,以信息技术为手段,包括资金收付系统、资金调度系统、资金分析系统等的资金集中管理体制。

    The system construction is implemented by setting up a final estimate center shown as an group financial center and a funds centralized management system including payment system , funds procurement system and funds analysis system , whose budgeteering is based on fund plan ;

  3. 洛杉矶仍然是我的财务中心。我还在那里做生意。

    Los Angeles was still my financial base . I was still doing business there .

  4. 广州CTF财务中心将集办公、宾馆和住宅等功能于一体,该大楼预计将于2016年完工。

    The Guangzhou CTF Financial Centre will house office , hotel and residential space . The skyscraper is scheduled to be completed in 2016 .

  5. 企业财务中心(CTC)相当于跨国企业内部的银行,是一家企业各部门和小组间接收和转移资金的中央渠道。

    A CTC is the equivalent of an in-house bank for multinational corporations , acting as a central conduit to accept and transfer funds among a company 's divisions and groups .

  6. 该公司表示,这部世界上最快速的电梯将被安装在广州CTF财务中心,只需43秒就可从1层直达95层。

    The lift , the fastest in the world , would take 43 seconds to go from the first to 95th floor in the Guangzhou CTF Financial Centre , the company said .

  7. 企业集团财务中心存在的问题及对策研究

    Making a study of existing problems and countermeasures in financial settlement centre of enterprise group

  8. 帮助其他财务中心的成员完成工作任务以达成财务工作的目标。

    Perform financial activities to help other SSC team members to meet process performance and objectives .

  9. 具吸引力。”中国广核集团成为了首批将香港作为该企业财务中心地点的企业之一,于2010年设立了华盛投资公司。

    The China General Nuclear Power Corporation became one of the early-adopters of using Hong Kong as the home of its corporate treasury center , setting up Huasheng Investment in 2010 .

  10. 香港投资推广署为成立了企业财务中心的公司新出台了税收优惠政策,试图通过宣传这一政策积极吸引更多大陆企业进驻该地区。

    Invest Hong Kong is now actively attempting to court more mainland companies into the city by promoting its recently-launched tax breaks for companies which set up a Corporate Treasury Center .

  11. 根据6月份出台的一个新项目,在香港设立企业财务中心的公司将享受16.5%-8.25%的利润税减免,同时还将享受另外的课税减免。

    Under a new program launched in June , companies which set up a corporate treasury center in Hong Kong will see their profit taxes cut from 16.5 to 8.25 percent , and will also qualify for additional tax deductions .

  12. 现有的HCIS都是医改前开发的,一般采用以财务为中心或者以疾病为中心模式。

    The present HCIS was developed before medical reform , often adopting the model that regards the finance or the disease as the center .

  13. 军队医院设立财务管理中心的设想

    Thoughts on the constitution of financial administrative center in military hospital

  14. 现代企业财务管理中心论及其模式研究

    Theory of Financial Management Core in Modern Enterprises and Its Modes

  15. 建立财务结算中心促进企业集团发展

    Establish the Financial Settlement Center to Improve the Department of Enterprise Group

  16. 军队财务结算中心资金管理信息系统构建

    Constructing funds management information system of military financial settlement centers

  17. 建立预算资金行业财务管理中心的探索

    A Study on the Establishment of a Budget Capital Financial Managing Center

  18. 建立网络化区域性军队财务结算中心办事处的探析

    On establishing network regional administrative agency attached to the military financial settling Centre

  19. 集团企业财务结算中心若干问题的探讨

    Items on Financial Accounting Center in Group Enterprise

  20. 关于财务结算中心的几点思考

    Several Considerations on the Fiscal Settlement Centre

  21. 是财务共享中心常用的一种计算工作量的单位,它与员工数是不同的概念。

    FTE is the concept that commonly used in Financial Shared Services to measure the workload .

  22. 在预算执行组织方面,将财务结算中心引入到传统的责任中心。

    In the organization of budget implementation , it introduces the financial settlement center to the traditional responsibility centre .

  23. 本系统的建立,改变了传统的以财务为中心或者以疾病为中心模式,为医院信息化提供了以病人为中心的服务模式。

    HCIS changes the traditional finance / disease-centered model , and provides a patient-centered model for the hospital informationization .

  24. 探讨了建立行业财务管理中心的重要性和必要性以及行业财务管理中心的模式,并在行业财务管理中心引入融资理念。

    It discusses the significance , necessity and mode of establishment , and introduces the capital-melting concept into the establishment of the center .

  25. 物资仓库的防范重点是周界围墙、出入口及主要通道、重要物资库房、财务结算中心及监控中心。

    The safety defending supervisory system mostly detects perimeter walls passageways and primary passages important material depots finance balance center and defending supervisory center .

  26. 企业集团管理要以利润为目标、财务为中心、资金为重点。

    In managing a enterprise group , profit-making should be set as the goal , financing as the focus and capital as the core .

  27. 财务管理中心论对这一传统提出了挑战,力图在进一步论述这一观点的基础上,提出一种新的、更适合于现代企业情况和环境的企业财务模式。

    This traditional financial system is challenged by the theory of Financial Management Core which emphasizes that a new mode of financial management should be set up to fit the modern enterprise environment .

  28. 应在会计集中核算的基础上建立行业财务管理中心,并作为会计集中核算改革的进一步深入和补充。

    This paper holds that we should establish a budget capital financial managing center on the basis of integrated financial settlement , and regard it as part of the reform in integrated financial settlement .

  29. 随着财政管理体制的重大变革,以及单位本身加强内部控制和风险管理需要,建立一个科学合理的财务结算中心运行框架非常必要。

    It is necessary to establish a scientific and rational operating framework of financial settlement center in order to enhance the internal control and risk management of finance with great change of financial management system .

  30. 企业管理工作是以财务为中心,特别是在目前的社会主义市场经济体制建立和完善的时期,加强企业会计基础工作,是提高企业内部财务管理水平的中心工作和重要环节。

    A enterprise focus on financial management especially for the period of establishing and improving socialist market economy at present . Enhancing basic accountancy is the center and key step for improving financial management level .