
cái wù jīng lǐ
  • Finance Manager;Financial Manager
  1. 提交财务经理进行复核确认。

    Issue them to the finance manager for confirmation and identification .

  2. 在财务经理的监督下清点现金。

    The cash was counted under the supervision of the finance manager .

  3. PaulButler是印第安纳大学国际服务办公室的财务经理。

    Paul Butler is the financial manager in the Office of International Services at Indiana University Bloomington .

  4. SCCM产品财务经理也可能在这里找到他们的兴趣点。

    SCCM product budget holders are also likely to find points of interest here .

  5. 该市的应急财务经理奥尔(KevynOrr)估计,该市的长期债务将达到180亿美元。

    The city 's emergency manager , Kevyn Orr , estimates long-term debt at $ 18 billion .

  6. 而且,不止于此,位于亚特兰大的非营利性机构求职网站OpportunityKnocks的总裁兼CEO凯伦•比弗认为,从企业管理层跳槽到非营利性机构,通常会带来职位的提升,尤其是对于财务经理来说。

    Karen beavor , President and CEO of Atlanta-based nonprofit job site opportunity knocks , says that moving from corporate management to the nonprofit world often entails a step up in rank , especially for financial managers .

  7. 最近,他曾在Bushnell户外运动产品公司担任全国销售财务经理,负责Bushnell光学产品、配件及运动眼镜的销售。

    Most recently , he served as national account sales manager for Bushnell Outdoor Products in Overland Park , Kansas , managing sales of Bushnell sports optics , accessories and sports eyewear .

  8. 他决定辞去财务经理的职务。

    He has decided to step down as director of finance .

  9. 论新形势下企业财务经理应具备的素质

    Necessary Quality Requirements for Financial Managers in the New Situation

  10. 不要犯和我认识的一位财务经理同样的错误。

    Don 't make the mistake of one Accounting Manager I knew .

  11. 多数精算师都是企业总经理或者财务经理。

    Many actuaries are general business managers or financial officers .

  12. 会计经理说明会计信息是用非财务经理。

    Accounting for managers explains how accounting information is used by non-financial managers .

  13. 一个解决办法是聘请财务经理。

    One solution is to hire a financial manager .

  14. 我收到了财务经理对不能参加这次会议的致歉。

    I have received an apology for the absence of the financial manager .

  15. 浅谈现代企业财务经理应具备的素质

    On qualities of financial manager in modern enterprises

  16. 协助财务经理完成有关利润再投资,公司保险等相关工作。

    Help finance manager at adhoc assignment , such as insurance and profit reinvestment .

  17. 财务经理被检查机关传讯。

    The finance director is subpoenaed by prosecution .

  18. 亚科夫列娃是莫斯科一家专门生产硅胶的公司的财务经理。

    Yana Yakovleva is the financial director of a Moscow company that manufactures silicone .

  19. 其他财务经理安排的工作。

    Other tasks required by Finance Manager .

  20. 协助财务经理处理其他日常事务。

    Assist FM for other routine affair .

  21. 作为财务经理,我经常需要与其他人共享敏感的财务信息。

    As a finance manager , I frequently have to share sensitive financial information with others .

  22. 及时向财务经理汇报报销审核过程中的任何违背公司政策的事项。

    Report any deviation from company policies during expense review to finance manager and management immediately .

  23. 财务经理的就业市场虽然竞争激烈,但也在不断扩大。

    Although financial managers face a competitive job market , it 's also a growing one .

  24. 销售经理、财务经理、客服等工作也排在在前十名。

    Sales executive and account manager , customer support are in the top ten recession-proof jobs .

  25. 我作为财务经理,我的职责是监督和控制公司的所有资源,因此。

    As the financial manager , my duty is to supervise and control all the company resources .

  26. 配合财务经理合理调度资金,选择最优融资方式,合理降低资金成本。

    Cooperate with finance manager scheduling capital , selecting optimal financing , reasonably reduce the cost of capital .

  27. 财务经理负责企划、组织、指导、控制与协调部门内的财务与会计活动。

    FINANCE MANAGERS plan , organise , direct , control and coordinate the financial and accounting activities within organisations .

  28. 财务经理带领团队整合账单、制作财务报告和现金流量表,并预测利润。

    Along with their teams , they coordinate accounting and produce financial reports , cash-flow statements and profit projections .

  29. 在实例研究上,这套方法在某公司财务经理的选择上得到了初步应用,具体效果还有待日后的进一步考察和检验。

    In the case study , this method is used in the choice of finance manager in a company .

  30. 我是霍巴特公司的财务经理,这是一家美国公司。

    I am the manager of the financial department in Hobart company , which is an American company in China .