
  • 网络financial settlement;Settlement Account
  1. 建立财务结算中心促进企业集团发展

    Establish the Financial Settlement Center to Improve the Department of Enterprise Group

  2. 军队财务结算中心资金管理信息系统构建

    Constructing funds management information system of military financial settlement centers

  3. 方法:通过采集3所不同等级医院的住院患者病历首页和出院财务结算单,录入统一编制的软件并采用SAS¨9进行统计分析。

    Methods : The medical record first sheet and the statement of expense in 3 hospitals belonged to different grades were collected , coded , entered and analyzed .

  4. 本论文研究的工作如下:首先,对企业的现有销售发货财务结算业务流程进行介绍和描述,通过使用eEPC直观地展示了销售业务流程。

    This article research work is as follows : First , describe the current sales , delivery , settlement of business flow by modeling method ( eEPC ) .

  5. 浅谈船长与期租船的财务结算

    On the Captain and the Financial Settlement of Time Charter

  6. 建立网络化区域性军队财务结算中心办事处的探析

    On establishing network regional administrative agency attached to the military financial settling Centre

  7. 他还说他并没有意识到任何财务结算已经被支付。

    He also said he was unaware of any financial settlement being paid .

  8. 集团企业财务结算中心若干问题的探讨

    Items on Financial Accounting Center in Group Enterprise

  9. 关于财务结算中心的几点思考

    Several Considerations on the Fiscal Settlement Centre

  10. 尽管我是在新加坡上学,财务结算都在枫丹白露。

    For although I would be attending Insead in Singapore , all the accounting is handled from Fontainebleau .

  11. 本文的研究对象包括河南大学校园一卡通财务结算系统和安全模型。

    The paper takes Henan University Campus Card financial settlement system and safe model as its research obje .

  12. 该系统提供了供应商库存管理、物料入库和出库、财务结算、用户权限控制等功能。

    The system provides vendor management inventory , export and import materials , financial balance , user right control .

  13. 在预算执行组织方面,将财务结算中心引入到传统的责任中心。

    In the organization of budget implementation , it introduces the financial settlement center to the traditional responsibility centre .

  14. 该系统主要功能包括学习、诊断、施肥量预测、输入输出、统计、财务结算和数据更新等功能。

    Main Function includes study , diagnoses , predict , input and output , Stat and update and so on .

  15. 产品进、销、存、财务结算均实行计算机联网管理。

    Now it has realized the overall computer networking management from the purchase , sales and storage of products to the financial settlement .

  16. 物资仓库的防范重点是周界围墙、出入口及主要通道、重要物资库房、财务结算中心及监控中心。

    The safety defending supervisory system mostly detects perimeter walls passageways and primary passages important material depots finance balance center and defending supervisory center .

  17. 有关股票分析师一词:他们是上市公司财务结算监督者中最重要的支持者。

    A word about stock analysts : they are one of the most important constituencies of the viewing audience for a public company 's financial statements .

  18. 涉及公司的商务写作主要是报告和收据之类的内部财务结算表、工作报告以及提交关于改进公司管理和成本控制的提议等。

    Business writing for the company is mainly internal financial statements like reports and receipts , working reports and proposals for improving the company management and cost control .

  19. 我国现行的公务卡制度是以国库集中支付制度为基础,以公务卡为载体的一种新型财务结算制度。

    The current official card system in our country is a new financial settlement system which is based on centralized treasury payment system and supported by official card .

  20. 随着财政管理体制的重大变革,以及单位本身加强内部控制和风险管理需要,建立一个科学合理的财务结算中心运行框架非常必要。

    It is necessary to establish a scientific and rational operating framework of financial settlement center in order to enhance the internal control and risk management of finance with great change of financial management system .

  21. 本文以资金控制为核心,在岗位设置、流程控制等方面对如何构建财务结算中心设计了一套基本运行框架,并提出了应注意的问题。

    Based on control of funds as a core , this paper designs a basic operating framework of financial settlement center in terms of post setting , process control , etc. , and puts forward problems needing attention .

  22. 针对目前国有大中型企业采用的新型资金管理模式,分析了财务结算中心具有的功能,成立财务结算中心的基础条件问题,集团企业财务结算中心的运作模式及解决结算中心运作面临问题的对策。

    Against new modes of capital management adopted by large and middle scaled state owned enterprises , analyzed its function , basic conditions for establishing financial accounting center , its operation modes and policy against solving problems it faced .

  23. 介绍了由合同签订、铁路调运、财务结算和综合信息查询组成的销售管理系统方案的功能、设计目标、数据流程和软件实现方法。

    The designed targets , data processing procedure , programming method , and the functions of the sales administration composed by models like signing contract , dispense and railway transportation , financial settlement , all information searching , are presented in this paper .

  24. 当支付金额达到暂定包干价格的75%时,业主将停止支付所有工程进度款,这时,合同双方应依据实际的项目预算内投资工程费用及下述调整因素、折扣和百分比进行最终财务结算。

    When paid to75 % of provisional lump sum price , the company will cease any progress payment , both parties shall commence the final financial settlement based on the actual project budgetary investment engineering cost and the factors , discounts , percentage set force here under .

  25. 在工作单完成并送到财务部结算前,核对edp系统中的记录和工作单袋的文档是否完整,匹配。

    Check that records in the edp ? System and documentation is complete and matching before closing the work order and sending it to the accounts department for invoicing .

  26. 英文“凭银行付款复印件加盖公章到财务部结算”怎么说?

    To settle the account in the finance sector with the bank payment order under seal .

  27. 通过对财务公司内部结算业务的介绍和分析,总结、归纳其优势及作用,提出进一步完善内部结算,更好地发挥财务公司的金融职能,提高集团公司的资金使用效率的途径。

    Through introduction and analysis of internal accounting business in financial company , summed up its advantages and function , presented the way to further perfect internal accounting , play better part of the financial function of financing company and raise the efficiency of capital use of the group .

  28. 与此相适应,CNPC在长期的探索中逐渐形成了具有石油特色的资金管理模式&财务公司与资金结算中心相结合的复合模式。

    And accordingly in the course of longterm practice , CNPC set up gradually the fund management model of CNPC & the mixed model which combines financial corporation and central settlement and has characteristic of petroleum enterprises .

  29. 文章第三部分,作者论述了通过完善财务预算管理,建设财务结算中心的方式解决上述存在问题的对策。

    In the third part , we suggest that the financial budget and the cash control center are good ways to solve the problems .

  30. 提出集团预算应以销售预算为起点,以成本费用预算为中心;在财务控制上应实行财务总监委派制、成立财务结算中心、加强内部审计、健全财务信息报告制度。

    For the financial controlling system , it should carry out the Financial Controller accreditation system , establish financial settlement center , and strengthen inside audit , perfect financial message reporting system .