
  • 网络Financial monitoring
  1. 适时财务监控机制的涵义、特性及结构

    Just-In-Time Financial Monitoring Mechanism : Its Meaning , Characteristics and Structure

  2. 财务监控,顾名思义即财务监督和财务控制。

    Financial monitoring is the financial supervision and financial control as the name implies .

  3. IT环境下财务监控内容的拓展

    Expansion of the Content of Financial Supervision under the IT circumstance

  4. 国有企业财务监控体系探讨

    Discussion on supervisory system of financial affairs of national enterprise

  5. 根据上文对我国商业银行财务监控现行模式的分析,提出相对应的政策意见。

    According to the analysis , put forward corresponding advice .

  6. 公司治理结构下商业银行的财务监控

    Financial Supervision of Commercial Banks under the Company Managerial Structure

  7. 公司内部财务监控机制统合管理初探

    Studies on Combined Management Mechanism of Corporate Inter Finance Control

  8. 对控股子公司财务监控方式之探讨

    Discuss on the Supervising Methods for Finance of Holding Subsidiaries

  9. 我国企业集团财务监控问题的探讨

    Enterprise Group Finance Monitoring Question Discussion in Our Country

  10. 集团公司财务监控初探

    Probe into the Financial Supervision in Group Company

  11. 企业集团财务监控研究

    Research on the Financial Control of Enterprise Group

  12. 财务监控信息网络的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Financial Control Information Network

  13. 冠天集团采用全电脑化的资源策划及管理,配合严谨的财务监控。

    Hercules Group is fully computerized to monitor its finances , resources and management .

  14. 完善企业集团内部的财务监控体系

    Perfecting Internal Financial Supervising System in Group Corporations

  15. 防范风险企业代理风险的财务监控研究

    The Research of Financial Monitoring and Controlling for Keeping Away Venture Enterprise 's Agent Risk

  16. 论公司网络财务监控机制的变革

    Changes in Corporate Web-based Financial Supervision Mechanism

  17. 财务监控权与财务决策权和财务执行权“三权”共同构成完整的财务治理权。

    The financial monitor rights , decision rights and execution rights compose the financial governing rights .

  18. 从国内外来看,大凡经营比较成功的企业集团,必然重视财务监控。

    At home and abroad a successful enterprise group must attach importance to the financial supervision .

  19. 机构投资者、债权人等积极专家投资者加入可以提高企业财务监控效率。

    Institutional investors , creditors of such active experts can improve the efficiency of financial monitoring .

  20. 其中一个十分突出的问题就是财务监控不力和失控问题。

    A very prominent problem among them is the weak financial supervision and out of control .

  21. 同时,通过对财务监控研究体系的构建为财务监控的研究提供框架。

    Meanwhile , here has provided research framework from the foundation of financial supervision and control .

  22. 同时从委托代理理论和效用分析两个方面对企业集团财务监控的理论基础加以全面阐述。

    Then expounds the theoretical foundation from the two respects of the agency theory and utility analyzing .

  23. 企业集团财务监控体制的运作条件与环境分析。

    The operation condition of the environmental analysis of the financial control system of the enterprise group .

  24. 财务监控效率即是这些相关利益主体的监控下企业财务目标的实现程度。

    The efficiency of financial monitoring is the realization degree of the financial objectives for different stakeholders .

  25. 董事会是房地产企业财务监控的核心。

    The board of directors is the core of internal financial monitoring for the real estate enterprises .

  26. 这就要求进一步加强财务监控,有效控制财务数据的真实性,满足规范化统一管理的需要。

    This trend needs more financial monitoring , more control on reality of financial information , and more regulations on management .

  27. 企业治理层级的财务监控主要指投资者(股东和债权人)、董事会、监事会监控。

    Enterprise governance level mainly refers to the investors ( shareholders and creditors ), the board of directors , and supervisors .

  28. 在完善的公司治理中要保证各利益相关者的利益,财务监控体系起着非常重要的作用。

    Financial monitoring system has played an important role in ensuring the benefits of various interest related persons in perfect corporate governance .

  29. 就我国企业集团财务监控的体制选择,提出相对集中的现实观点。

    The text puts forward the realistic view & relative centralization that is based on the financial control system of the enterprise group .

  30. 通过分析我国商业银行财务监控的现行模式,提出尚需解决的问题。

    From the analysis of the current mode for financial supervision and control , the author figured out the problems to be solved .