
  • 网络financial management function
  1. 我们可以借鉴西方商业银行完善的财务管理体系、科学的财务管理方法和先进的财务管理手段,并结合我国的实际情况,集中精力重点改革薄弱环节,确保财务管理职能的实现。

    We can draw lessons from western commercial Banks perfect financial management system , scientific financial management method and advanced financial management means , and combining with the actual conditions of our country and concentrate on key reform weak links , ensure the realization of financial management function .

  2. 以经济增加值(EVA)作为财务管理职能的统一目标研究

    Applying EVA to be the uniform aim of functions in financial management system

  3. 财务管理职能没有完全从会计职能中分离出来,仍以核算为主。

    The function of financial management is not divided from function of accounting .

  4. 从单一经营到企业集团的规模经营,其财务管理职能也将发生巨大转变。

    Changing from a onefold operation into a large-scale operation , its financial administrative functions will face a tremendous transition .

  5. 从财务管理的职能、追求目标和与其他部门协作关系等方面阐述了财务管理的重要性。

    This paper focuses on the importance of financial affairs management which is illustrated from the following aspects : functiontarget and the cooperation with other branches .

  6. 审计及合规委员会需确保对外部审计与管理层尤其是香港航空资本范围内的财务和风险管理职能的互动程度满意。

    The ACC needs to ensure that they are satisfied with the degree of interaction external audit has with management and , in particular , with the finance and risk management functions across hkac .

  7. 公立医院财务管理组织架构及职能标准化的探讨与实践

    Discuss and practice of organization and standardization of finance management in public hospital

  8. 财务管理应强化监控职能

    Strengthening the supervision function of financial management

  9. 在这样的理论架构下,本论文主要就财务管理组织结构和职能分配进行了较为详细的论述。

    On the basis of this theory , the author elaborates on the financial management organizational structure and function divisions .

  10. 从财务管理的涵义、职能及其目标的现实选择入手,阐明了财务管理在我国航空工业管理中具有的重要地位。

    The author reports the significant role of financial management in the aviation industry management in China by investigating the meaning , functions and options for objectives of financial management .

  11. 财务控制是财务管理的基本职能之一。

    Financial control is the one of the basic function of financial management .

  12. 构建有效的财务管理体制,强化集团的财务管理职能,是当前我国许多建筑企业集团发展面临的需要迫切解决的问题。

    Now it is an urgent problem and needs be solved in many building enterprise groups to establish an effective financial management system and intensify its functions in the groups .

  13. 如何规范会计核算制度、改革财务核算模式、充分发挥财务管理的各项职能、提高会计工作质量,是当前高校后勤财务管理亟待解决的问题。

    How to standardize accounting system , reform financial accountings pattern , make the most of functions of financial management and improve the working quality of accountants are important problems demanding prompt solution .

  14. 新的财务管理模式将企业会计核算与财务管理职能相分离,强化了财务管理的广度和深度,使财务人员从繁杂的日常工作中解脱出来,更多地投入运营和决策支持工作。

    New financial management model separates the function of accounting and financial management effectively , and strengthen the breadth and depth of financial management , so financial officer freed from tedious daily tasks , and have much time to support operating and decision .

  15. 第二部分重点阐述纳税筹划与财务管理、会计的关系,从财务管理的职能和内容上分析纳税筹划与财务管理的关系。

    In the second part , we expatiate and study the relation between tax-planning and finance managing and accountant , analyze the relation from content of finance managing .

  16. 财务管理是企业管理活动中一个支柱型的职能,企业在参与社会生产、流通过程中任何一个环节几乎都涉及到资金的使用,都要直接或间接地应用财务管理的职能。

    Financial management is a major function of management in an enterprise . Almost any activity in an enterprise will related to using money , also will involve using the function of financial management directly or indirectly .

  17. 其主要内容是:统一管理、统一纳税、分级核算、预算管理、绩效考核,在整合现有财务资源的基础上,将财务管理与会计核算职能相对分离。

    It consists of sole management , sole taxation , grades check , budget management and achievement inspection . On the basis of integration of the current financial resources , separates the financial management from accounting calculation .

  18. 论述了财务管理的产生与发展、财务管理的对象及财务管理的职能,重点阐述了如何对企业筹资决策,投资决策以及流动资金等方面进行管理。

    Describes the occurrence and development , the object and function of financial management , stresses on how to make policy of the raising capital and investment decision and manage the circulating capital for the enterprises .

  19. 用友、金蝶等国内著名的财务软件公司都在其财务软件产品中增加了财务分析模块,以突出会计信息系统的财务管理职能。

    The financial software companies , such as UFIDA , Kingdee etc , all increased the financial analysis module in its financial software product , in order to show its management functions more greatly in financial information system .

  20. 为适应国企改革的不断深入,国企后勤财务部门所面临的而又必须解决的新课题是如何改革财务核算模式,充分发挥财务管理的各项职能,提高会计工作质量,为国企后勤转轨建制服务。

    A new project faced by the finacial department is how to reform the finacial adjust accounting system , give free rein to each function of finacial management and improve professional qualities in order to serve for the reformation of the logistic section in government-owned enterprise .

  21. 在实行会计电算化以后,使财务会计工作确实参与到经济经营活动的管理决策中,真正实现把握现在,谋划将来的财务会计管理决策职能。

    After implementing accounting by EDP , it makes the financial accounting really participate in the administrative decision of the economic business activities too , really realize the function of administrative decision of financial accounting that " hold now , will plan in the future " .

  22. 摘要文章从行政事业单位财务管理的重要性入手,深入分析了行政事业单位在财务管理制度以及人力资源两方面的不足,从财务管理的职能和人才队伍方面提出了切实有效的改进建议。

    This article starts from the importance of financial management in administrative enterprises , deeply analyzes the shortage of financial management system and human resources in administrative enterprises , and brings some practical and effective improvement methods in the aspect of function of financial management and human resources .