
  • 网络Financial management center
  1. 军队医院设立财务管理中心的设想

    Thoughts on the constitution of financial administrative center in military hospital

  2. 现代企业财务管理中心论及其模式研究

    Theory of Financial Management Core in Modern Enterprises and Its Modes

  3. 建立预算资金行业财务管理中心的探索

    A Study on the Establishment of a Budget Capital Financial Managing Center

  4. 探讨了建立行业财务管理中心的重要性和必要性以及行业财务管理中心的模式,并在行业财务管理中心引入融资理念。

    It discusses the significance , necessity and mode of establishment , and introduces the capital-melting concept into the establishment of the center .

  5. 财务管理中心论对这一传统提出了挑战,力图在进一步论述这一观点的基础上,提出一种新的、更适合于现代企业情况和环境的企业财务模式。

    This traditional financial system is challenged by the theory of Financial Management Core which emphasizes that a new mode of financial management should be set up to fit the modern enterprise environment .

  6. 应在会计集中核算的基础上建立行业财务管理中心,并作为会计集中核算改革的进一步深入和补充。

    This paper holds that we should establish a budget capital financial managing center on the basis of integrated financial settlement , and regard it as part of the reform in integrated financial settlement .

  7. ERP是当今国际上先进的企业管理模式,是以财务管理为中心的企业管理信息系统。

    ERP is a current international advanced management mode , and an enterprise management information system that views financial management as the center .

  8. 二是要以财务管理为中心;

    Second , it is focused on financial and accounting management .

  9. 以财务管理为中心全面推动现代企业科学管理

    Promoting Comprehensively the Modern Enterprise Scientific Management Centered on Financial Management

  10. 加强企业管理,必须以财务管理为中心。

    Strengthening business management must take the financial management as the heart .

  11. 构建以财务管理为中心的管理文化观

    On Construction of the Managing Cultural Notion Centring on the Financial Management

  12. 建立以财务管理为中心的企业管理运行机制

    Set Up the Business Operating Mechanism Faking Financial Administration as the Centre

  13. 我公司以财务管理为中心,实现利润最大化;

    Our financial management as the center to maximize profits ;

  14. 如何加强地勘单位财务管理的中心地位

    How to Strengthen the Central Position of Financial Management in Geological Exploration Units

  15. 论企业管理以财务管理为中心

    Discussing on Enterprise Management Taking Finance Management as Center

  16. 企业财务管理的中心是资金管理,企业财务管理与资金管理的密切关系;

    The main part of the financial management in enterprises is that of fund .

  17. 企业要以财务管理为中心,加强企业内部管理;

    Focus on the financial management , strengthen the internal management of the enterprise ;

  18. 发挥财务管理的中心作用

    To produce the central effect of finacial management

  19. 资金管理是财务管理的中心

    Funds Management is the Center of Financial Administration

  20. 确立财务管理的中心地位增强高校经济实力

    The Establishment of the Central Status of Financial Management and Strengthening the Economical Capabilities of Universities

  21. 高炉中心加焦的作用发挥财务管理的中心作用

    FUNCTION OF CENTRICAL CHARGE OF COKE IN BLAST FURNACE To produce the central effect of finacial management

  22. 以财务管理为中心是市场经济条件下企业管理的最佳选择

    Under the Market Economy Condition , Serving as the Center with the Finacial Managements is the Optimum Selection of Bussiness Management

  23. 现代企业集团应当逐步建立财务管理为中心,财务管理以资金管理为中心的管理理念。

    A modern enterprise group should be gradually set up " as the central financial management , financial management , fund management as the center " management philosophy .

  24. 实践证明,以财务管理为中心全面推动现代企业科学管理,是加强企业财务管理、促进企业不断发展的需要,也是社会主义市场经济发展的必然要求。

    Practices proves that promoting comprehensively the modern enterprise scientific management centered on financial management is the need to intensify enterprise financial management and increase the continual development of enterprises and the inevitable requirement of developing socialist market economy .

  25. 企业管理要以财务管理为中心,这是企业管理目标和财务管理对象所决定的,也是市场经济发展的要求。

    The financial management should be the center of enterprise 's management , which is determined by the targets of enterprise 's management and by the objects of the financial management , and which is required by the development of the market economy .

  26. 从确立财务管理的中心地位、加强资金管理和成本管理、防范财务风险、全面提高财务人员素质等5个方面提出企业如何强化财务管理,提高经济效益。

    This thesis mainly put forward how to strengthen financial management to improve business economic benefit from five aspects of setting up the central position of financial management , enhancing funds management and cost management , preventing financial risk , and fully improving financial personnel character .

  27. 企业管理以财务管理为中心,施工企业要从强化资金管理、成本费用管理、提高财会人员素质着手,搞好财务管理工作,实现财务管理目标,提高企业经济效益。

    Enterprise management regards the financial management as the kernel . Construction enterprises should make good job of financial management , realize financial management target and increase economic benefit of enterprises starting from strengthening the fund management and cost and expense management and increasing the quality of accounting personnel .

  28. 财务管理控制中责任中心的建立、预算系统的完善、会计体系职责完善、审计系统和信息化管理;

    Setting up the responsibility center , perfecting the budget , accounting and auditing system and the informationization managing in the financial management control ;

  29. 企业管理工作是以财务为中心,特别是在目前的社会主义市场经济体制建立和完善的时期,加强企业会计基础工作,是提高企业内部财务管理水平的中心工作和重要环节。

    A enterprise focus on financial management especially for the period of establishing and improving socialist market economy at present . Enhancing basic accountancy is the center and key step for improving financial management level .