
  • 网络Financial Resources Management;Managing Financial Resources
  1. 并阐述了集团财务人力资源管理建设。

    Financial HR management construction of the group .

  2. 第四部分在前三部分已进行的理论与实证分析的基础之上,结合我国实际,对企业购并中的财务资源整合管理存在的问题进行了进一步的具体分析并提出了相应的完善措施。

    The third part pays the main attention to an actual case and the fourth part analyzes some problems in the financial resource conformity in enterprise - merger and makes some suggestion to solve the problem .

  3. 财务及人力资源管理

    Financial and human management

  4. 因为人力资本与其载体天然不可分离,人力资本财务与人力资源管理之间有着密切的内在联系,人力资本财务的有效运作需要人力资源管理部门的密切配合与协作。

    Cooperation between finance department and human resource department is the key to operate human capital finance efficiently and effectively .

  5. 通过实证分析来提出雅洁汽车美容装饰会所的市场竞争分析和营销策略以及财务和人力资源管理控制方法。

    The elegant car decorative beauty club competition in the market analysis and marketing strategy as well as financial and human resource management control method by the empirical analysis .

  6. 但是如果是和打算创立一个全方面的公司的人,比如有10个工程师,1个CEO,或是市场人员/,或是财务人员,人力资源管理人员,你最好,还是想好再开口。

    But it 's talking to people planning to do a broad star-up , / and it's10 engineers , and1 CEO / marketing guys / finance guys / HR guys , I 'm not sure you 're thinking clearly about this problem .

  7. 这对营销人员与财务主管和人力资源管理者之间的对话有重要意义。

    The uncovered results have important implications for marketers in their dialogue with financial executives and human resources managers .

  8. 企业的三大项主要日常管理工作即业务管理、财务管理、人力资源管理,没有一项不是借助于管理沟通才得以顺利进行。

    The enterprise 's three major terms , i.e. the main daily supervisory work , are the business management , financial control and human resources management .

  9. 你的能力必须是某一领域(比如上述的计算机的例子)或某一职能方面(比如财务分析或者人力资源管理)的专家。

    Your target capability set can be expertise in a field ( like the computer example above ) or in a function ( like financial analysis or human resources management ) .

  10. 在信息化社会的今天,信息技术已经扩散到社会生活的各个领域,信息资源管理已经和市场营销、财务管理、人力资源管理、市场管理有着同样重要的功能。

    Today in the information society , information technology has spread to all fields of social life has been and marketing information resources management , financial management , human resources management , market management is equally important functions .

  11. 这其中,处于核心地位的绩效考核,也越来越受到企业的关注,业已成为企业财务管理和人力资源管理的重点。

    Among this , the performance measurement which is in the core position is also more and more paid more attention by the enterprise , and already became the key point of the enterprise human resources management and financial management .

  12. 从20世纪初泰勒提出管理科学的概念以来,管理学经历了漫长的发展阶段,产生了生产管理、运作管理、财务管理、人力资源管理等学科领域。

    Since Tyler puts forward the concept of " Science of Management " at the beginning of last century , it experienced a long period of development , and lots of subjects such as " Operation Management ", " Production Management ", " Finance Management " etc. appeared .

  13. 通过本项目建设,构建了一套覆盖公司总部高层、销售部、财务部、各片区区域经理、地区经理、片区财务的营销资源管理系统。

    Through construction of the project , a marketing resource management system which covers general headquarters , sales department , financial department , regional manager , sectional area manager and financial manager is structured .

  14. 因此,临矿集团财务管控体系建设与现代企业集团的管理要求仍有差距,没有实现集团财务资源管理的最佳协同效应,制约了集团发展战略的顺利实施。

    Therefore , there is still gap between the finance management and control of Linyi Mining and the management requirements of modern conglomerate .

  15. 在对论题的阐述时,引入了能力经济论的相关理论,将企业财务资源同企业财务能力及企业核心能力有机结合起来,从更深层次论述了企业购并中财务资源整合的管理行为。

    Use theory of capability economics to combine financial resource with financial capability and core-capability , demonstrate the financial resource reconfiguration more deeply .