
  • 网络Financial Management Principle;the principle of financial management
  1. 航空公司飞机租赁财务管理原则及帐务处理探索

    A Probe into Airlines Aircraft Lease Financial Management Principle & Accounts Dealing

  2. 建立完整的财务管理原则理论是财务界面临的一个重要课题。

    It is an important task to establish financial administration principle theory .

  3. 应用财务管理原则可以更好地指导财务实践。

    The financial administration principles can instruct the financial affairs .

  4. 创建财务管理原则的几个问题

    Several Questions of Establishing the Financial Administration Principles

  5. 中庸思想与财务管理原则、方法

    The Doctrine of the Mean and Financial Management

  6. 应用财务管理原则,是从总体上应用,而不是刻意模仿。

    We should use the financial administration principle on the whole but not imitate sedulously .

  7. 论军队财务管理原则的调整

    On regulation of financial management

  8. 阐述了对于财务管理原则的理解与应用,重点分析了自利行为原则、信号传递原则、有价值的创意原则与比较优势原则。

    By analyzing the judicial practices of American courts both theoretically and practically , and by comparing with other countries , this thesis mainly discusses the act of state doctrine in U.

  9. 财务管理原则理论是财务理论的一个重要组成部分,是基础财务理论和应用财务理论的桥梁和纽带。

    The theory of the financial administration principles is an important component of the financial theory , and it is the bridge between the foundation financial theory and the practical financial theory .

  10. 浅谈我国高校财务管理的原则以及目标

    On Principles and Aims of Finance Management in Chinese Colleges and Universities

  11. 高校财务管理骏马原则研究

    A Study of " Speeding Principle " of the Financial Management of Higher College

  12. 论财务管理中稳健性原则的应用

    The Discussion about the Application of Conservative Principle to Financial Management

  13. 谈加强高校财务管理的意义原则及对策

    On the Principles and Measures of Reinforcing Financial Management of Colleges and Universities

  14. 论军队财务管理工作的基本原则

    The basic principles of troops financial management

  15. 本文探讨了高等教育体制改革后,高校财务管理的任务、原则和目标,提出实现高校财务管理的有效途径。

    This paper discusses the experiment with the reformation in the college , including financial management 's responsibility , principle and objective in the college . And it puts forward effective way about financial management in the collage .

  16. 本文以五邑大学财务管理为例,着重阐述了高校财务管理系统的设计原则与实现方法,以及各子系统的功能。

    This paper , taking " WuYi University Financial Management System " as an example , emphatically expounds the design principle of " Gol-lege Financial Management System " and its implementation and also the function of the subsystem .

  17. 第二部分分析当前十种财务管理目标的缺点,以及与财务管理目标特性、因素和财务管理原则的差距。

    In the second part , we analyze the disadvantage of current ten financial management objectives , which cannot satisfy the financial management 's needs .

  18. 财务管理是企业管理的一个组成部分,它是根据财经法规制度,按照财务管理的原则,组织企业财务活动,处理财务关系的一项经济管理工作。

    Financial management is an integral part of enterprise management , according to financial laws and regulations , in accordance with the principles of financial management , organization of corporate finance activities deal with the financial relationships of economic management .