
cái wù shōu zhī jì huà
  • financial revenue and expenditure plan
  1. 第三十一条审计机关有权要求被审计单位按照规定报送预算或者财务收支计划、预算执行情况、决算、财务报告,社会审计机构出具的审计报告,以及其他与财政收支或者财务收支有关的资料,被审计单位不得拒绝、拖延、谎报。

    Article 31 Audit institutions shall have the power to require auditees to submit , in accordance with the relevant regulations , their budgets or plans for financial revenues and expenditures or make false reports .

  2. 预算和财务收支计划的调整是否按法定程序报经审批;

    Whether adjustments to the budgets and financial plans are reviewed and approved in accordance with statutory procedures ;

  3. 预算和财务收支计划的编报及预算调整是否按规定的程序报批;

    Whether preparation of budgets , financial plans and budgetary adjustments are submitted for approval according to stipulated procedures ;