
  • 网络Financial function;Financial Responsibilities
  1. 最后重点介绍了利用ASP,实现中小企业财务职能外包的经验。

    How to utilize ASP and realize outsourcing of the SME 's finance function is analyzed at last .

  2. 全球不同国家的MBA学员可利用该课程的模拟系统经历企业经营的主要过程:总体战略的制定及实施、生产和研发职能战略、产品销售职能战略以及财务职能战略的决策和实施。

    Utilizing the simulating system , student from different countries in the world are experiencing the main management process of large enterprises : establishment and implementation of the overall strategy ; the decision-making and implement of the functional strategies for production , research and development , product sales and finance .

  3. 浅谈财务职能转变与公司增值

    Talking about the Transformation of the Financial Function and the Company Appreciation

  4. 人力资本所有者财务职能初探

    On the Finance Function of the Human Capital Owner

  5. 企业财务职能的转变

    Transformation of enterprise ` s financial functions Business Data

  6. 试析如何实现体育院校财务职能的转变

    Brief Analysis Of Transforming the Universities Financial Function

  7. 财务职能的制度经济学分析

    Analysis on Financing Function from Institutional Economics

  8. 科研管理中的财务职能

    Financial functions in S. & T. management

  9. 对资料处理和财务职能的管理态度,以及对财务汇报可信度和资产看护的关心。

    Management 's attitude toward the data processing and accounting functions , and concerns about the reliability of financial reporting and safeguarding of assets .

  10. 随着价值管理模式的实行,传统的财务职能必然要随着企业经营目标的调整而改变。

    With the application of the mode of value management , the traditional financial function must change with the adjustment of enterprises ′ prosecution goal .

  11. 因会计职能与财务职能的分离及推进现代企业制度改革的需要,客观上要求会计机构与财务机构分设。

    The reform of modern enterprise system and the division of finance function and accounting function require that the accounting organization and finance organization should be divided .

  12. 海尔通过成立共享中心集中核算及时准确地处理会计信息,实现财务职能由交易处理向决策支持的转变。

    Haier Group established shared center to account centralized and deal with the account information timely , then realize the function conversion from transaction to decision support .

  13. 财务职能被看作是必要的“管钱袋子的”群体,或者对公司的各种行为执行控制的工具。

    The accounting function is viewed as a necessary group of " bean counters ," or as a vehicle for exercising control over the entity 's various activities .

  14. 实际上,由于财务职能在几乎所有企业中都有着至为重要的地位,作为首席财务官,很关键的一点是要密切参与安全政策的制定。

    Indeed , because of the pivotal role that the finance function plays in almost all companies , it is crucial for CFOs to be closely involved in developing security policies .

  15. 以经济增加值(EVA)作为财务管理职能的统一目标研究

    Applying EVA to be the uniform aim of functions in financial management system

  16. 浅谈医院财务人员职能深化

    Talk about deepening the function of financial staff in hospital

  17. 事业单位财务主管职能探讨

    An Approach to the Function of Institution 's Finance Officer

  18. 财务管理职能没有完全从会计职能中分离出来,仍以核算为主。

    The function of financial management is not divided from function of accounting .

  19. 外化财务会计职能的研究与分析

    Study and Analysis on the Externalizing of the Function of Financial of Accounting

  20. 对航空公司多种经营(三产)中财务控制职能的思考

    Financial Control in Airlines Multiple Operation

  21. 必须要对相关法律进行修订,以加强监事的财务监督职能,从而提高上市公司会计信息的质量。

    We should revise relevant rules to strengthen supervisory board 's function on supervisory of financial reporting .

  22. 如果财务部门职能分散,运做管理部门“叫停”报告结果。

    If the accounting function is decentralized , operating management " sign off " on reported results .

  23. 论企业财务总监职能定位及实现国有企业财务总监委派制的成因、问题及对策

    The Reasons , Problems and Solutions Of the Chief Inspector System of the Financial Affairs in State-owned Enterprises

  24. 从单一经营到企业集团的规模经营,其财务管理职能也将发生巨大转变。

    Changing from a onefold operation into a large-scale operation , its financial administrative functions will face a tremendous transition .

  25. 但是,由于相关制度不完善,目前我国上市公司监事会的财务监督职能存在严重的弱化现象。

    In China , however , the supervisory board 's function of monitoring management 's accounting behavior is severely weakened .

  26. 财务分析职能被分割到财务、信贷、计划等多个部门,没有形成完整、统一的体系。

    The function of financial analysis is divided and assigned to the finance department , credit department , and planning department etc.

  27. 军队预算执行是军队预算管理的重要环节,直接决定着我军后勤财务保障职能作用的发挥。

    The military budget execution is an important step of military budget management , which directly determines the exertion of logistic finance support duty .

  28. 为了做到这一点,创业者需要将运营和财务等职能放权给专业人士,即便这意味着将一开始就加入公司的同事降职或解雇。

    To do this entrepreneurs need to hand off functions such as operations and finance to professionals , even if it means demoting or firing colleagues who have been on board since the start .

  29. 物价变动作为市场经济条件下的一种普遍经济现象,一直影响历史成本会计信息的真实性和准确性,在物价变动严重的情况下,会严重妨碍财务会计职能的有效履行。

    Price changes which is a general economic phenomenon in the Market-oriented Economy , it has certain impacts on truth and accuracy of historical cost accounting information , in conditions of price changes seriously , the function of financial accounting may be prevented in a large extent .

  30. 浅谈高校财务监督的职能

    Discussing the Function of Financial Supervision in Colleges and Universities