
  • 网络Strategic Training
  1. 战略性培训与组织的持续学习

    Strategic Training and Organizational Continuous Learning

  2. 第三,进行了地税系统实施战略性人力资源培训和开发的必要性和可行性分析。

    Thirdly , the paper analyzed necessity and feasibility of training and developing of the strategic human resources implemented in local tax bureau , so that constructed the implementation model of A local tax bureau finally .

  3. 第一部分为绪论,重点阐述研究战略性企业员工培训与人力资源开发与一般性培训的区别,及研究的目的和意义,培训与开发的现状和发展趋势;

    The first part is prolegomenon , which mainly introduces the concepts of strategy and employee training and development , the importance of the study on employee training under the strategy , the current situation and tendency of employee training home and abroad .