
  1. 战略联盟驱动力是由企业成长的内在动力和联盟利益形成的外在拉动力所共同形成的合力,其大小是由企业成长的内动力、企业联盟的预期收益以及企业关联度共同决定的。

    The strategic alliance driven force is the combination force of enterprise auto-growing force and the attraction force of anticipating benefit .

  2. 长三角本土代工企业竞争战略演变驱动力及实现路径&基于全球价值链的视角

    Driving Forces and Achieving Paths of Evolvement of Local OEM Enterprises Competitive Strategy in Yangtze River Delta & Based on Visual Angle of GVC

  3. 具体内容为:首先梳理已有文献,界定中小企业环境管理、环境管理行为和环境战略、驱动力等概念,整体层面分析中小企业的环境管理现状。

    The specific content as follows : first , by sorting out the literature , we define the SME environmental management , environmental management behaviors and environmental strategies , the concepts of driving force , and analyze status of the overall level of environmental management of Small and Medium Enterprises .

  4. 日益尖锐的石油供需矛盾,是中国石油企业实施对外直接投资战略的内在驱动力。

    Increasingly acerb contradiction of petroleum supply and demand is the internal driving force for Chinese petroleum enterprises to carry out foreign direct investment strategies .

  5. 当然,我们并不否认经济利益是国际法主体作出决策的重要依据之一,成本和收益也是推动个人或国家选择某项战略的重要驱动力。

    Of course , we would not deny that economic interests are important basis for making decision , costs and interests could be important driving force which can promote an individual or country to make a choice .