
  • 网络strategic assessment;Strategy evaluation
  1. 风险导向内部审计以企业战略评估和风险分析为起点,确定基于战略的审计重点及审计周期,进而编制审计规划。

    Starting from business strategy evaluation and risk analysis , the risk based internal audit identifies the audit focus and cycle based on , and works out the audit programming .

  2. 结束语对全文作了一个简单回顾,并就论文的主旨问题得出几个结论,同时对战略评估问题作了一个补充论述。

    In the part of Peroration , the writer simple reviews the content of this article , makes several conclusions of the major ideas of the article , and make a supplementary description of Strategy Evaluation .

  3. 另外,RIM正在进行战略评估,但海因斯表示现在还不准备公布评估结果。

    RIM is also in the midst of a strategic review , but Mr. Heins said he 's not yet ready to share results of that review .

  4. 本文在总结传统的常规战略评估模型的特点及存在问题的基础上,着重介绍了基于多目标决策支持系统的战略评价模型SAM的理论及方法。

    Based on the analysis of the characteristics and defects of traditional and conventional models , the paper illustrates a multiple criteria decision support system-strategic assessment model ( SAM ) .

  5. 黑莓(Blackberry)已准备出售自己,这是整体战略评估的一部分,旨在帮助这家陷入困境的加拿大手机制造商在竞争惨烈的智能手机市场生存下来。

    BlackBerry has put itself up for sale as part of a wider strategic review to help the ailing Canadian handset maker in its battle for survival in the fiercely competitive smartphone market .

  6. 在前一部分中,我描述了在自动化软件供应商Opsware每年我们都会抛开琐事,与董事会一起对公司的现状进行战略评估。

    In my last post , I described how , at Opsware , we would step back from the fray about once a year to go through a strategic review of our situation with the board .

  7. 尽管Kik和微信相互了解已经有一段时间,但是这一融资决定是在Kik进行了战略评估之后做出的。该项评估是在硅谷精品投行QatalystPartners帮助下,从今年春天开始进行的。

    Though Kik and WeChat have known each other for some time , the investment grew out of a strategic review process that the Western app began in the spring with the help of Qatalyst Partners , the Silicon Valley boutique investment bank .

  8. 就在不到三个月前,百时美施贵宝曾表示,公司将对其营养品业务和旗下的伤口愈合产品供应商康复宝(convatec)进行战略评估,以便专注于成为一家全球生物制药公司。

    The move comes less than three months after BMS said it would conduct a strategic review of both its nutritionals business and Convatec , the wound care products supplier it owns , in order to focus on becoming a global biopharmaceutical company .

  9. 虚拟企业的伙伴选择战略评估模型的建立

    Building strategic evaluating model of partner selection in the virtual enterprise

  10. 建立有效的战略评估与跟踪机制。

    Set up effective strategic assessment and following mechanism .

  11. 针对这个项目组合管理框架,给出了解决项目选择的一个方法&战略评估和标准权重的方法。

    The paper describes the framework and offers an available method-strategy evaluation and standard proportion .

  12. 动态联盟伙伴选择的决策方法及其战略评估模型的建立

    Decision Making Method on Partner Selection of Virtual Enterprise and the Establishment of Strategic Analysis Model

  13. 如果说有一个进行战略评估的时机,这个时机便是现在。

    If there was ever a time for a strategy review , that time is now .

  14. 尽管有这些努力,一项战略评估仍得出这样的结论:该公司的最佳选择是把自己卖掉。

    Despite these efforts , a strategic review has concluded that the company 's best option is to sell .

  15. 美国意图清晰、承诺明确是伊朗进行战略评估的关键,这样才有可能达成协议。

    Clarity about us intentions and commitments are key to a strategic calculus in Tehran that makes a deal possible .

  16. 今年早些时候,在进行战略评估后,美国银行决定将美林国际业务挂牌出售。

    The bank opted to put the international Merrill Lynch business up for sale earlier this year , following a strategic review .

  17. 他上星期访问巴基斯坦的时候,伊斯兰堡官员宣布他们也会参加美国的战略评估。

    During his visit to Pakistan last week , officials there announced that they too would participate in the U.S. strategic review .

  18. 尽管在近一年前,一份战略评估曾考虑出售英国寿险业务,该公司股票还是出现了下跌。

    The decline comes in spite of a strategic review conducted almost a year ago that considered selling the UK life business .

  19. 与此同时,一项对阿富汗战争进行的战略评估也即将进行,而阿富汗将获得许可增加自己的军队。

    A strategic review of the war will also be conducted as Afghanistan gets permission to increase the number of its own troops .

  20. 其重要目标之一是能够参与动态联盟,本文正是针对这种需求对动态联盟伙伴的选取决策方法进行进一步研究,提出了伙伴选择战略评估模型。

    The agile virtual enterprise is the successful model of the future enterprises . One of its important objectives is to take part in the dynamic alliance .

  21. 这份《战略评估2012》报告指出,美国战略重心加速东移,中国发展辐射效应凸显。

    The report titled " The Strategic Review 2012 , " says the US accelerating its shift eastward has led to China 's development becoming more prominent .

  22. 最后对煤矿工人个人收入、国家利税收入以及未来十年期间所产生的社会效益、经济效益进行了战略评估。

    At last , we make out strategic evaluation of social efficiency and economic efficiency from individual income of coal worker to National Tax Income in prospective ten years .

  23. 彼得雷乌斯担任这支部队的指挥官,在计划中的白宫于12月进行战略评估之前,他只有6个月的时间,来证明美国在阿富汗增兵正取得进展。

    Gen Petraeus takes over the force with only six months to show the US surge in Afghanistan is making progress ahead of a strategy review planned by the White House in December .

  24. 将审计嵌入企业风险管理过程之中,通过企业战略评估及经营风险分析,确定审计资源的合理配置,提高审计的效率和效果。

    The efficiency and effect of audit could be improved through combining it with the process of enterprise risk management , to evaluate enterprises ' business strategy and analyze risk so as to ensure the reasonable allocation of audit resources .

  25. 对于史密斯集团而言,此次出售航空业务,是基于对集团的深度战略评估。史密斯集团是英国仅存的几家世界级工程集团之一,在上一财年,其航空业务占集团总收入逾三分之一。

    For Smiths , the sale of the aerospace division , which accounted for more than a third of revenues in the last financial year , comes after an in-depth strategic review at one of Britain 's few remaining world-class engineering groups .

  26. 一种基于CORBA的企业战略伙伴评估系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Enterprise Strategic Partnership Evaluation System Based on CORBA

  27. 利用实物期权理论与方法构建高技术企业协作RD网络的战略价值评估模型,得出高技术企业协作RD网络的柔性价值方程;

    Utilizing real option theory and method , we construct strategic value assessment model of high-tech enterprise cooperative R & D networks , and get its flexible value equation .

  28. 考虑到这些发现,MRC的战略环境评估报告建议该地区的所有水坝建设暂停10年。

    Given these findings , the SEA has recommended halting all dam building in the region for ten years .

  29. 关于加强警务战略效果评估工作的思考

    Thoughts on the Assessment of Improving the Effect of Policing Strategies

  30. 基于价值的战略绩效评估方法比传统的以财务指标为主的绩效评估方法具有更强的长期绩效预测力。

    SPM are better predictors of long-run performance than traditional financial measurement .