
  • 网络Strategic Change;Strategy change
  1. 企业组织结构的刚性特征及对战略变革的影响

    The Effect of Corporate Organization Structural Inertia on Strategic Change

  2. 因而,企业的战略变革的实施容易遭受阻碍。

    Thus , the implementation of strategic change is vulnerable to obstruction .

  3. 如何化解变革阻力、采取有效的变革实施措施以及建立相应的战略变革配套措施对于现有UPS产业内的企业具有重要的现实意义,此期间的变革战略将直接影响到企业下一关键阶段的发展。

    How to solve the resistance and set up Corresponding Measures for changing strategic has the significance to the firms of UPS industry and it will affect the next stage development of enterprise .

  4. 接着,本文对DH公司战略变革的时机和内容进行了分析,探讨了战略变革的路径,并得出该公司战略变革的方案及实施方向。

    Then , this text analyses the opportunity and details of strategy change of DH Company , studies the approach , makes some projects and indicates implement direction of such strategy change .

  5. 战略变革影响和驾驭着知识的种类,也就是说显性知识和隐性知识的存在会影响,钟咯管理的有效性,其中隐性知识对完成战略变革的作用是一l一分重要的。

    Knowledge structure will have an influence in the effectiveness of firm knowledge strategic management , and tacit knowledge plays a more critical roles in strategic change .

  6. 浅谈公共部门战略变革的障碍与对策调节障碍调节障碍

    On the Barriers and Countermeasures to Strategic Transformation of Public Sector

  7. 中西社区警务之比较研究警务公开&中国警务工作的战略变革

    Community Policing Affairs between China and West Publicity of Policing

  8. 具体从战略变革、结构变革、文化变革和机制转换四个方面展开。

    The organizational change from strategy , structure , culture and mechanism .

  9. 组织学习、惯性演化与企业战略变革

    Organizational Learning , Inertia Evolution and Strategic Change of Enterprises

  10. 不确定环境下企业战略变革主导逻辑新范式

    Framework of Dominant Logic Analysis for Business Strategic Transformation under Uncertainty Environment

  11. 国外战略变革前因后果实证研究述评

    Antecedents and Consequences of Strategic Change : A Research Review and Comment

  12. 中国企业战略变革:思维逻辑与方法路径

    Strategic Change of Chinese Enterprise : Thinking Logic and Approaches

  13. 成都市本土大型房地产开发企业战略变革探析

    Research on Strategic Changes of Chengdu Local Large-scale Real Estate Development Enterprises

  14. 先进制造模式下企业战略变革研究

    On Business Strategic Change in the Advanced Manufacturing Model

  15. 哈尔滨第一发电厂的战略变革

    The Stratagem Reformation of the First Harbin Power Plant

  16. 前瞻性、学习性和灵活性是战略变革的三大特性,也是战略变革成功跨越技术间断的前提条件。

    Foreseeing , learning and flexibility feature strategic reform .

  17. 企业发展战略变革研究的新视角&卢曼的社会系统理论

    The Applying of Luhmann 's Social Systems Theory in the Corporate Strategic Change

  18. 多元化公司战略变革的市场反应研究

    A Study of the Market Response of the Strategic Change of Diversified Companies

  19. 总体上,该大学的战略变革管理是卓有成效的。

    Generally speaking , the university 's strategic change management is highly effective ;

  20. 基于战略变革理论的成都房地产行业发展研究

    On the Development of Chengdu Real Estate Enterprises Based on the Strategic Changes Theory

  21. 浅议基层警务改革的价值取向警务公开&中国警务工作的战略变革

    On the Value Orientation of the Policing Transformation in Grass Roots Publicity of Policing

  22. 摩托罗拉公司在华通信网络服务战略变革

    The Reforms of Motorola Telecommunication Network Service Strategic

  23. 任何一个战略变革都会在初期给企业带来阵痛和风险,并且变革的过程中也会阻力重重。

    Pain and risk will be founded at the beginning of any strategic change .

  24. 企业战略变革是不确定环境下企业做大做强和永续发展的重要生存法则。

    Business strategic transformation is important for the growth of enterprises under uncertainty environment .

  25. 公司战略变革模式分析&基于知识的结构化框架

    The Analysis of Models of Change in Corporate Strategy-Structural Framework in the Perspective of Knowledge

  26. 浅析企业战略变革的障碍

    Obstacles in Strategic Change of an Enterprise

  27. 组织适应力和战略变革力在中小企业成长的过程中是共存和互补的,二者的协同演化是企业持续成长的内在动力。

    Organizational adaptation and strategic change co-exist and complement in creation of sustained SMEs growth .

  28. 在不确定性环境中需要采用激进式战略变革来应对环境的变化,相应地需要一种应急的过程。

    In an uncertain environment , enterprise strategy must change with the change of surroundings .

  29. 经营性变革包括企业经营战略变革、产品与服务变革和技术变革。

    The operational changing includes management strategy changing , technological changing and products and service changing .

  30. 不确定性环境下的战略变革模型

    Strategic Innovative Model Under Uncertain Environment