
  • 网络Strategic decision;Strategy;Strategic Decision Making;Strategy decision
  1. 在家族式治理模式下,我国民营企业由于在产权制度、治理机制、企业战略决策、人力资源开发等方面存在的局限性,使得民营企业不足以抓住机遇,应付挑战。

    As family-based governance , private enterprises have the limitation for property system , governance mechanism , strategic decision making , human resource development . Private enterprises can not enough to hold tightly the opportunity and cope with the challenge .

  2. DE98是一个以军事战略决策问题为应用背景的CSCW环境的原型系统。

    SDE98 is a prototype of a CSCW environment based on application of military strategic decision making .

  3. 决策支持系统支持结构化决策;MIS系统支持的战略决策。

    DSS supports structured decision making only ; MIS supports strategic decision making .

  4. SWOT分析模型为国有商业银行的战略决策提供了依据。

    The SWOT model gives a foundation to the banks in their strategy decision .

  5. 积极融入和参与RD全球化的竞争,优化RD政策体制环境,打造品牌优势是中国迎接跨国公司RD全球化的战略决策。

    China should adopt some strategic decisions as followings : taking part in competition , optimizing environment of system , and creating brand advantage .

  6. 根据报告,RIA技术非常适合基于任务的工作者和战略决策人群。

    According to the report , RIAs are well suited for task-oriented workers and strategic decision-makers .

  7. 基于QFD矩阵的竞争战略决策框架

    A Competitive Strategy Making Framework Based on QFD Matrix

  8. 基于TOC的会计成本核算法在战略决策中的实证研究

    The Empirical Analysis of the Cost Accounting Based on TOC in the Field of Strategy Decision

  9. 中国已宣布了制造将与波音(boeing)和空客(airbus)相抗衡的大型商用飞机的战略决策。

    China has announced its strategic decision of producing a big commercial plane that will compete with Boeing and Airbus .

  10. 加入WTO是我国进一步适应经济全球化趋势,加快现代化建设步伐的重大战略决策。

    It is a momentous strategical decision for our country to enter into the WTO so as to be further adapted to the tendency towards the economic globalization and speed up the modernization drive .

  11. 据(美国)BIS战略决策公司的一项调查,卖给家庭的PC机当中,百分之九十是多媒体系统。

    Of all PCs sold to homes , about 90 % are multimedia units , according to a survey conducted by BIS Strategic Decisions .

  12. 首先可以使用VaR测度经济资本,其次运用VaR可以实现从利润中扣除风险因素后进行业绩评价,即RAPM方法,最后,VaR可以用于股东价值分析,从而据以进行战略决策。

    Firstly , VaR measures the amount of economic capital , then deduct risk charges from profits , which leads to RAPM methods .

  13. 战略决策模拟环境中XOD综合集成机制的研究与实现

    Study and Implementation of Metasynthesis Mechanism in Strategic Decision Simulation Environment

  14. 显然,认知冲突和情感冲突之间存在的正相关性使TMT在战略决策中的冲突管理陷入两难状态。

    Obviously , the positive relationship between cognitive conflicts and emotional ones makes conflict management of TMT in strategic decision .

  15. 以海岸带可持续发展为目标的SEA应遵循与战略决策过程紧密结合、综合、多元评价标准及公众参与4个基本原则进行厦门岛东部海岸发展规划的战略环境评价案例研究。

    Four basic principles should be followed for developing the SEA in coastal zone , including close integration with decision-making , comprehension , multiple assessment criterion and public participation . These should be applied for assessing the planning of east coastal zone of Xiamen .

  16. 制定重大战略决策的责任应从执行委员会转移,委托给一个更有代表性、拥有高度政治权的委员会,它将与其它机构一起取代只有咨询职能的imf委员会。

    Responsibility for major strategic decisions should be removed from the executive board and entrusted to a more representative and politically high-powered Council that , inter Alia , would replace the IMF Committee , which has only a consultative role .

  17. 三是从社会网络关系和战略决策角度剖析和实证分析企业社会资本、战略惯性因素对企业绩效的作用和关系,以及对企业ERP系统采纳决策影响。

    Thirdly , from social network relation and strategic decision Angle to analysis and empirical analysis the social capital of enterprise , strategic inertia factors on enterprise performance roles and relationships , as well as the influence to the enterprise ERP system adopted decision .

  18. 借助于全面质量管理理论中的QFD矩阵,本文提出了一种顾客导向的竞争战略决策框架,它有效地将内部竞争能力与外部竞争要素放在一起进行分析与决策。

    Based on QFD Matrix from Total Quality Management , a decision making framework for competitive strategy is developed , which combines internal capabilities and outer competitive factors for the effective strategic analysis .

  19. 在BPR理论,尤其引人注目的是生命周期法,它将流程再造分为战略决策、再造计划、诊断、重新设计、重新构建和评价六个阶段,这种方法对BPR实践具有很好的指导作用。

    In the BPR theory , it is attractive that life circle method divided process reengineering into strategies , makes and plans , diagnoses , redesigns and appraises six stages , which play a direct role in practice .

  20. 在我国即将加入WTO和国家实施西部大开发战略决策的背景下,我国金融业,特别是西部地方中小金融机构,在面临机遇的同时,更面临着前所未有的严峻考验。

    Under the background that China will inter WTO immediately and implementing the strategic decision of the development in a large scale in the West , the financing of our country , especially the local middle-sized and small-sized financial organs will confront with opportunities and ordeal which never known before .

  21. 我相信作为勇担社会责任、肩负民族3G重任的中国移动,通过实施正确的全业务战略决策,一定能继续保持竞争优势的提升和国际、国内双领先地位。

    Through the implementation of the right strategic decisions , China Mobile , which bravely assumes social responsibility and shoulders the heavy national responsibility of 3G , will be able to maintain its competitive predominance and enhance its double-leading position in both international and domestic markets .

  22. 本文对创新项目技术战略决策中的技术评价方法进行了研究,提出了基于SWOT分析的创新项目技术评价与决策过程,详细介绍了过程步骤,给出了应用案例。

    In this paper , a research on technology assessment method for technology strategy decision in innovation project is conducted . An assessment and decision process based on SWOT analysis are put forward firstly . Secondly , each step of the process are explained in detail .

  23. 研究的结论是建立在对大量第一手数据资料进行科学分析基础上的,比较客观并符合实际,希望能对JG纺织公司的战略决策有所帮助,并为行业中其他企业提供有益的借鉴。

    The study result is based on the scientific analysis of a large amount of first-hand data , objective and truthful , which is expected to help with JG on its strategic decision and also provide useful reference to other corporations of textile industry .

  24. 战略决策专家系统中的一种新知识表示方法

    A New Knowledge Representing Approach to Strategic Decision Making Expert Systems

  25. 企业选择和实施供应链管理的战略决策过程分析

    Analysis of strategic decision process for enterprise selecting and implementing SCM

  26. 战略决策是企业高层决策者重要的管理职能。

    Strategic decision is an important management function for top decision-maker .

  27. 企业家心智模式对企业多元化战略决策的影响

    The influence of enterprisers ' mental models on corporate diversification strategy-making

  28. 战略决策是管理决策中的结构不良问题。

    Strategic decision is an ill-structure question in management decision .

  29. 试论集团企业技术开发战略决策

    A Discussion on Strategic Decision of Group Enterprise Technical Development

  30. 关于地勘经济发展战略决策中的几个关系问题

    Several relations in strategy decision-making for economic development of geological prospecting units