
zhàn lüè
  • strategy
战略 [zhàn lüè]
  • (1) [strategy]

  • (2) 指导战争全局的计划和策略

  • (3) 泛指指导或决定全局的策略

战略[zhàn lüè]
  1. 海格被自己那一套保守的战略战术所束缚。

    Haig was limited by his blinkered approach to strategy and tactics

  2. 银行有一套三管齐下的复苏战略。

    The bank has a three-pronged strategy for recovery .

  3. 在那次战争中,马耳他的战略意义至为关键。

    Malta was of vital strategic importance during the war .

  4. 正与欧洲主要公司设法结成战略同盟。

    Strategic alliances are being forged with major European companies .

  5. 飞行员准确地轰炸了战略目标。

    The pilots bombed strategic targets with pinpoint accuracy .

  6. 这一决定是预算案的战略支点。

    The decision is the strategic fulcrum of the Budget .

  7. 该岛对法国来说具有重要的战略意义。

    The island is of strategic importance to France .

  8. 参与社会活动如今已是公司战略中必不可少的内容。

    Community involvement is now integral to company strategy .

  9. 此次峰会以签订具有历史性意义的《削减进攻性战略武器条约》宣告圆满成功。

    The summit was crowned by the signing of the historic START treaty .

  10. 我刚刚一直在向各位将军解释战略学的基本原理。

    I 've just been explaining the basic principles of strategy to my generals .

  11. 资本主义公司和合作企业在经营战略方面趋于一致。

    There is a convergence between capitalist firms and co-operatives in terms of business strategy .

  12. 经过10年协商,参议院已经正式批准了《削减战略武器条约》。

    After 10 years of negotiation , the Senate ratified the strategic arms reduction treaty .

  13. 它对于促进英国获得更广泛的战略利益到底有多大的帮助,这一点有时候值得怀疑。

    The extent to which it helped to promote Britain 's broader strategic interests was sometimes questionable

  14. 在西方人眼里,伊拉克是位于具有重要战略意义的地区的一个重要强国。

    In Western eyes , Iraq is a major power in an area of great strategic importance .

  15. 那并没有说服他们放弃战争,但的确迫使他们重新评估了自己的战略。

    It did not persuade them to abandon the war but it did force them to reappraise their strategy .

  16. 在分析实现这个以市场为导向的战略转变的关键问题时,涉及了诸多领域。

    A lot of ground has been covered in unpacking the issues central to achieving this market-led strategic change .

  17. 现在领导层想要展望未来,为本世纪余下的时间勾画出战略纲要。

    Now the leadership wants to look forward , and to outline a strategy for the rest of the century

  18. 由于“东方人”和“西方人”之间存在巨大的分歧,战争期间的战略方针没有得到切实的执行。

    Strategic policy during the War was vitiated because of a sharp division between ' easterners ' and ' westerners '

  19. 他在报告中重点强调了那个小岛的战略位置。

    He emphasized the strategic position of that island in his report .

  20. 他是一位军事战略专家。

    He is an expert in military strategy .

  21. 这个地区的战略地位和经济地位变得越来越重要了。

    This region is becoming increasingly important both strategically and economically .

  22. 在战略上我们要藐视一切敌人,在战术上我们要重视一切敌人。

    Strategically we should despise all our enemies , but tactically we should take them all seriously .

  23. 战术有别于战略。

    Tactics differs from strategy .

  24. 中方对加入跨太平洋战略经济伙伴协定(tpp)持何立场?

    What is china 's position on joining the Trans-Pacific strategic economic partnership agreement ( tpp )?

  25. 许多是战略目标,例如军工厂。

    Many such targets were strategic , such as armaments factories .

  26. 它们的经济发展战略强调企业和市场的重要地位,而不是僵化的发展援助系统,只会不断索取。

    Their strategy of development finance emphasizes the important role of entrepreneurship and markets over a staid aid-system of development that preaches hand-outs .

  27. 但是,各个国家纷纷急于在此扩张自己的影响力,不仅期待那些保护协议到期,而且还觊觎现存的战略和商业机会。

    But an array of countries are rushing to assert greater influence here , with an eye not just towards the day those protective treaties expire , but also for the strategic and commercial that already exist .

  28. 她最近以追逐风暴为主题为一家销售培训公司设计了一个游戏化战略。

    She recently designed a gamification strategy for a sales training company with a storm-chasing theme .

  29. 他们相信,聪明的公司会尝试将更多基于任务的计划融入到他们的战略中。

    Smart companies , they believe , will try to bake more task-based planning into their strategies .

  30. “比方说,这是我带过的最好的学生,”哥伦比亚大学拉蒙特校区的社会科学家、多元融合战略师凯海琳·达特说。

    " Say , you know , this is the best student I 've ever had , " says Kuheli Dutt , a social scientist and diversity officer at Columbia University 's Lamont campus .