
  • 网络Strategic audit;strategy audit
  1. 风险导向下的战略审计发展与应用对策

    The Development and Application Measures of Risk-oriented Strategic Audit

  2. 独立董事、战略审计与公司绩效

    Independent Directors Strategic Audit and Corporate Performance

  3. 本文目的是希望通过对ACCA战略审计实施研究,促进公司可持续发展,同时对行业相关企业管理者提供有益的思考。

    The purpose of this article is to hope through the ACCA strategy implement research , establish a long-term development , and promote its sustainable development , meanwhile is to the relevant industry enterprise managers to provide useful thinking , formulate a systematic strategy implementation plan .

  4. 基于能力观的企业战略审计体系之构建

    Construction of enterprise strategy audit system based on ability view

  5. 浅谈公司战略审计

    COMPANY Corporate Strategy Audit Corporation

  6. 本文第三、四、五章,着重从工程项目管理的战略审计、工程项目管理控制审计、工程项目的业务审计这三个层次作了深入的研究。

    Chapter three , four and five mainly deal with the three levels of construction management audit deeply .

  7. 第三部分介绍了上市公司战略审计的流程设计和方法。

    The third part introduces the process design and method of research on strategic audit of listed company .

  8. 本文分析了战略审计用于财务报表审计的必要性和可行性。

    The necessity and feasibility that the strategic auditing is used on financial statements auditing are analyzed in this dissertation .

  9. 企业无形资产战略审计越来越受到企业管理者的重视。

    This paper explores the strategic significance of enterprise intangible assets auditing , general intangible assets auditing and specific strategic auditing .

  10. 由于战略审计还是一个新兴的课题,理论界和实务界对企业战略审计的研究还很少。

    Because Enterprise 's Strategic Auditing is still a new developing subject , there are still few research in theory and in practice .

  11. 战略审计应采取由董事会主导的审计模式;战略审计的对象是有关企业战略管理过程的全部信息及其资料。

    Strategic audit takes the board-based audit as its mode and the objectives of such audit include all the information and materials concerned in the process of strategic management .

  12. 并且本文还探讨了企业战略审计在我国发展的可能性、必要性,并对企业战略审计在我国实施的前景进行展望,具有较强的现实意义。

    It also gives some research on the necessity and possibility of the development in our country of Strategic Auditing , so it has practical meaning to a certain .

  13. 在设计公司战略审计的评价标准时,可借鉴平衡计分卡思想,即考核财务、顾客、内部经营过程、学习和成长四方面的指标。

    The concept balance-score card can be used to establish the evaluation criteria for strategic audit , i.e. , indexes such as finance , customers , internal operation process , learning and growth .

  14. 本文认为,在我国推行独立董事战略审计制度,必须解决独立董事人数与比例、审计委员会设置、独立董事来源与结构以及激励与权益保护等相关问题。

    In order to implement strategic audit mechanism in China , we must solve the problems concerning independent directors ' number and proportion , the establishment of audit committee , independent directors ' source and structure and their incentive system and rights protection .

  15. 发行人应披露战略、审计、提名、薪酬与考核等各专门委员会的设置情况。

    The issuer shall disclose the establishments of specialized committees in strategies , auditing , nominations , salaries and examinations .

  16. 战略管理审计的产生是时代发展和审计学科分化的必然结果。

    The emergence of strategic management auditing is an inevitable result of the progress of time and polarization of auditing subject .

  17. 另一方面,实施战略绩效审计可充分发挥内部审计实现组织价值增值的功能。

    On the other hand , the implementation of strategic performance audits can take advantage of value-added internal audit function to achieve the organization .

  18. 战略绩效审计的实施不仅可以提高企业经营管理水平,尤其是战略管理水平,还可以最大限度地提高企业的经济效益。

    Performance audit of the implementation of the strategy can not only improve enterprise management level , especially in the strategic management level , but also to maximize economic efficiency of enterprises .

  19. 从董事会任命、薪酬、风险管理,到战略、审计乃至首席执行官本人的绩效,在这些关键问题上,董事长兼首席执行官既是法官,又当陪审员。

    The chairman-CEO acts as judge and jury on critical issues , from board appointments to pay , risk management , strategy , audit and , yes , performance of the chief executive .

  20. 最后,根据战略绩效审计的新特点,指出战略绩效审计标准体系的构成内容。第六部分是关于战略绩效审计质量控制的内容。

    Finally , based on strategic performance audit of the new features , strategic performance auditing standards that constitute the system content . Part ⅵ is on the strategic content of the performance audit of quality control .

  21. 董事会可以按照股东大会的有关决议,设立战略、审计、提名、薪酬与考核等专门委员会。

    The board of directors may establish a corporate strategy committee , an audit committee , a nomination committee , a remuneration and appraisal committee and other special committees in accordance with the resolutions of the shareholders meetings .

  22. 首先,分析了战略绩效审计标准产生的动因;其次,分析了风险环境引起的战略绩效审计标准的变化,并论述在不确定性的风险影响下企业战略绩效审计标准的选择。

    First , the analysis of the standard have the motivation ; Second , the analysis of the risk of environmental changes caused by the standard , and discusses the risks of uncertainty under the influence of corporate strategy performance audit standard choice .

  23. 当然,战略绩效审计的开展还需要监管层的控制需求,如果监管层没有监管的欲望及治理层对内部控制的运作,则无从开展审计活动。

    Of course , the strategy also needs to carry out performance audit control requirements of regulators , if regulators do not monitor and control the desire to control the operation of the internal layer , there is no way to carry out audit activities .

  24. 其中主要包括风险环境下战略绩效审计质量控制的动力机制,以及从组织结构的重建、控制方法的更新、遵守职业道德等几个方面来解决质量控制的路径选择问题。

    Risk environment , which includes the strategic performance of audit quality control of the dynamic mechanism , and the reconstruction from the organizational structure , control of the update , abide by professional ethics and other aspects of quality control to solve the routing problem .

  25. 重点阐述了战略风险导向审计的基本概念和重大意义,并以J企业集团为案例,阐述了战略风险导向审计的主要内容。

    And focuses on the basic concept and great significance of strategy - risk-oriented audit , for the case by J enterprise groups , speaks the main content of the strategy - risk-oriented audit .

  26. 战略人力资源审计:历史、结构与功能

    Strategic human resources auditing : history , structure , and function

  27. 它强调审计战略,使用审计风险模型,并积极采用分析性程序。

    Risk-oriented auditing emphasizes audit strategy , makes use of audit risk model and adopts analytical procedures .

  28. 常常还需要增加新的业务战略目标和审计指标,或者调整当前应用业务的审计实践。

    It often included adding new business objectives and metrics for auditing or refocusing the current audit practices to be applied across the business .

  29. 本研究建议最高审计机关在审计项目战略计划、审计准则建设和提高审计人员能力三个方面展开行动。

    The research suggests that the National Audit Office take action in strategic audit project program , construction of audit standards and improvement of auditor 's capacity .

  30. 从战略角度谈内部审计价值增值策略

    A Study on Value-Added Path of Internal Audit from the Strategic Perspective