
  • 网络sourcing;Strategic Sourcing;Strategic Purchasing;Strategic Procurement;Strategic buyer
  1. 协助全球战略采购部寻找国内相应的的外委和OE供应商。

    Assist global sourcing initiative by sourcing suitable Chinese sub-contractor and OE suppliers .

  2. 基于六西格玛原理的战略采购实施方案

    Strategic Sourcing Programming Based on 6 Sigma Principle

  3. 西门子信息与移动通信集团(SiemensInformation&CommunicationMobile,SiemensICM)是全球著名的跨国通信公司,它在战略采购策略的实施方面有一定的代表性。

    Siemens Information & Communication Mobile ( Siemens ICM ) is a well-know multinational telecom company . It is quite representative in its implementation of strategic procurement .

  4. 第五部分通过探讨G公司制订战略采购目标、选择战略采购人员,组织机构再造,制订新的供应商开发流程与工具等步骤,对当前的采购管理进行改进。

    In chapter 5 , it studies how to map out purchasing strategy , selecting purchasing people and reforms the purchasing management of company by organization re-engineering , new process and tools for suppliers sourcing and development .

  5. 来自通信市场竞争、同行竞争者和企业内部压力的挑战,要求ICM改进它的战略采购策略。

    The challenge , which from the competition of communication market , the competitor of ICM and internal pressure of ICM , requires ICM to improve its strategic procurement tactic .

  6. 在此基础之上,探讨了我国钢铁企业实施战略采购的框架体系,着重讨论了集中采购、基于PDCA思想的采购流程管理、供应商关系管理以及供应商绩效管理的现实意义和实施途径。

    It lays emphasis on analyzing the concentrated purchase , the process management of purchase , the supplier relationship management as well as the supplier achievements management and the practical significance and the implementation methods .

  7. 该舰队已根据未来的战略采购加油机(FSTA)计划。

    The fleet has been procured under the Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft ( FSTA ) programme .

  8. 通过对ICM战略采购策略在当前状况下的SWOT分析,我们提出四个方面的应对策略以完善ICM的战略采购策略,提升采购对ICM的贡献。

    According to SWOT analyses of ICM strategic procurement tactic in current situation , we summarize the tactics concentrated on four aspects , to improve the performance of ICM global procurement strategy . These advices may lead to a good contribution to ICM .

  9. 第二章着重阐述了跨国公司的采购策略,在QCDS策略的基础上,提出了战略采购和全球化采购的概念和实际应用。

    The second chapter mainly focuses on the sourcing strategy of multinational companies , discuss " QCDS ", strategy sourcing and global sourcing .

  10. 基于作业成本思想的供应链战略采购研究

    Research on Strategic Purchasing of Supply Chain Based on Activity-based Costing Theory

  11. 战略采购对企业竞争力提升有着重要的作用。

    Procurement strategy for enhancing the competitiveness of enterprises have an important role .

  12. 影响战略采购成功实施的关键要素分析

    Analysis on the Key Factors in Successful Strategic Purchasing

  13. 吉林石化公司原油战略采购管理研究

    Study on Strategy Purchase Management of Crude Oil in the Jilin Petrochemical Company

  14. 钢铁企业煤炭战略采购研究

    Research of Steel Enterprises ' Coal Strategic Purchase

  15. 战略采购的过程模型及其作用模式

    Process Model and Operational Pattern of Strategic Purchasing

  16. 第2章分三部分对战略采购相关理论进行评述。

    Chapter 2 made an introduction of related literature about strategic purchasing from three aspects .

  17. 所有权总成本在战略采购中的作用

    The Effect of TCO in Strategic Procurements

  18. 普遍认同的战略采购原则和方法是实施战略采购策略的基础。

    The common understood principle and approach is the base of the implementation of strategic procurement .

  19. 支持战略采购部;

    Interact and support Strategic Procurement ;

  20. 实施战略采购应该做几个方面的工作是:实施供应商管理,进行供应商评审,对现有供应商进行绩效考评;

    For enterprise to carry out strategic procurement well suppliers management and classification should be executed .

  21. 因此,现代企业应该建立起一套战略采购与供应管理系统。

    Therefore , modern enterprise should carry out a set of strategic sourcing and supply management system .

  22. 本文一开始从理论的角度对了战略采购进行了阐述,着重介绍了战略采购的定义,意义作用和实施的重要原则。

    The paper is started with the investigation of strategic purchasing definition , importance and practice principle in theory .

  23. 其内容涉及战略采购流程、供应商开发和认证、信息技术在战略采购中的广泛应用和备件战略采购管理优化等。

    It covers the purchasing procedures , supplier development and certification , global IT support system and continuous management optimization .

  24. 论文首先介绍了采购管理在制造企业中的重要性,并阐述了战略采购管理的一些基本理论。

    Paper introduces procurement management in manufacturing industries of the importance of strategic sourcing management , expounds the basic theory .

  25. 本文的研究,能够为其他制造型企业在战略采购体系构建及实施方面提供一定的借鉴作用。

    Overall , this paper provides some references to other manufacturing companies in the construction and implementation of strategic procurement system .

  26. 战略采购是基于与供应商建立这种战略合作模式的采购。

    Strategic purchase is according to build up the purchase of this kind of " strategic mode of cooperation " with supplier .

  27. 战略采购的8字环形信息流和双向知识流特征表明了战略采购的网络交易本质。

    The " 8 " shape cycle information flow and the two-way knowledge flow indicated the network transaction nature of strategic purchasing .

  28. 战略采购不断迫使企业采购人员更多地参与到企业的管理活动中,更确切地说,是企业的成本管理活动中。

    Strategic Procurement forces the procurement function to participate in the management of enterprises , more accurately , is in enterprise 's cost management .

  29. 在整个行业中电子商务的快速增长促进了战略采购、合作供应链规划和合作物流系统的设计。

    The rapid growth of e-commerce in the entire industry is enabling strategic procurement , collaborative supply chain planning and collaborative logistics system design .

  30. 同时也是对精益采购、战略采购理念在化工生产企业中实施及应用的一次有益的、值得参考的探索。

    At the same time it is a salutary , worth of exploration to implement lean procurement , and strategic procurement in chemical production enterprises .