
  • 网络Strategy Consulting;Consulting & Strategy
  1. Reid在一个全球性的战略咨询公司开展的这项实验。

    Reid conducted her study at a global strategy consulting firm .

  2. 麦肯锡全球招聘总监布赖恩圠尔夫斯(BrianRolfes)表示,客户业务正不断扩展,超越传统的战略咨询,进入实施、重组、改造和数字化。

    Brian Rolfes , director of global recruiting at McKinsey , says client work continues to expand outside traditional strategy consulting and into implementation , restructuring , transformation and digital .

  3. 撇开争议不谈,这届世界杯肯定不是已经注定了要失败的命运,以编撰国家品牌指数(CountryBrandIndex)著称的未来品牌战略咨询公司(FutureBrand)执行董事古斯塔沃o康尼斯奇泽尔这样说道。

    Controversy aside , the event is certainly not doomed to fail , says Gustavo Koniszczer , managing director at branding firm FutureBrand , which compiles a Country Brand Index .

  4. 应免疫战略咨询专家组(SAGE)要求,委员会评审了肺炎球菌结合疫苗的安全性。

    At the request of SAGE , the committee reviewed the safety of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines .

  5. 根据OC&C战略咨询公司(OC&CStrategyConsultants)的一项最新研究,80%的美国零售商正在各自站点上使用背投广告、特色产品和赞助商链接来宣传商品。

    Eight out of ten US retailers now use display advertising , featured products and sponsored links to advertise the wares on their sites , according to a recent study by OC & C Strategy Consultants .

  6. 免疫专家战略咨询小组将向本次会议介绍其最近的建议,尤其是涉及H5N1疫苗储备的建议。

    The Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization will brief this meeting on its most recent recommendations , particularly as they pertain to the H5N1 vaccine stockpile .

  7. 根据OC&C战略咨询公司(OCCStrategyConsultants)的一项最新研究,80%的美国零售商正在各自站点上使用背投广告、特色产品和赞助商链接来宣传商品。

    Eight out of ten US retailers now use display advertising , featured products and sponsored links to advertise the wares on their sites , according to a recent study by OCC Strategy Consultants .

  8. 该报告现已来到了第八个年头,每年都由合资企业国际SOS及全球风险和战略咨询公司化险咨询编制并发布。

    The report , now in its eighth year , is compiled and released annually by International SOS , and global risk and strategic consulting firm Control Risks .

  9. 最近在与治理和战略咨询公司boardintelligence谈话时,沃达丰(vodafone)和特易购(tesco)前董事长麦克洛林勋爵(lordmaclaurin)表示:“公司秘书应该是企业的活力之源。”

    Speaking recently to board intelligence , the governance and strategy advisers , Lord Maclaurin , former chairman of Vodafone and Tesco , said : " the company secretary should provide the heartbeat of the business . "

  10. 在应对本次大流行期间,世卫组织还参考了免疫战略咨询专家组(SAGE)这一常设专家机构的意见。免疫战略咨询专家组就疫苗使用事宜向世卫组织提供咨询意见。

    In responding to the pandemic , WHO has also drawn on advice from a standing body of experts , the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization ( SAGE ), which advises WHO on vaccine use .

  11. 但日本企业没有这样的全球知名品牌,战略咨询公司罗兰贝格(RolandBerger)的合伙人鬼头孝幸(TakayukiKito)表示。

    But Japanese companies don 't have such globally big brands , says Takayuki Kito , a partner at strategy consultants Roland Berger .

  12. 贝恩咨询(Bain&Co)和波士顿咨询集团(BCG)等战略咨询公司一直以来都是高管教育的提供者,但现在出版公司、初创科技公司和招聘咨询公司都在伺机进入这个每年价值超过700亿美元的全球市场。

    Strategy consultancies such as Bain and Boston Consulting Group have long been executive education providers , but now publishing companies , technology start-ups and recruitment consultancies are circling in an attempt to land chunks of a global market worth in excess of $ 70bn a year .

  13. 除了担任国内很多一流大学EMBA课程的教师外,叶峰还是北京一家名为日出咨询有限公司的战略咨询公司的创始人。

    In addition to his work teaching Executive Master of Business Administration ( EMBA ) courses at many of China ` s top universities , Ye is also the founder of Sunup Consulting Co Ltd , a Beijing-based strategic consulting company .

  14. 这份由比尔和梅琳达o盖茨基金会(Bill&MelindaGatesFoundation)与战略咨询机构笛卡儿公司(Cartesian)合作推出的报告称,从扩大银行服务的覆盖面到跟踪传染病的传播,分析移动数据有望从多个层面改善穷困人口的生活。

    The report , produced by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in conjunction with strategy consulting firm Cartesian , argues that analyzing mobile data has the potential to improve the lives of the poor in many ways - from expanding access to banking services to tracking the spread of infectious diseases .

  15. 政治风险和商业战略咨询公司PacificRimAdvisors的首席执行长安德森(GregAnderson)说,很多人对中国车企无法同外国汽车制造商竞争的事实存有不满。

    ' There is a lot of resentment of the fact that the Chinese cannot compete with foreign auto makers , ' said Greg Anderson , chief executive of political risk and business strategy consultancy Pacific Rim Advisors , and author of a recent book on China 's auto industry .

  16. 商业战略咨询公司MDRC进行的调查显示,它们希望赢得这些新一代高收入客户,其人数正以每年7%至10%速度增长。

    They want to reach a new generation of high - earning clients who are growing in number by 7-10 per cent a year , according to research by business strategy consultants MDRC .

  17. 与此同时,总部位于华盛顿的美洲开发银行(IDB)批准了对一个风险投资基金的500万美元股权投资。该基金由墨西哥政府资助,为墨西哥中小企业提供种子资本和战略咨询。

    Separately , but at the same time , the Washington-based Inter-American Development Bank ( IDB ) approved a $ 5m equity investment in a Mexican government sponsored venture capital fund that will provide seed capital and strategic advice to small - and medium-size Mexican companies .

  18. 我的第一份工作是战略咨询,由于不满意分析太多、而实际管理较少,我离职加入了油田和信息服务公司斯伦贝谢公司(Schlumberger),在南美和加勒比海的油田担任线路工程师。

    As a first job I worked in strategy consulting and , being unhappy with more analysis and less real management , I left and joined Schlumberger , the oilfield and information services company , as a wireline engineer working in the oilfields of South America and the Caribbean .

  19. 发展战略咨询包括:战略澄清-制定-评估、企业改制-治理结构优化等;

    Development-strategy consulting includes clarifying strategy-framing-assessment , enterprise restructuring-managing structure optimization , etc.

  20. 为此邀请美斌公司进行战略咨询。

    Therefore they invited Meibin Company to strategy consulting .

  21. 他是战略咨询的创始人和一个行星的想法商店尺寸。

    He is co-founder of the strategic consultancy and ideas shop Size of a Planet .

  22. 他的从业经验还包括向跨国公司提供中国市场的进入战略咨询。

    His expertise also includes offering entry strategies into the Chinese market for Western companies .

  23. 免疫战略咨询专家组强调,各国在为人群接种麻疹疫苗的同时也应当开展风疹疫苗接种。

    SAGE emphasized that countries vaccinating their populations against measles , should also be vaccinating against rubella .

  24. 即便是成立时间较长的麦肯锡也直到上世纪70年代末才自称为战略咨询公司。

    Even the longer-established McKinsey did not call itself an adviser on strategy until the late 1970s .

  25. 战略咨询专家组建议,要求脊髓灰质炎感染国家向世界卫生大会提交年度进展报告。

    SAGE recommended that polio-infected countries be requested to submit an annual progress report to the World Health Assembly .

  26. 绿然投资擅长于跨国并购,绿色融资,企业绿色战略咨询。

    Greenment is specialized in international merger acquisition ( M A ), green financings and green strategy development and execution .

  27. 贝克曾是贝恩公司(Bain&Company)的战略咨询师,专攻媒体、娱乐和私募基金行业。

    Beck is a former strategy consultant for Bain & company where he specialized in media and entertainment and private equity .

  28. 公司从事在线信息领域的产品开发和设计、战略咨询、搜索引擎优化及在线市场营销。

    We are specialized in Online Strategy and Consulting , Concept , Design & Development , Search-Engine Optimization and Online Marketing .

  29. 世卫组织将随着情况变化继续征求战略咨询专家组的意见。

    WHO will continue to seek advice from the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts ( SAGE ) as the situation evolves .

  30. 在加入捷得以前,他为在中国的西方公司进行市场研究并提供营销战略咨询。

    Prior to joining jade co , he conducted market research and developed marketing strategies for foreign companies based in china .