
  • 网络strategy
  1. 并针对这个目标,提出了相应的发展战略策略和实施措施。

    Meanwhile aiming at this goal , it brings forward corresponding developing strategy .

  2. 中国革命两步走是关系到中国革命的一个重大的战略策略问题。

    Two steps towards accomplishing the Chinese revolution is related with an important issue of strategy and tactics for the Chinese revolution .

  3. 运用节日营销的战术策略和战略策略,节日市场将极为有利可图。

    Use tactics and strategies , more profit can be earned .

  4. 中山市产业结构调整战略策略研究

    The Stratagem and Policy Research of Zhongshan City 's Industry Structure Adjustment

  5. 如何把企业战略策略与人力资源策略联系在一起?

    How to link business strategy with HR strategy together ?

  6. 制造业信息化是被企业所采纳以适应信息时代一个战略策略。

    Technology of manufacturing informationalization based on PDM are introduced in this paper .

  7. 医院战略策略的确定

    The Establishment of Hospital Strategy

  8. 邮政作为一个综合性服务型企业,运用节日营销的战略策略和战术策略,节日市场将极为有利可图。

    As an integrated enterprise , by using festival marketing strategies , the holiday market of postal services will be extremely profitable .

  9. 观察人士说,可以肯定,下周的会议上将会就军政府在选举前后的战略策略等问题作出决定。

    Observers said that next week 's meeting is almost certainly the stage where decisions will be taken with regard to the junta 's pre-and post-election strategies .

  10. 企业必须以价值创新经营理念为指导,实施具体的创新战略策略:重新定义市场与行业,拓宽企业的市场空间;

    Enterprises must regard innovation concept as their guideline , carry out concrete innovative tactics , redefine the market and trade , widen the market space of enterprises ;

  11. 统一战线是马列主义战略策略原则的具体运用,它的本质就是团结大多数,孤立敌人。

    The united front is a concrete application of Marxist-Leninist strategic and tactical principles . In essence , it means uniting with the overwhelming majority so as to isolate the enemy .

  12. 第三部分从国际法角度分析美国在反恐战争理念、战略策略和实践上的缺陷。

    Part III analyzes the defections of the conceptual framework , strategy , tactics and practices by the United States on the War on Terror from the perspective of international law .

  13. 运用成本作业法,加强房地产企业的成本管理、生产管理、产品定价、新产品开发、顾客盈利能力分析等诸多方面,能帮助房地产企业制定正确的战略策略,实现可持续发展。

    The activity-based costing would strengthen architecture enterprise ' management , such as costing management , manufacture management , production price , new production development and the capability analyses of customer profit etc.

  14. 经营者需在了解到市场变化的同时对战略策略做出部署,针对战略策略搭建内部运营管理体系。

    Internal management system , Broker should to create internal operation and management system , At the same time , Broker should deploy strategy and tactics according to the change of the market .

  15. 本文以十家集装箱班轮公司在市场上的核心竞争力比较研究为基础,以提出提升我国集装箱班轮公司的核心竞争力的战略策略为目的。

    This thesis aims at discussing the core competence of the ten liner companies in the market and brings up that the core competence enhancement is the ultimate strategy platform for our liner companies ' global expansion .

  16. 但外国零售商和制造商不得不应对人口、语言和文化方面的巨大地区差异,这让它们很难制定一个单一的市场战略策略实际上,把中国视为一个单一的国家往往是一个错误。

    But foreign retailers and manufacturers have to cope with vast regional differences in demographics , language and culture that make it hard to plan a single marketing strategy indeed treating China like a single country is usually a mistake .

  17. 着重于通过分析区域企业产品价值让渡过程、社会环境,有限的区域内资源,对未来区域经济发展的速度、层次和水平制定战略策略。

    By analyzing regional focus on the process of transferring the product value and the social environment , the limited resources of the region . The speed of the future of regional economic development and the level of development and level of strategy and tactics .

  18. 产业集群具有积聚、竞争、合作和创新等优势,而使越来越多的国家都把产业集群作为推动产业升级,促进企业发展,拉动地方经济增长,解决大企业弊端的战略策略。

    Industrial cluster has advantages in aggregation , competition , cooperation and innovation . So more and more countries perceive industrial cluster as a strategic decision on promoting the upgrading of industries , the development of enterprises , the growth of local economy and resolving large enterprise disease .

  19. 本文中的战略和策略通用,TD和TD&SCDMA通用。

    Strategy and tactics in this article general , TD and TD-SCDMA general .

  20. SLA内表述的策略应该针对业务战略和策略进行评估。

    The policies expressed in the SLA should be evaluated against the business strategy and policies .

  21. 本文主要分析BS公司进入中国市场的发展战略和策略。

    This article mainly introduces strategies that help BS entering developing in China market .

  22. XXX公司国际市场营销战略与策略分析

    Analysis of XXX Company 's International Sales & Marketing Strategies

  23. MD公司作为豆奶行业的新介入者,面对不断变化的市场情况,面临如何选择产品进入市场的营销战略和策略的问题。

    MD must deal with the problem on how to choose a suitable marketing strategy to enter the market .

  24. 最后给出了ST公司半导体电源部中国市场营销策略,包括:产品策略,渠道策略,促销策略和大客户战略联盟策略。

    Finally , four marketing strategies are being used into the practice in ST Power B.U , including : production strategy 、 sales-channel strategy 、 promotion strategy and strategic-alliance strategy .

  25. 来自通信市场竞争、同行竞争者和企业内部压力的挑战,要求ICM改进它的战略采购策略。

    The challenge , which from the competition of communication market , the competitor of ICM and internal pressure of ICM , requires ICM to improve its strategic procurement tactic .

  26. 第五部分提出实施RR建设网经营战略的策略,包括人力资源对策、业务对策、质量管理对策、财务与营销管理对策等。

    The fifth section put forward the methods to carry out the strategies of the RR Construction Network including the method of human resource management , business operation , quality control , financial and marketing management and etc.

  27. 本论文建立在我十几年的工作基础之上,运用就读MBA期间所学到的市场营销理论,对我所在的工作单位中国人寿保险公司的营销战略与策略的建立进行比较系统、深入地研究和探讨。

    On the basis of my working experience of many years and marketing theories that I have obtained during MBA studying , in this thesis , I will research and analyze the strategies and tactics on marketing of " China Life Insurance Corporation " deeply and systematically .

  28. 通过对ICM战略采购策略在当前状况下的SWOT分析,我们提出四个方面的应对策略以完善ICM的战略采购策略,提升采购对ICM的贡献。

    According to SWOT analyses of ICM strategic procurement tactic in current situation , we summarize the tactics concentrated on four aspects , to improve the performance of ICM global procurement strategy . These advices may lead to a good contribution to ICM .

  29. 我们不仅提出了判断依据,而且从营销战略与策略两个层面分析了3Q大战中,双方的成功与失误,并尽可能客观地评价我国首次大规模的网络营销战。

    We not only put forward judgement basis , but also analysis success and slips on both sides in the " Star Wars " 3Q in aspects of marketing strategy and tactics , and if possible objectively evaluate the first large-scale network marketing warfare in China .

  30. 嘉陵集团国内市场营销战略和策略研究

    A Research into Domestic Marketing Strategies and Tactics of JIALING Group