
  • 网络Strategic Direction;Strategy;strategy direction
  1. 我们还咨询了产品团队,确保我们的设计与IBM战略方向一致。

    We also consulted the product team to ensure our design is consistent with IBM strategic direction .

  2. 市场研究机构gartner分析师阿伦维纳(allenweiner)表示,雅虎此时应该停止短期打算,并应该整合考虑领导权和战略方向。

    Allen Weiner , analyst with the Gartner research firm , said it was time for Yahoo to stop thinking short-term and to bring together consideration of its leadership and strategic direction .

  3. 加州艺术学院(CaliforniaCollegeoftheArts)于2008年第一次推出设计战略方向的工商管理硕士项目时,申请者只有92人。

    California College of the Arts saw 92 applications for the M.B.A. in Design Strategy in its first year , 2008 .

  4. 最后运用SWOT方法提出了市场营销的战略方向。

    After that , the marketing strategy is proposed in accordance with SWOT method at the end of the first section .

  5. 不过,在他加盟之后,sfm在战略方向上经历了重大变化。

    Since he joined , however , SFM has undergone a significant shift in direction .

  6. 重视社区居民参与是发展CHS的核心观念,赢得社区居民的认可、信任以及广泛的支持与参与是推动CHS发展的关键,大力拓展社区公共卫生服务项目是CHS发展的战略方向。

    Paying attention to participation of the community residents is the key for CHS development , obtaining the approval , trust and support of the residents .

  7. 将ITIL思想及其标准化流程运用于IT运维,是IT管理的理想目标和战略方向。

    ITIL thought and standardized processes will apply IT transports uygur , IT is the ideal goal of strategic management and direction .

  8. 模型驱动构架(MDA)是目前软件工程领域内重要的战略方向,它以若干的标准定义了一个软件开发框架。

    The Model Driven Architecture ( MDA ) is current momentous strategic orientation of software engineering . It defines a framework for software development based on a series of specifications defined by the Object Management Group ( OMG ) .

  9. 他表示,通过与世界各地的科学家保持紧密联系,并持续对自己的战略方向提出质疑,trumpf成功做到了这一点。

    He says TRUMPF manages this by maintaining close ties with scientists worldwide and continually questioning its strategic direction .

  10. 指出,我国ERW焊管发展的战略方向要以自主创新为核心,节约能源和循环经济为重点,努力发展中高端产品,从而使我国向钢管强国的目标迈进。

    Meanwhile the article points out national ERW pipe enterprises shall develop the high technical pipes to realize strong country of pipe with the direction of self-innovations , energy saved and re-cycles economy .

  11. 此外,与其他双层股权结构公司中的标志性大股东比如逐步优雅地淡出耐克(Nike)的菲尔o奈特不同的是,拉尔夫对产品设计和品牌战略方向仍然发挥着至关重要的作用。

    Also , unlike other iconic majority holders in a dual-class structure company like Phil Knight at Nike ( NKE ), who exited gradually and gracefully Ralph remains critical to product design and the strategic direction of the brand .

  12. 当时梁伯韬还表示,张兰将继续担任俏江南董事长,并与CVC团队合作,继续在设定俏江南的战略方向上发挥重要作用。

    At the time , Mr Leung also said that Ms Zhang would stay on as chairwoman and continue to play an important role in setting the strategic direction of South Beauty in partnership with the CVC team .

  13. 布洛威特在3月上旬成为英国时装零售商MonsoonAccessorize的掌门人。该公司发言人说,布洛威特加入苹果后不久便发现,“他们的文化和战略方向有别于他的想象”。

    Apple 's Mr. Browett soon discovered ' that their culture and strategic direction was different from what he envisioned , ' says a spokesman for Monsoon Accessorize , a U.K. fashion retailer where he took command in early March .

  14. 论我国企业年金管理模式改革的战略方向

    On the direction of corporate annuity management model reform in China

  15. 唐宁街缺少的是一个战略方向。

    What is missing is strategic direction from Downing Street .

  16. 模糊评价在企业资本投资战略方向中的应用

    Fuzzy Synthetic Judgment Method of Deciding Capital Investments Strategic Direction

  17. 这些目标来源于公司的战略方向。

    These goals are derived from the strategic direction of the company .

  18. 战略方向决定企业走向。

    Strategic direction determines the development direction of a enterprise .

  19. 基于核心竞争力的大学特色战略方向的选择

    Selection of Orientation of Special Feature Strategy for Universities Based on Kernel Competitiveness

  20. 然而,在很长的一段时间内,这样的分析未能为企业提供战略方向。

    However , in a vacuum , such analysis provides little strategic direction .

  21. 我们在聆听你们的信息,并且在关注你们的战略方向。

    Your messages are being heard , and your strategic directions are being heeded .

  22. 当战略方向出现偏差,企业不得不付出沉重代价。

    When mistake happens to strategic direction , enterprise has to pay heavy price .

  23. 国有企业改革的战略方向

    Strategies for the Reform of State-run Enterprises

  24. 江苏省长江沿岸集装箱港口群体基本特征与战略方向

    Basic features and strategic tendency of the lower Changjiang River container port system in Jiangsu Province

  25. 人工智能的战略方向

    Strategy Directions in Artificial Intelligence

  26. 一个企业的治理模式,影响该企业发展的战略方向和经营绩效;

    The governance style of a corporation influences the strategic development and management performance of the organization ;

  27. 首先要确定战略方向

    First is the Strategy Direction

  28. 并且体系结构概述还描述了企业在IT系统方面的战略方向。

    And it depicts the strategic direction the enterprise is taking as it pertains to IT systems .

  29. 这种做法造成的后果通常是资源配置不当、关键员工和战略方向选择失误。

    What often results is misallocation of resources , adverse selection among key staff and strategic drift .

  30. 数据库商函业务是做大函件业务的基础,是函件业务发展的战略方向,数据库商函因其独特优势在广告领域市场空间巨大。

    The database business mail service has a huge market space in advertising for its unique advantage .