
  • 网络Strategy Countermeasure;countermeasure
  1. 形成大学个性是建立大学文化整合机制的战略对策。

    Forming the university 's personality is the strategy countermeasure of establishing the mechanism of the university 's culture integration .

  2. 第四章首先分析了世界主要国家的信息安全战略对策,然后在中国信息安全的现状及存在的问题基础上提出维护中国信息安全的战略思考。

    Chapter four analyses the information security strategy countermeasure of the main country of the world at first , then proposes safeguarding the strategic thinking of the safety of information of China on the basis of the current situation of the Chinese safety of information and existing problem .

  3. 中国加入WTO后湖北省汽车工业发展战略对策

    The strategy of Hubei Province 's Motor Industry on China 's Entering WTO and Some Suggestions

  4. 在提出中国战略对策时,采用了管理学中的战略管理理论,将SWOT分析和PEST分析应用到区域经济中,实现管理学和经济学的有效结合。

    The SWOT and PEST analytical applications to regional economy , realizes the effective combination of management and economics .

  5. 最后在对南昌地域城市群进行SWOT分析的基础上,提出南昌地域城市群发展的战略对策。

    Finally , based on the SWOT analysis , some strategic countermeasures for the regional urban agglomeration in Nanchang City are put forward .

  6. 本文分析了煤炭勘察设计企业当前面临的形势和行业现状以及存在的问题,提出了加入WTO后煤炭勘察设计企业的经营战略对策。

    This paper deals with the current situation , status quo and problems of those enterprises for coal exploration and design . The strategy for development has been proposed for these companies , especially after our joining WTO .

  7. 本文分析了旅游业后发地区的内涵及产业特征,对其发展条件进行了SWOT分析,并提出了针对性的产业发展战略对策。

    This paper analyzes the connotation and industrial features of latecomer regions in tourism industry , performs a SWOT analysis of their development premises , and suggests some strategic countermeasures suitable for their development .

  8. 结合中国即将加入WTO的新经济环境,提出了全面实现湖北从农业大省向强省跨越式发展必须实行六大转变、走六条强农之路的战略对策。

    Considering the new environment of China 's joining WTO , the strategies were put forward that Hubei must make six changes and take six steps to strengthen its agriculture in order to realize a development leap from a big agricultural province to a powerful agricultural province .

  9. 区域经济结构与发展战略对策&理论与案例

    Regional Economic structure and Develop Strategic Countermeasures & Theory and case

  10. 我国生物农药产业发展趋势预测及战略对策探讨

    Studies on development trend and strategy of bio-pesticide industry in China

  11. 水权管理与节水社会建立节水型社会经济生态复合大系统的战略对策

    Strategic countermeasure of complicated water-saving society , economy and ecology system

  12. 中国能源资源形势与战略对策

    The resource situation and strategical Countermeasures of china 's energy resources

  13. 东亚区域经济合作与我国的战略对策

    Participation in Regional Economic Cooperation of East Asia and China Strategy

  14. 本论文的重点和创新点是关于战略对策的研究。

    Emphasis of the thesis is the research of strategy countermeasures .

  15. 江汉平原水资源保护及战略对策研究

    Research on Water Resource Protection and Strategic Countermeasure in JiangHan Plain

  16. 第五部分:实现长株潭一体化的战略对策。

    Part V : The strategy to realize the city integration .

  17. 我国项目管理企业发展的战略对策

    The Strategic Tactics of the Development of Project Management Enterprises

  18. 关于实现我国社会主义现代化战略对策的哲学思考

    Some Thoughts on the Strategic Policies About Realizing China 's Socialist Modernizations

  19. 跨国零售企业在华区位变化及我国零售业的战略对策

    The Location Alterations of Retailing MNCs and the Strategies for Chinese Retailers

  20. 中俄边境贸易升级的战略对策研究

    Strategic measures of trade upgrade at the frontier of China and Russia

  21. 推进地震预测研究的战略对策问题

    The Strategic Countermeasure Problem of Advancing Earthquake Prediction Study

  22. 论改善贵州消费环境的战略对策

    On the Countermeasures for Improving Consumption Environment in Guizhou

  23. 青岛市迈向现代化国际城市综合评价及战略对策

    Synthetic evaluate and strategic countermeasure on building Qingdao city into modern international city

  24. 我国海洋高新技术发展的战略对策发展中的无碳复写纸

    The Developing Strategy of Ocean High Technology in China

  25. 新形势下移动运营商的战略对策

    Strategy of Mobile Operator in the New Situation

  26. 湖南陶瓷产业发展战略对策

    The Strategical Countermeasure of Hunan Ceramics ' Development

  27. 气候变化影响评估及其战略对策

    Climate Change Effect Assessment and Its Strategy Measures

  28. 第四部分,江汉平原水资源发展的战略对策。

    The fourth is the strategic countermeasures on water resource development of JiangHan Plain .

  29. 高推重比发动机热端部件发展的技术途径与战略对策

    Technology Ways and Strategic Countermeasures for Developing Heated Ends of High Thrust-to-Weight Ratio Engine

  30. 阜新市水资源可持续利用战略对策体系研究

    Studies of strategic measures system for sustainable utilization of water resources in Fuxin City