
  • 网络strategic measures;strategy
  1. 根据流域农户基础、耦合模式效益和流域生态-经济耦合综合效应提出了长汀县生态-经济系统耦合从R策略转向K策略的具体战略措施。

    Based on farmers ' character , coupling-models ' efficiency and coupling integrated effects of whole basin eco-economic system , specific strategic measures were proposed to improve the strategy of eco-economic system coupling from R to K.

  2. 基于SWOT方法分析了浙江某建设集团的内部环境和外部环境,并且提出了适合集团发展的战略措施。

    This paper analyzes the interior and exterior conditions of a construction group in Zhejiang based on SWOT method , and propeses some strategic measures which suit the group developing .

  3. 通过对淘宝网成功战略措施和运营模式的分析,可以看出CRM的应用对其产生了重要的影响和意义。

    The application of CRM is important to Taobao through the analysis of its successful strategy and operation model .

  4. 本文重点阐述了WTO对我国期刊产业发展的主要影响及我国期刊产业发展的相应战略措施。研究表明,WTO对我国期刊产业发展具有重大影响。

    The paper focuses on the influences of the WTO on the industry of China 's magazines and periodicals as well as its corresponding strategic solutions .

  5. Haneen如是解释着扶持农业区无法到达主要市场的家庭的战略措施:这些家庭将永远成为粮食生产的不稳定因素。

    Haneen explains how the primary sector is strategic in sustaining families living in rural areas with no access to the main markets : these families are permanently at risk to become Food Insecure .

  6. 西部地区引进外资的战略措施研究

    Study on Strategic Measures of Importing Foreign Funds in West Region

  7. 云南企业进入泰国战略措施研究

    Research on Strategic Measures on Yunnan 's Enterprises Entering Thailand

  8. 试论加快我国农业现代化发展进程的战略措施

    On Strategic Measures of Speeding up Agricultural Modernization in China

  9. 这是发展早地农业的战略措施。

    This is the strategic measure to develop agriculture of dry land .

  10. 推广节水型灌溉农业,是发展宁夏黄河经济最基本的战略措施

    A basic strategic measure for development of Yellow River ECONOMY-WATER-EFFICIENT irrigation farming

  11. 建立草地农业系统是整治草原沙漠化的战略措施

    Establishing grassland agricultural system is a strategic measure of controlling grassland desertification

  12. 中药现代化发展的战略措施与相关思考

    Strategic Measures and Speculations on Modern Development of Chinese Medicine

  13. 刍议天津市纺织业发展的战略措施

    Strategy Measures to Develop Fiber Industry of Tianjin City

  14. 江西省水土保持工作现状与战略措施

    The present situation and strategy measurement of water and soil conservation in Jiangxi

  15. 重庆市消费品市场发展战略措施

    Developmental Strategic Measures of Consumer Goods Market in Chongqing

  16. 医德建设医院生存和发展的战略措施

    Construction of medical morality is the strategic measure for hospital survival and development

  17. 以及控制催化裂化装置污染物排放技术等重大战略措施。

    And the technology for controlling of pollutant emissions from FCC units , etc.

  18. 承德石油高专发展战略措施研究(Ⅰ)

    Study on Development Strategy in Chengde Petroleum College (ⅰ);

  19. 发展核能是我国经济建设中的重大战略措施

    To develop nuclear energy & a significant overall step in china 's economic construction

  20. 进一步放活国有小企业是国家确定的国有小企业改革的重要战略措施。

    Further invigorating small-sized state-owned enterprises in an important strategy decided by the government .

  21. 加强水土保持是保障国家生态安全的战略措施

    Strengthening Soil and Water Conservation is a Strategic Measure to Guarantee National Ecological Safety

  22. 最后提出了造纸原料结构调整的发展战略措施及相关政策建议。

    The paper finally puts forward some suggestions on the related policy and measurement .

  23. 扩大徐州食品出口的战略措施

    Strategic Measures for Extending Exported Foods in Xuzhou

  24. 促进中国产业投资基金发展的战略措施

    Strategical Measures of Developing IIF in China

  25. 二是提出农业可持续发展的战略措施。

    And secondly , it puts forward the strategic measure of sustainable development in agriculture .

  26. 本文提出了增加粮食生产、改进粮食品质的若干战略措施。

    This paper presents some strategic measures to increase grain output and improve food quality .

  27. 第三、全面落实西部大开发战略措施;

    Implementing strategic measure of western development ;

  28. 新世纪印度争当世界大国的战略措施及影响

    The 21 Century Strategic Manager and Influence about India Striving for Super-Country of the World

  29. 陕西秦巴山区农业资源特征与开发战略措施

    Feature of Agricultural Resources and Their Exploitation Strategy Measure in Qinling-Bashan Mountains of Shaanxi Province

  30. 调整结构&重庆市发展经济、保护环境的重大战略措施

    Adjusting Structures & the Important Strategic Measures for Developing Chongqing Economy and Protecting its Environment