
  • 网络Cooperation;strategic cooperation;strategic partnership
  1. 领导人们通过了东盟-美国五年行动计划(Five-YearASEAN-UnitedStatesPlanofAction),这是扩大我们的战略合作的路线图。

    Leaders adopted the Five-year ASEAN-United States Plan of Action , a roadmap for expanding our strategic cooperation .

  2. B2B不仅仅是建立一个网上的买卖者群体,它也为企业的之间的战略合作提供了基础。

    B2B is not merely establishes on a net business community , it also has provided the foundation for enterprise 's between strategic cooperation .

  3. 本周一,中国与文莱将双方关系提升至战略合作伙伴层面。

    China and Brunei on Monday agreed to upgrade their relations to a strategic cooperative partnership .

  4. 中国和尼泊尔要推动两国面向发展与繁荣的世代友好的战略合作伙伴关系不断向前发展,共同打造中尼更加紧密的命运共同体,造福两国和两国人民。

    China and Nepal should push forward their strategic partnership of cooperation featuring ever-lasting friendship for development and prosperity , and work together to build a closer community of shared future benefitting both countries and peoples .

  5. 中国中铁于周一宣布了与国有的中国农业银行(agriculturalbankofchina)的“战略合作”协议,为该铁路线融资。

    China Railway announced on Monday a " strategic co-operation " agreement with state-owned Agricultural Bank of China to fund the railway .

  6. 打造RFID专业品牌,服务我们尊贵的战略合作伙伴。

    RFID to create a professional brand , Services to our valued strategic partner .

  7. 2000年大选前,布什还在谴责克林顿(Clinton)政府推行的所谓中美战略合作伙伴关系。

    Before the 2000 election Mr Bush decried the so-called strategic partnership with Beijing promoted by the Clinton administration .

  8. 与国内数所著名大学和国际著名IC公司建立了共同的技术平台,结成战略合作的技术伙伴。

    Keboda also have built up strategic relationship with several famous universities and global IC vendors , to set up a technical platform together .

  9. 中芯国际仍然是AT2重要的战略合作伙伴和股东。

    SMIC continues to be AT2 valued strategic partner and shareholder .

  10. 这表明,谷歌不太关心的增强现实的短期业务前景,而是更重视与MagicLeap形成长期的战略合作关系。

    This suggests that it is less concerned with the near-term business prospects of augmented reality than in forging a long-term strategic relationship with Magic Leap .

  11. 他谈到了年度股东大会、董事会,以及与美国银行(BANKOFAMERICA)之间的合作伙伴关系。与美国银行的战略合作为建行带来了信用卡管理及其它财富管理业务方面的新技能。

    He points to annual general meetings , a board of directors , and a partnership with Bank of America that has brought new skills in terms of managing credit cards and other forms of wealth management .

  12. 在ERP管理系统基础上,构建精益敏捷供应链,建立与供应商的战略合作伙伴关系也是实施精益敏捷管理的必备条件。

    Based on the ERP management system , building lean supply chain , and establish strategic partnership with suppliers become the necessary conditions for the implementation of lean agile management .

  13. 去年8月,该公司与中国大地财产保险公司(chinacontinent,propertyandcasualty)签署了一项战略合作协议,将使环球信贷海外客户的在华贸易活动获得保险服务。

    In August last year , it signed a strategic alliance with China continent , property and casualty , which will enable its overseas clients to obtain cover for their trading activities in China .

  14. 即完备合同(γ→1)、高额违约金(f)不但有助于维系战略合作关系的继存,而且也有助于维护从属企业的利益。

    That is , the completeness of contracts (γ→ 1 ) and great fine of breaking contracts ( f ) will not only maintain the relationships , but also protect the benefit of subordinate firm .

  15. 作为战略合作伙伴,CRO与合作客户依靠创新、专业技术及业务变革驱动,共同实现战略价值。

    As strategic partners , CRO and cooperation achieved their value depending on innovation , professional technology and business transformation .

  16. 合众宝华与中国国际广播电台CRI签署战略合作伙伴协议,共同推广中国民族世界音乐,为其他大型活动代理广告业务。

    ArtyBright signed the strategic partnership agreement with CRI , join hand to publish World Music and operate other advertising business for major events .

  17. 新闻稿没有解释Hulu将如何运用7.50亿美元的新增投资,以及新战略合作伙伴关系是否已经开展。

    The press release does not explain what Hulu will do with its $ 750 million windfall or if new strategic partnerships are afoot .

  18. 他们的业务问题是大型组织普遍存在的:他们有15个以上的不同渠道来与1000多个战略合作伙伴进行企业对企业的交互,范围从FTP和EDI到RosettaNet。

    Their business problem is common to large organizations : they had over 15 different channels for business-to-business interactions with over 1000 strategic partners , ranging from FTP and EDI to Rosetta Net .

  19. 建立与CBA及美国NCAA的战略合作关系,从联赛管理、球队训练到商业运作等方面入手,广泛借鉴成功经验。

    Establish and CBA and American NCAA strategic cooperative relations , we can convert team training to business operation , and there is widely successful experience for reference .

  20. 中铝集团(chinalco)表示,没有减持力拓(riotinto)股份的计划,并且将力拓视为中铝海外扩张的一个重要战略合作伙伴。

    Chinalco , the Chinese aluminium group , has no plans to sell down its shares in Rio Tinto , viewing the mining house as a key strategic partner as Chinalco expands overseas .

  21. 马云还通过和雅虎进行战略合作(纳斯达克上市名称:YHOO),使得阿里巴巴进军搜索引擎领域。旗下的个人网上拍卖平台“淘宝网”在中国的规模也超过易趣网(纳斯达克上市名称EBAY)。

    Ma has also taken Alibaba into search , engines through a joint venture with Yahoo ( NASDAO : YHOO ) , and his Taobao online auction site has become bigger than eBay ( NASDAO : EBAY ) in China .

  22. 电信运营商向内容服务环节一体化转型,面对自己战略合作伙伴SP,两者之间又多了一层竞争关系,从而形成竞争合作的复杂关系。

    With telecom operators transition to the content areas of service integration , operators will face its own strategic partners , SP , at the same time operators and SP have competition relationship between the two value subjects , thus forming the complex relationship of competition and cooperation .

  23. TBBA目前已与著名的北美证券集团形成战略合作,向北美证券市场进发。

    TBBA has formed a strategic partnership with the renowned N.A.S.C. , and moves forward to the North American securities business .

  24. Artsy网站的主策展人和战略合作伙伴负责人克里斯汀·关(ChristineKuan)核实了这些数据,她说,Instagram平台的使用者们是“年轻的收藏家和正在崛起的收藏家,”他们懂技术,在社交媒体上非常活跃。

    Christine Kuan , chief curator and director of strategic partnerships at Artsy , qualifies those numbers , saying that the platform 's audience is " young collectors and emerging collectors , " who are tech savvy and active on social media .

  25. 构建灰色综合评价模型是对供应商评价方法的创新,建立合作伙伴之间的利润分配模型是对战略合作伙伴关系协调方法的创新,构架MDDSS结构框架是一种尝试。

    Setting up a grey comprehensive evaluation model is the innovation of supplier selection method . Establishing an allocation of benefit model for partnership is the innovation means of strategic partnership harmony . Putting forward the framework of MDDSS is an attempt .

  26. 加强煤电战略合作提供能源可靠保障中印能源战略合作的可行性分析

    Strengthen Cooperation Between Coal and Power Industries to Guarantee Energy Supply

  27. 建筑企业供应链战略合作伙伴的选择

    Selecting of Tactic Cooperative Partner of Supply Chain for Construction Enterprise

  28. 我们期盼着拓展我们的战略合作伙伴关系。

    We are now looking forward to extend our strategic partnership .

  29. 政治上,两国不再相互敌对,而是积极谋求战略合作。

    On the contrary , we are vigorously pursuing strategic cooperation .

  30. 供应链战略合作伙伴关系治理结构的研究

    Research on the Governance Structure of Strategic Partnership in Supply Chain