
  • 网络strategic match;strategic fit;strategy alignment;strategic alignment
  1. 考察并购双方价值链上基本能力要素的匹配性是全面系统地研究并购匹配问题的需要,有助于解决战略匹配和组织匹配研究的困境。

    Through measuring the fit degree of the competence elements in value chain of both sides , the paper tries to solve the dilemma faced by the researches of strategic fit and organizational fit .

  2. X电力公司基于战略匹配的集约化信息系统规划研究

    Research on the Intensive Information System Planning Based on Strategy Alignment of X Electric Power Company

  3. 运用SWOT矩阵方法进行了战略匹配,确定SO、WO、ST和WT四种可选战略。

    The four strategies of SO , WO , ST and WT are available from the SWOT matrix analyzing tool .

  4. 再次,采用基于BP-ISP战略匹配和BPR的信息系统规划方法对X电力公司战略匹配的集约化系统进行规划。

    Thirdly , the paper plans the strategy alignment intensive system by using the new information system planning method which is based on the strategy alignment of BP-ISP and BPR .

  5. 本文采用的基本研究方法是,分析外部环境以发现机遇与挑战,分析内部环境以识别内部优势和劣势,然后利用优势-劣势-机遇-威胁(SWOT)方法进行战略匹配。

    The basic research method applied is to analyze the external environment in order to discover the opportunities and challenges , to study the internal environment so as to identify the strengths and weaknesses , then to conduct strategy matching by using SWOT analysis .

  6. 采用SWOT战略匹配表,找出最优战略,确定了南城富民商业步行街下一步的营销重点,并提出了一些措施以保证战略的成功实施。

    Adopt SWOT match form by strategy , and it finds out optimum strategies determine southern city enrich the people commercial plaza next marketing focal points , And has proposed that some measures are in order to guarantee that success of strategy is implemented .

  7. 首先分析了联合利华在中国洗发水市场的机会与威胁分析,其次列举了联合利华的竞争优势和劣势,然后结合SWOT模型,进行了战略匹配分析。

    Firstly the thesis analyzed the opportunities and threats of Unilever in China shampoo market . Secondly the advantages and disadvantages were listed . Based on the former analysis , the strategies were set to take the use of opportunities and avoid or diminish the threats by SWOT model .

  8. 论文运用TOWS矩阵对荣昌工业发展进行战略匹配,通过战略分析和选择,确定荣昌工业发展的总原则是:突出特色,跨越发展。

    Through strategic matching of Rongchang industrial development by TOWS matrix and strategic analyzing and choosing , the general principals of Rongchang industrial development were confirmed : To stress characteristics of Rongchang and make great progress in development .

  9. 基于战略匹配和IT能力的企业IT项目决策

    Decision-making of IT Project Based on Strategy Alignment and IT Savvy

  10. 业务-IT战略匹配成熟度模型的框架与内容

    The Framework and Content of Business-IT Strategic Alignment Maturity Model

  11. 业务-IT战略匹配&ZARA案例分析

    Business-IT Strategic Matching & A Case Study of ZARA

  12. 湘西州旅游业发展的战略匹配分析

    A Matching Analysis of the Tourism Development Strategy in Western Part of Hunan Province

  13. 公司重组中的战略匹配度分析

    Analysis of Strategic Compatibility in Corporation Restructuring

  14. 这个流程包括:战略匹配性分析,风险-收益分析和可行性分析。

    The process includes : strategic - fitness analysis ; venture - return analysis and feasibility analysis .

  15. 笔者希望通过这些努力能对现实企业根据自身具体的情况实施供应链战略匹配和供应链的运营管理起到一些帮助作用。

    The author hopes that these efforts can help enterprises better implement the matching of supply chain strategies and supply chain management .

  16. 针对如何提高组织知识存量有效性给出了有关的建议和措施,以利于组织提高知识资源的战略匹配性和价值创造性。

    Some measures are therefore suggested to take to improve the effectiveness so as to improve further the effectiveness of organizational knowledge stores .

  17. 低负债的资本结构与低水平的多元化战略匹配或者高负债的资本结构与高水平的多元化战略匹配,都有助于企业提高绩效。

    Low debt leverage matching low degree of diversification or high debt leverage matching high degree of diversification will help a company improve its performance .

  18. 战略匹配、组织匹配和过程可控是防控战略并购风险的三个关键因素,在选择战略并购模式时缺一不可。

    Strategic matching , organizational matching and process controllability are three key factors in preventing and controlling risks and indispensable in mode selection in mergers and acquisitions .

  19. 建立了战略匹配分析框架与匹配度计算模型,并根据不同战略匹配度提出了公司重组相机抉择的基本思路。

    This paper puts forward the analytic framework and comprehensive assessment model of strategic compatibility in corporation restructuring , and it gives an example of decision on corporation restructuring based on strategic compatibility .

  20. 湘西旅游资源数量多、品位高、种类各异,对湘西旅游发展进行正确的战略匹配分析是开发利用旅游资源和旅游业重要前提。

    The tourist resources in western Hunan are in large quantity , and the kind is different , The correct travel development strategy is important to utilize tourist resources and tourist industry for western Hunan .

  21. 最后,为保障企业文化及时落地,不断促进企业发展,本文从领导行为、制度建设、战略匹配三个层面给出合理的保障措施。

    Finally , to ensure the timely landing enterprise culture , and constantly promote the development of enterprises , this article from the leadership , system construction , strategy matching three levels to give a reasonable security measures .

  22. 提出企业管理系统与信息系统匹配理论,包括战略匹配、功能模型匹配、实施过程匹配、接口匹配等内容,以及适度超越、同步发展、技术、个性化的匹配原则;

    The article proposes the matching theory between management system and information system . The matching theory includes the strategy matching , the function model matching , implement matching , interface matching , and the principle of surmounting appropriately , etc.

  23. 第4章在第3章的分析基础上,分别在核心能力的孕育、成长、成熟和衰退四个阶段从筹资、投资和分配三个环节对其进行财务战略匹配。

    4th chapter in the 3rd chapter of analysis foundation , separately in core competence gestation , growth , mature and declines four stages from financing , investing and assigning three links to carry on the financial strategy match to it .

  24. 因此,笔者强调应该以战略匹配为主线,从培训需求分析入手,基于发展战略建立培训需求分析系统,确保培训体系能够对企业发展提供有效支撑。

    Therefore , the author emphasizes that the strategic matching as the main line , the training needs analysis , based on the development strategy establish training demand analysis system , ensure that the training system can provide effective support for enterprise development .

  25. 本文从客户的价值和客户与企业的战略匹配度两个维度将客户区分为战略客户、利润客户、潜力客户和普通客户,并阐述了模型的应用。

    According to the customer value and the strategy match between customers and enterprises , the authors have divided customers into strategy customers , profit customers , potential customers and ordinary customers . The authors have also discussed the application of this model .

  26. 前者以员工为中心,其关键职能是能力管理和行为管理;后者包括人力资源战略匹配和战略弹性管理与人力资源效益管理。

    The former focuses on personnel and its key function is to manage the capability and its behavior of people , while the latter is on the strategic matching of human resources management and strategic flexible management , and profit and effective management of human resources .

  27. 该方法确立了以战略匹配、业务支撑、应用基础和成本效益为主要因素的评价指标体系,通过模糊评判获得整体规划核心业务系统的评价数据,以此作为定量化的决策依据。

    An index system including strategy matching , business support , application foundation , cost and return as primary evaluation factors was established for the model . Evaluation data of core business in overall planning was obtained through fuzzy judgment and it could be used to make quantificational decisions .

  28. 针对脱产培训中存在的问题及原因,本文尝试对培训方案和流程进行改进和优化,提出了脱产培训优化的原则,包括战略匹配原则、系统性原则、激励原则和成本效益原则。

    According to the problems and reasons in OFFJT , this thesis tries to improve and optimize the training project , and proposes the principles for project optimization , which includes principle of strategic matching , principle of systematicness , principle of motivation , and principle of costs and effects .

  29. 文章认为企业的薪酬机制应该与企业的经营战略相匹配,在不同的经营战略下应实施不同的薪酬机制。

    Enterprise 's compensation mechanism should match its marketing strategy .

  30. 分析了新兴技术与组织战略的匹配性。

    Then , the match between emerging technology and organizational strategy is analyzed .