
  • 网络strategic implementation power;strategic executive force
  1. 实证检验结果表明,战略执行力越强,则企业战略变革对组织绩效的改善程度越大,也即战略执行力对战略变革与组织绩效关系存在显著的调节作用。

    The results of framework tested show that , the stronger strategic implementation power is , the greater improvement of organizational performance is . That is , strategic implementation power has positive mediation effect on the relationship between strategic change and organizational performance .

  2. 另外,通过引入OEC管理法的日清体系,解决战略执行力的日常管理问题。

    In addition , through the introduction Day Clear system of OEC management , the mode can solve daily strategy management in the power of execution .

  3. 构建了虚拟企业战略执行力理论体系。

    Construct theoretical system of strategy implementation capability of virtual enterprise .

  4. 试论新升格高职院校的战略执行力建设

    On the Construction of Strategic Implementation Capacity of New High Vocational College

  5. 探讨了虚拟企业战略执行力对企业绩效的影响。

    Discuss the impact of virtual enterprise strategy implementation capability on corporate performance .

  6. 提高中层经理营销战略执行力之探讨

    A Study on Improving Middle Managers ' Execution

  7. BSC&提升企业战略执行力

    BSC & Promote the Enterprise 's Strategy Execution

  8. 但同时,战略执行力不足也越来越成为困绕企业管理者们的一个集中而普遍的问题。

    However , the lack of execution of strategy becomes a common problem for managers .

  9. 在分析虚拟企业战略执行力提升障碍的基础上提出了相应的对策。

    Put forward corresponding countermeasures based on the analysis of obstacles of improving the strategy implementation capability of virtual enterprise .

  10. 本文着重探讨管理会计战略执行力在企业流程中发挥作用的途径与方式。

    This paper emphasis on discussing the approach and method of strategic execution of management accounting in the business process of enterprise .

  11. 寻找一种适宜目前县级供电企业绩效管理的有效方案,提升企业战略执行力,提高企业综合管理水平。

    County is currently looking for a suitable power supply enterprise performance management , effective programs to enhance business strategy execution , and improve enterprise integrated management .

  12. 同时加强内部管理和战略执行力来作为战略实现的保证,抵御来自各方的压力和风险,摆脱生存危机,使企业立于不败之地。

    While strengthening internal management and strategic execution to resist pressure from all sides and risk out of a crisis of survival , so that enterprises invincible .

  13. 新升格高职院校战略执行力建设要符合科学发展观的基本精神;(2)经典战略管理理论。

    The construction of strategic implementation capacity of new high vocational college should correspond with basic spirit of scientific outlook on development . ( 2 ) Classics strategic management theory .

  14. 战略执行力即实现战略目标,执行战略规划的能力,是一个组织的管理能力和领导能力的综合体现。

    Strategic implementation capacity is a kind of ability to achieve strategic objective and carry out strategic planning , and is a integrative manifestation of management ability and Leadership ability .

  15. 企业战略执行力是用来整合企业中其它资源及能力以使战略目标得以完成的具体行为和技术,它帮助企业在任何情况下得以建立和维系自身的竞争优势。

    Enterprise Strategy Execution is specific behavior and technology used to integrate business resources and capabilities that make other strategic objectives completed which help companies establish and maintain their competitive advantage under any circumstances .

  16. 同时,组织学习的三个测量维度对战略执行力的影响程度有一定的差异。(2)战略执行力对酒店绩效的影响显著。

    At the same time , differences exist between the influences of the three measurement dimensions of organizational learning to strategy execution capacity . b. The influence of strategy execution capacity to hotel performance is prominent .

  17. 优秀的薪酬激励机制,会大大提升企业的战略执行力,造就一支高效稳定的员工队伍,更能为企业持续、快速发展提供强劲的动力。

    A good salary incentive mechanism may enhance the enterprise strategy execution greatly , create a high efficient and stable staff team and also provide a strong power for the enterprise with sustainable and rapid development .

  18. 虚拟企业在组织形式、运作方式等方面都有别于传统企业,因此在战略执行力的提升上也面临着特殊的困难。

    Virtual enterprises in the forms of organization , the mode of operation and other aspects are different from traditional companies , so the upgrading of the strategy implementation capability is also faced with special difficulties .

  19. 在此基础上,作者提出了基于优势资源基础的多元化业务进入模型,并指出:大多数公司多元化死掉的根本原因是战略执行力的缺失,而不是多元化战略本身,也不仅仅是文化和价值观的问题。

    At the same time , it mentioned the failure of the most diversification cases was not only the culture and the values , even not the strategy itself , the basic reason is the lake of strategy execute .

  20. 在本论文中笔者对于战略执行力给出了自己的理解,笔者认为:执行力分为支行的执行力和员工个人的执行力,其中员工个人的执行力是核心。

    In this paper , the author gives his own understanding of the definition of strategic execution . It believes : Execution is divided into the execution of branches and the execution of individual employees , and latter is the core .

  21. 最后从虚拟企业战略执行力五个构成要素的角度出发,深入分析了虚拟企业战略执行力提升的障碍和对策。通过上述研究本文主要取得了以下创新性成果。

    At last , deeply researches the obstacles of enhancing strategy implementation capability and countermeasures from the perspective of five composing elements of strategy implementation capability of virtual enterprise , in this paper , the innovative results are as follows . 1 .

  22. 企业战略的执行力

    Executive ability of enterprise strategy

  23. 在泸天化考察调研期间,周院长给泸天化中高层以上的管理人员主讲了题为“企业战略与执行力”的学术报告。

    During the visit , Principal Zhou gave a speech " Business Strategy and Implementation " to the senior management of Lutianhua .

  24. 其中,重点分析了企业战略实施执行力与企业战略实施创新力,二者是N维解构中的关键维度,对于企业战略实施领导力的充分发挥意义重大。

    Among them , conduct focus analysis on the enterprise strategy implementation execution and enterprise strategy innovation being two key dimensions of the N dimensional deconstruction model and significant for enterprise strategy implementation leadership to play .

  25. 合理运用渠道控制机制可以加强渠道成员之间的紧密联系,保障渠道战略的执行力,增强渠道的合作效率,从而有效实现渠道成员间的知识共享,提升渠道整体竞争力。

    Rational use of channel control mechanisms can strengthen relationships among channel members , protect implementation force of the channel strategy , enhance cooperative efficiency of the channel , thus realizing knowledge sharing among channel members and raising the overall competitiveness of channels .

  26. 战略执行与执行力

    The Implementation Of Strategy And Execution

  27. 论企业流程中的战略管理会计执行力用执行力破解我国企业战略迷茫

    Execution of Strategic Management Accounting in the Business Process ; Resolving Chinese Company 's " Strategic Confusion " with Executive Ability

  28. 但是传统的全面预算管理由于没有信息技术的支持,缺少统一的数据共享平台,全面预算管理的作用不能有效发挥,阻碍了企业战略规划向执行力的转化。

    However , the lack of IT support and the unified data & haring platform lead traditional comprehensive budget management have ill capability for transforming the corporate strategic planning to execution .

  29. 最后能够对案例独立或是合作制定出正确的人力资源管理战略,提升执行力,保持竞争优势,提高个人领导艺术和能力。

    In the end , I can make up a HR management strategic plan independently or working with other classmates , and this strategic plan can help to improve implementation , strenghten competition advantages and ungrade our own leadship capability .

  30. 要落实中国特色的情报警务战略,必须加强执行力的研究。

    It is necessary to strengthen the research of executive capacity while carrying out the strategy of Intelligence-Led Policing with Chinese features .