
  • 网络strategic commitment
  1. 战略承诺灵活性的期权分析

    The Option Analysis for Strategic Commitments Flexibility

  2. 战略承诺灵活性的重要意义在于其赋予企业以期权价值。

    The significance of strategic commitments flexibility lies in its embodiment of enterprises with optional value .

  3. 具体内容包括债务融资的战略承诺理论和深口袋理论。

    This theory includes strategic commitment and deep pockets theory as well .

  4. 体制是影响企业战略承诺时机选择的重要原因。

    The system is an important reason to affect the opportunity choices of the enterprise strategic commitment .

  5. 但由于战略承诺管理没有形成较完整的理论体系,人们在认识和应用中存在误区。

    However , misunderstandings exist in understanding and application as there no complete theoretical system strategic commitment management .

  6. 在战略承诺和长期竞争优势中,我们对结构学派、资源学派和战略承诺学派的理论进行回顾,阐述了企业长期竞争优势的来源。

    In the chapter of commitment and advantage , we review the theory about competitive advantage and explain the origin of the long-term of competitive advantage .

  7. 本文从提高中层经理执行,所需的技能及其战略承诺和角色承诺方面,论述了提高中层经理营销战略执行力的问题。

    Through improving the middle managers ' implementation skills , and through improving their strategic commitment and role commitment , the middle managers ' execution of marketing strategies will be improved .

  8. 答案是,双方精英集团需要承担起真正的战略承诺,以保持牢固稳定的两国关系。双方必须理解其中的利害关系。

    The answer is you need a real strategic commitment from the elites of both countries to try to maintain a very strong relationship . ? Both sides must understand the stakes .

  9. 战略承诺效应认为,企业可以通过合理地设计债务融资策来避免财务困境的发生,同时也通过债务水平将这一信息传递给竞争对手,获取战略优势,提高企业竞争力。

    Strategic commitment effect that enterprises can get strategic advantage by debt financing reasonably , and the debt levels transfers this information to competitors while avoids financial distress , so that improves the enterprises competitiveness .

  10. 因此,我们重申落实联合国全球反恐战略的承诺。

    In this context , we reaffirm our commitment to the implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy .

  11. 公司或关键素质是指所有员工对履行整个组织战略的承诺性和完整性。

    Company or core competencies are those that all employees are expected to practice such as Organizational Commitment or Integrity .

  12. 9月的联合国千年发展峰会上坚定地确认了把追求健康作为一种减贫战略的承诺。

    Commitment to pursue health as a poverty reduction strategy was strongly affirmed at the UN Millennium Development Summit in September .

  13. 通过各国政府对全面实施世界卫生组织/联合国儿童基金会持续降低麻疹死亡战略的承诺,使大幅度降低麻疹死亡率成为可能。

    The dramatic decline in measles deaths is made possible through the commitment of governments to fully implement the WHO / UNICEF strategy for sustainable measles mortality reduction .

  14. 美国银行还签订了大量协议,以战略投资者身份承诺帮助建行改善风险管理体系,开发“创新性金融产品”。

    The US bank also signed a number of agreements as a strategic investor committing it to help CCB improve its risk management systems and develop " innovative financial products " .

  15. 和平崛起是中国新时期的战略选择和庄严承诺。

    Peaceful rising is China 's strategic choice and solemn promise .

  16. 雷纳表示,“战略悖论”出现的原因在于,企业要获得成功,就不得不对未来(市场、产品和发展独特能力)做出大胆的战略承诺。

    It arises , says Raynor , because to succeed companies have to make bold strategic commitments to the future to markets , products and developing distinctive capabilities .