
  1. 基于核心能力的增长型战略机制的构建

    Construction of the Mechanisms of Growth Strategy Based on Core Competence

  2. 处于转型时期的中国要实现这一政治目标,必须科学选择其战略机制和创新路径。

    In order to reach this goal in transition period , China should appropriately choose the strategic mechanism , which enables the achievement of political stabilization .

  3. 通过对矿山企业的一般计算机培训模式的利弊分析,认为企业应该建立起以学习者为核心的企业学习战略和机制,采用开放式的基于WEB的案例培训模式。

    Through the analysis of advantages and disadvantages of general computer training modes for mining enterprises , it is proposed that the enterprises should establish learning strategy and mechanism that have the learners as the core and adopt an open type WEB-based case training mode .

  4. 美国财长汉克鲍尔森(hankpaulson)昨天表示,无论是在强调长期事务方面,还是在双方接触的密集程度方面,美中两个大国昨天达成的战略对话机制都是“前所未有”的。

    The strategic US-China dialogue agreed by the two superpowers yesterday is " unprecedented " in both its emphasis on long-term issues and the intensity of engagement , US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson said yesterday .

  5. 南非的反腐败战略和机制初探

    An Analysis of the Anti-Corruption Strategies and Mechanism in South Africa

  6. 企业家战略激励机制中的伦理原则

    The Ethical Principles in the Entrepreneurs ' Strategic Incentive Mechanism

  7. 基于战略、机制、文化的企业设计管理论

    Theory of Enterprise Design Management Based on Strategy , Mechanism and Culture

  8. 而战略投资机制适应了市场和高技术发展的需求。

    And strategic investment mechanism adapted the market and high technology development needs .

  9. 企业经营战略协同机制的系统分析

    Analysis on the Synergetic Mechanism of Enterprise Management Strategy

  10. 现阶段国有商业银行利率风险管理战略与机制

    On Strategy and Mechanism of Current Interest Rate Risk of Stage Commercial Banks

  11. 基于混沌理论与协同学的企业战略协同机制优化研究

    Research on Enterprise Strategic Synergy Mechanism Optimization Based on Chaos Theory and Synergetics

  12. 论实施人才强省战略的机制创新

    On Mechanistic Innovation in Implementing the Strategy of Constructing a Province Strong in Talents

  13. 企业经营战略形成机制中可持续发展原则的分析

    Analysis of the Principle of Sustainable Development in the Formation Mechanism of Enterprise Management Strategy

  14. 知识形成战略的机制研究

    The Mechanism of Knowledge Forming Strategy

  15. 如何建立有效的技术创新战略选择机制一直是困扰企业的难题。

    How to establish an effective choice mechanism of technology innovation stratagem is a difficult problem to enterprises .

  16. 中美战略对话机制及其对新世纪中美关系的影响

    Sino-US Strategic Dialogue Mechanism and Its Influence to the Sino-US Relations in the 21 ~ ( st ) Century

  17. 受环境影响中国变量间接决定企业战略的机制,并从普遍性视角的观点出发,指出企业战略决定薪酬战略、薪酬战略应支持和匹配企业战略。

    It analyzes how salary strategy influenced by the environment indirectly determines the mechanism of enterprise strategy through intermediate variables .

  18. 之后,本文重点论述了产学研合作网络演化与发展的三种功能机制:核心竞争能力机制、战略协同机制和社会资本机制。

    Then this paper discusses the three functions of the network , effect of core competence , effect of strategic synergies and effect of social capital .

  19. 在了解柔性机制内部构造及机理基础上,提出了柔性机制运行的具体条件,模拟了战略柔性机制运行的整个过程。

    The specific operating conditions are proposed based on understanding the internal structure and principles about mechanism . And the whole functioning process of this mechanism is simulated .

  20. 最后本文结语:俄欧战略合作机制已经启动,但俄欧实现大欧洲梦想还要走很长一段艰难的路程。

    In conclusion , though the Russia-Europe strategic cooperative mechanism has been launched the implementation of the " Greater Europe " idea is still a long way to go .

  21. 在这个阶段里,保持宏观战略协同机制和微观战略协同机制的一致性,是完善我国自由式滑雪运动训练系统协同机制的重要战略策略。

    In this stage , maintaining macro-strategic synergy micro-strategies and collaborative mechanisms consistency , is the perfect mechanism of freestyle skiing training system in our country important strategies and tactics .

  22. 为了给极低收入人群的免税提供资助并减轻他们的医疗费用负担,柬埔寨推出了一项战略购买机制,即医疗公平基金。

    Health equity funds ( HEF ) emerged in Cambodia as a strategic purchasing mechanism used to fund exemptions and reduce the burden of health-care costs on people on very low incomes .

  23. 尽管中印战略合作机制建设面临诸多问题等,但中印两国交流的领域和范畴正在向深度和广度上不断扩展。

    Although Sino-Indian strategic cooperation mechanisms are faced with many problems . However , the exchange of China and India are the areas and areas to the depth and breadth continues to expand .

  24. 本文通过对非营利组织的理论阐述,引出非营利组织战略管理机制构建的理论框架,为本文的主要观点作了理论铺挚。

    Based on the theory of the Non-profit organization ( NPO ) in this article , it leads the theoretical framework of the mechanism in strategic management for the NPO . And also it foreshadows the main viewpoint .

  25. 基于研究型大学学部制改革的动态战略适应机制,以大连理工大学为案例分析对象,在环境、资源及组织三方面进行适应性分析,进而对其改革成效进行评价。

    Based on the mechanism of research university division system dynamic strategy adaption , using Dalian University of Technology as object of case study , analyzing environment , resource and organization adaptability . Then evaluate its reform efforts .

  26. 柔性要素子系统包含:资源柔性、组织柔性、文化柔性、领导柔性;柔性机制子系统包含:环境扫描机制、信息分析机制、动态匹配机制、战略控制机制。

    Flexibility elements include : resource flexibility , organizational flexibility , and cultural flexibility , leadership flexibility ; Flexibility mechanisms include : environmental scanning mechanism , information analysis mechanism , dynamic matching mechanism , the strategic control mechanism .

  27. 最终在这一部分,本论文提出了竞争力战略形成机制模型。其次,本论文从理论角度对这一竞争力战略形成机制进行了详细的研究。

    In this final part of this part presented a competitive mechanism for the formation of the strategic model . Secondly , we get a detailed study about strategic formative mechanism from a theoretical point of view of the competitiveness .

  28. 美国在商业方法可专利性的探讨方面已经进行了很多实践,我国应该紧密关注美国在这些实践中获得的经验和教训,构建一套主动有效的战略应对机制。

    The United States has been carried out to explore a lot of practice in the business method patentability , and our country should take close attention to these practices in the United States , to build an active-coping mechanism with effective strategies .

  29. 本文选择以上海市青少年发展基金会为研究典范,试图通过对该基金会战略管理机制构建的论述,为中国其他非营利组织的发展提供借鉴。

    The Shanghai Youth development foundation has been chosen as the model for the research by this article . And the Shanghai Youth development foundation will also be the development reference for the other NPO in China through the mechanism of strategic management analysis .

  30. 俄罗斯方面则应该完善贸易制度,提升贸易服务体系,改善商品输出结构;为了应对中印贸易摩擦,中国宏观上应该建立中印经济战略对话机制,加强反倾销立法,改变出口商品结构。

    Russia should improve its trade system , promote trade service system and perfect commodity exporting structure . In response to Sino-Indian trade frictions , on the macro level , China should establish economic strategic dialogue mechanism with India , strengthen anti-dumping legislation and change the structure of exporting commodities .