
  • 网络Simplification;work simplification;job simplification;Operation simplicity
  1. 该技术可以实现光栅图像和矢量图形的集成,从而将CAD和图像处理的工作简化和标准化。

    This enables raster images to be integrated with vector - based drawings .

  2. 这种统一化参量的使用不仅可使一些复杂情况下的设计工作简化,而且可以使在传统设计方法中很难解决的问题迎刃而解。

    These problems are difficult to be solved by traditional method of design .

  3. 空间结构与下部结构协同工作简化分析方法研究

    Research on Simplified Analysis Method for Spatial Structures Considering the Effect of Substructures

  4. 仅仅为钱工作简化了人们的生活。

    Working for money only simplifies one 's life .

  5. 由于材料的运输工作简化了,内部的整修工作就可以立刻开始。

    The transport of the materials being thus simplified , the arrangement of the interior could begin immediately .

  6. 与其它评价方法相比,该模型能使评价工作简化、评价结果客观,而且应用范围较大。

    Compared with other evaluating methods , the model simplified the evaluating work and made the result objective , and could also be applied in larger scope .

  7. 但您并不能变得在“移植”到“新体系架构”时不遇到任何困难,不过至少可以将工作简化一些。

    You wouldn 't have to without all the hype about " porting " to " new architectures ," but there it is ; at least it 's easy to work around .

  8. 采用标准通讯接口,只用3根线即可将PLC与1000路以上集成继电器连接。标准的电缆插件插入,省去人工接线、编号等工序,安装工作极其简化。

    The standard communication interface is applied , just using 3 line to connect PLC output and relays input above 1000 channels , so reduce the connection line .

  9. 运用Racahalgebra方法定义了一种等效单粒子势,使在开壳层原子的光电离截面计算的Goldstone图中一级图全部消失,计算工作得以简化。整个过程运用了角动量图示法加以说明。

    In this paper , we define an effective single-particle potential using Racah Algebra method , which greatly simplifies the calculation of the cross sections of the photoionization for open-shell atoms in the first-order approximation of Goldstone diagrams .

  10. 双代号网络图中虚工作的简化判断方法

    Judgment Method of Dummy Activity Predigesting in Activity-on-arrow Network

  11. 我们还进行了一系列工作来简化安全管理。

    We have done a number of things to simplify security management as well .

  12. 综合状况的监测和运行成本的降低以及维修工作的简化是能够达到的。

    Integrated status monitoring as well as reduced operating costs and simplified maintenance are achievable .

  13. 利用它们设计自启动电路,可使设计工作得到简化。

    If they are used to design automatic starting circuits , the design can become simpler .

  14. 幸运的是,在最开始多做一些工作能够简化以后的开发工作。

    Fortunately , a little more work at the beginning can simplify matters farther along the development path .

  15. 使用所介绍的系数表可以使具有模结构的二维图象重建工作得以简化并易于实现。

    These tables can be used to simplify and realize easily the reconstruction of two-dimension images with mode structures .

  16. 这一结果表明,茶树高产细胞系筛选中,可采用细胞色泽为指标,使筛选工作得以简化。

    The results implied that the color of cells could be used as indicator in the selection of high-yielding cell clones .

  17. 随着各种分析仪器的不断优化和日趋完善,药残的检测工作逐渐简化,而样品的前处理越来越成为兽药残留分析过程中的关键。

    With continuously optimization and gradually perfection of the various analytical instrumental , the determination work of veterinary residues was gradually simplified .

  18. 在本文中,作者从理论和实践上探讨了改变泵内叶轮、导叶几何参数对多级离心泵性能影响的规律,所得规律可使泵的制造与维修工作得以简化。

    In this paper , the authors describe theoretically and practically the effect of geometric shape change of the pump impeller and dif -

  19. 同时,由于晶体可以在室温下工作,简化了加温与温控部件,提高了整机的工作效率。

    Because the crystal works near the room temperature , the temperature controlling devices are simplified and the work efficiency of the whole system is improved .

  20. 同时使标准件的调用实现了参数化,减少了设计中大量重复性的工作,简化了设计,提高了效率。

    And the system can realize parameterization of standard parts mobilizing , reduces many repeating work in the design , and simplifies the design and improves the efficiency .

  21. 开发实践表明,应用该方法使得在开发后期和维护阶段的工作大大简化,从而加快多媒体软件的开发进程。

    Development practice demonstrates that the method can greatly reduce the work amount of the latter stage and maintenance stage of development , thus making the multimedia software development faster .

  22. 该模型着重于从活动规划、任务描述和信息组织等方面对质量评价过程进行单元化,以便使质量评价工作得以简化并提高其效率。

    This new model is focus the elementary strategy on activity planning , task representation and information organization which relate the quality evaluation process in order to make them simplification and more effective .

  23. 大量的人工统计、计算、制表、填数以及分析等工作将简化为只需将原始数据键入计算机的人机对话工作方式,大幅度提高工作效率。

    The massive artificial statistics , computation , scheduling , writing data and analytic work will be instead only by typing originality data into computer with man-machine conversation mode , it advances working efficiency .

  24. 医生、护士、行政人员和病人们发现,在降低成本、缩短事务处理时间、简化信息查询、削减文书工作、简化工作人员和病人的总体医疗手续方面,平板电脑尤为有用。

    Doctors , nurses , administrators and patients are finding tablets particularly useful to reduce costs , accelerate transaction times , streamline information access , reduce paperwork , and simplify the overall healthcare experience for workers and patients .

  25. 本文将楼板连续化处理以后,采用通常假定,把由芯筒、剪力墙和平面框架组成的复杂平面市置的三维空间协同工作体系简化为一个具有弹性支承的广义悬臂的弯扭耦联问题。

    In this paper , using a continuum technique of floors , a three-dimensional space cooperating system of core-walls , shear-walls and frames , which has complicated plane form , has been simplified to a flexi-twist coupling problem of generalized contilever on elastic foundations .

  26. 提出了考虑网壳结构与下部结构协同工作的简化处理方法,将支承结构简化为弹簧和附加质量,进而考虑下部支承结构的弹性效应和附加惯性效应。

    The simplified method for the cooperative effect between reticulated shell and supporting structure was presented . The supports were simplified as springs and additional mass , and the elastic effect and the inertial effect of supporting structure were considered in dynamic analysis of structure .

  27. 其次,利用UG软件建立工作装置的简化实体模型。

    Next , simplified solid model of the working device was build with UG software .

  28. 它们还可用于图形工作,如简化GUI上对象的旋转。

    They can also be used for graphics work , such as simplifying the rotation of objects on a GUI .

  29. 随着计算机软件开发技术的发展和网络的普及使用,基于C/S架构的桌面应用程序被开发并得到有效地利用,达到提高工作效率、简化工作流程的目的。

    With the development of the exploiture technology on computer software and the popularization of using network , the desktop application system base on C / S is developed and used effectively to enhance work efficiency and predigest work flow .

  30. 基于这样的背景,本文在对动平衡原理及技术方法深入研究的基础上,利用DSP芯片的高计算性能研制便携式嵌入式动平衡系统,使得旋转机械的现场动平衡工作更为简化方便;

    Based on the background given above , this dissertation studies the theories and technologies related with dynamic balancing , makes full use of DSP chip 's wonderful computational performance , finally researches and designs a portable dynamic balancing system , simplifying the field dynamic balance of rotating machines .