
  • 网络Job Involvement;job engagement;work rate
  1. 工作投入和工作倦怠之间存在显著的负相关,可以验证是属于一个连续体的两个极端。

    ( 6 ) Job involvement showed a negative correlation to job burnout .

  2. 组织政治知觉通过组织认同的中介对工作投入有间接的消极影响;

    Organizational identification mediated the relationship between perception of organizational politics and job involvement .

  3. 你可能会后悔,要么是对工作投入不足,要么是过度投入,这似乎是一个教训。但你不会后悔的是能够看清自己的长期职业发展轨道,以及今天的努力能否为你的目标服务,无论是什么目标。

    You can regret either under - or over investing and whether today 's effort is serving your goals , whatever they may be .

  4. 职业倦怠三个分量表与工作投入三个分量表的相关系数,基本均呈现显著负相关,即工作投入与使用MBI所测得的职业倦怠存在显著负相关得到证实。

    The three subscales of burnout and three subscales of job engagement had significant negative correlations .

  5. 中文版Utrecht工作投入量表(UWES)的信效度检验

    The Chinese Version of Utrecht Work Engagement Scale : An Examination of Reliability and Validity

  6. 方法采用修订后的MBI-HSS、Utrecht工作投入量表、自编工作要求、工作资源问卷对4855名警察进行网上问卷调查。

    Methods 4855 police officers were assessed online by the revised MBI-HSS , UWES , job demands and job resources inventory .

  7. JD-R模式下心理契约、角色压力对工作投入影响的实证研究

    Empirical Research into the Psychological Contract and Role Stress Effect on Job Engagement Based on JD-R Model

  8. 根据Bandura自我效能感理论,班主任自我效能感的高低不仅可以预测班主任对教育工作投入的兴趣和动机,影响班主任本身经营班级的能力的表现程度,另一方面也是影响班主任有效经营班级的关键因素。

    According to the Bandura 's self efficacy theory , the level of the teachers in charge of classes not only can predict the interests and motivation of the teachers devoting to classes but also can affect the level of the ability of teachers themselves managing classes .

  9. 本研究以教师样本为例,探讨了基于JDR理论的职业倦怠模型,并引入工作投入变量,考察了工作要求和工作资源对职业倦怠和工作投入的预测作用。

    The study explored the burnout model based on JDR theory , and introduced job engagement variable . As a whole , studied the predictive effects of job demand and job resource on burnout and job engagement , taking the teacher sample for example .

  10. 工作投入、工作卷入与工作嵌入的研究综述

    The Summary of Work Engagement , Job Involvement and Job Embeddedness

  11. 工作投入可以预测员工的工作家庭冲突。

    Work engagement can predict employees work interference with family .

  12. 中海油员工工作投入与自尊的关系研究

    Research on the Relationship between Workers ' Engagement and Esteem in CNOOC

  13. 组织职业生涯管理对工作投入影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Research on Effects of Organizational Career Management on Work Engagement

  14. 工作投入与工作绩效具有显著的相关性。

    Job satisfaction and job involvement has a significant correlation . 3 .

  15. 工作投入研究的现状

    A Review of the Research on Work / Job Engagement

  16. 基于员工工作投入的和谐型劳动关系研究

    A Study of Harmonious Labor Relation Based on Employee 's Job Engagement

  17. 目的对工作投入的相关研究进行综述。

    Objective To review the research on work engagement .

  18. 我喜欢和诚实的、对工作投入、为人正直的人一起工作。

    People who are honest , dedicate to their work and have integrity .

  19. 研究结果表明:一、工作投入与工作家庭增益具有正相关关系。

    The results show that : First , work engagement can predict work-family enrichment .

  20. 影响计数和数据项使用可帮助对开发工作投入进行估算。

    Impact counts , and data item usages can help estimate development work effort .

  21. 正直、工作投入的人合作。

    Dedicated to their work and have integrity .

  22. 小学组织气氛与教师工作投入及其关系研究

    Study on Conditions and Relationships between Primary School Organizational Climate and Teachers ' Work Engagement

  23. 心理授权在仁慈领导和工作投入之间起着部分中介作用。

    Psychological empowerment was a mediator in the relationship between benevolence leadership and job involvement .

  24. 我喜欢与一些诚实并对工作投入的人合作。

    I like to work with people who are honest , dedicated to their work .

  25. 工作投入,富于创新和挑战,具有良好的社会交往能力和团队合作精神。

    Work inputs , innovative and challenges , have good social interaction and team spirit .

  26. 商业性地质工作投入不足;

    Insufficient investment in commercial geological work ;

  27. 国外关于工作投入研究之进展

    Review of Foreign Researches on Work Engagement

  28. 旨在探讨组织因素和个体因素对工作投入的影响作用,丰富工作幸福感的实证研究,并为中学教师工作投入的预防提供理论依据和指导。

    The research explored the influence of organization factors and personal factors to work engagement .

  29. 会频繁评估进度并根据风险和需求优先级的要求调整工作投入。

    Progress is evaluated frequently and the commitments adjusted as risk and requirements priority dictate .

  30. 我们都必须为了工作投入更大的努力。

    We all need to put in greater effort for the sake of the work .