
  • 网络Job dissatisfaction
  1. 低薪是教师对工作不满的主要原因。

    Low pay is the main cause of job dissatisfaction among teachers .

  2. 一项研究发现,在其他条件均等的情况下,精英学校的毕业生会经历更多的工作不满。

    One study found that , other things being equal , graduates of highly selective schools experienced more job dissatisfaction .

  3. 因为当时在中大工作不满三年不能去培训为考官,反而,报名成了BEC高级的考生。

    I was not qualified to be trained as a BEC examiner due to the insufficient working length at SYSU , for my teaching experience here was less than three years .

  4. 他对自己工作不满,却大大怪在太太头上。

    Having been dissatisfied with his job , he started laying an enormous guilt trip on his wife .

  5. 例如,对工作不满也许因为要赚钱、照顾家庭所以可以接受。

    For instance , discontent with your work might feel acceptable because you have to make money and care for your family .

  6. 民调显示,越来越多的选民对奥巴马总统的工作不满,对美国经济走向持消极看法。

    Public-opinion surveys show that voters increasingly disapprove of the job President Barack Obama is doing and have a negative view of the national economy .

  7. 当你决定工作不满一年就离开一个雇主的时候,你必须能够把你自己推销给你的下一任雇主。

    When you make the decision to leave an employer in less than a year , you need to be able to sell yourself to new potential employers .

  8. 发泄情绪的网站:假如你有使用社交网站或部落格表达你对私人生活或工作不满情绪的习惯,决不要让同事知道链接。

    Online venting sites : If you use your social networking profile or a blog to release frustration about your personal and work life , don 't send your co-workers a link .

  9. 但一半以上的失业者不符合这一要求,因为他们或是在被解雇前工作不满一年,或是兼职工作,或是独立的合同工人。

    But more than half the unemployed do not qualify because they had been in their jobs for less than a year before the axe fell ; or worked part-time ; or were independent contractors .

  10. 我听到有传言说他对我们在做的工作非常不满。

    I had heard through the grapevine that he was quite critical of what we were doing .

  11. 她对工作的不满使她母亲很不快乐。

    Her discontent with her job made her mother very unhappy .

  12. 我对他的工作提出不满意见,他便破口大骂。

    He swore like a trooper when I complained about his work .

  13. 对工作的不满是很普遍的,而且经常都是暂时性的。

    Dissatisfaction on the job is common and often temporary .

  14. 他暗示了对她工作的不满。

    He hinted his dissatisfaction with her work .

  15. 我认为,人们对工作的不满源于外界对工作的需要。

    I believe the dissatisfaction for work stems from the external need to work .

  16. 越来越多的工人对自己的工作感到不满。

    More workers are dissatisfied with their jobs .

  17. 重重压力令产业工人们牢骚不断:劳动力调查显示出对工作表示不满的人数创了纪录。

    Hard-pressed workers are feeling grouchy : workforce surveys report record levels of job dissatisfaction .

  18. 人们已经发现,噪声同我们对工作的不满有关系,噪声会让人愤怒,使人忧虑。

    Noise has been found to be related to job dissatisfaction and to result in irritation and anxiety .

  19. 她从不公开表示对工作的不满,生怕同事向老板告她。

    She never explains openly about her works for fear that her colleagues would report her to the boss .

  20. 这些学生必须在2月17日之前完成该项任务,但事实上,学生们对于在春节期间还要帮助学校进行公关宣传等工作非常不满。

    The students , who must complete the assignment by February 17 , were less than enthused about doing PR work for the school during their Spring Festival holiday .

  21. 由于员工对工作环境不满而导致每1%的生产率下降就近乎给整栋大楼提供暖气或空调所花去平均费用的四倍。

    A1 per cent loss in productivity by employees who are dissatisfied with work conditions equates to almost four times the average cost of heating or air-conditioning the entire building .

  22. 她说:尽管我终将选择辞职、跳槽,但是如果工作经验不满一年,你就不能要求加薪。

    I will quit and look for a better job eventually , but you cant ask for more money when you have less than one year of work experience , she said .

  23. 他说,一些外籍劳工对所谓的歧视和恶劣工作条件不满,可能是导致这场骚乱的原因之一。他还说,决策者或许应该考虑提高外籍劳工的薪资和待遇。

    Some migrants ' resentment against perceived discrimination and poor working conditions could have contributed to the outburst , Mr. Hui said , adding that policy makers may need to consider improving migrant pay and treatment .

  24. 据《国家》杂志(TheNation)发布的一篇报告,四月底,因为对不公平的工作时间安排不满,沃尔玛150家连锁店的员工与门店经理形成了对峙。

    At the end of April , workers at 150 Walmart ( WMT ) stores confronted managers about unfair scheduling practices , according to a report by the nation .

  25. 对于工资和工作环境有不满的迹象。

    There are signs of discontent with pay and conditions .

  26. 当然,每个人都时不时的在工作上产生不满情绪&可能你的业绩不佳,也可能老板觉得你表现不佳。

    Sure , everyone 's unhappy at work from time to time & maybe your client presentation flopped or your boss gave you a poor performance review .

  27. 该政策基于这样一种判断,即因为工资上涨而感到满意的人,其数量要远远超过因工资不断上涨迫使没有竞争力的工厂关门而失去工作或感到不满的人。

    This policy is based on a calculation that those citizens happy with their higher wages will far outnumber those unhappy and unemployed because rising wages forced uncompetitive factories to close .

  28. 此外,我们都觉得有时需要发泄工作中的不满,不过现如今很难说哪些玩笑是可以接受的,哪些是无法接受的。

    What 's more , we all feel the need sometimes to vent about our workplaces , but it 's tough to know in this day and age what is acceptable banter and what isn 't.

  29. “临时出国人员”是指因公临时派往国外工作、学习不满一年的各类人员。

    The term " personnel temporarily going abroad " refers to various categories of personnel , who are sent , temporarily , by the State to work abroad or study for a period of less than one year .

  30. 你知道现在的工作人员有多么不满?

    Do you know how upset the director and the crew are ?