
  • 网络Job skills;skills;Work Skills;working skill
  1. 这里是VOA特别英语发展报道。多哥一个新成立的互联网培训中心将为这个西非地区的年轻人提供机会来提高自己的工作技能。

    Classes Start in March at Internet Training Center in Togo This is the VOA Special English Technology Report . A new Internet training center in Togo will give young people in that part of West Africa a chance to improve their job skills .

  2. 失业危机很大程度上是工作技能方面的结构性危机。

    The unemployment crisis is largely a structural crisis of job skills .

  3. 据美国女童子军(GirlScoutsoftheUSA)组织报告,童子军还提供其他学习生活-工作技能的机会。

    The Girl Scouts of the USA organization reports that it offers other opportunities to learn life-work skills .

  4. 对QC检验员进行多技能的培训,促进和提高QC检验员的工作技能和良好的工作理念。

    Training QC inspectors ' all kinds of skills , promote and improve inspectors ' all kinds skills and correct philosophy .

  5. 你应该兼备语言能力和工作技能。

    You should combine your language ability with your business skills .

  6. 对员工进行培训,提高他们工作技能及相关技术知识。

    To train-up local worker and improve job skill and knowledge .

  7. 这是你完美的我的审计工作技能和分析能力。

    It is you that perfect my audit skills and analytical mind .

  8. 出色的秘书工作技能会增加你找工作的机会。

    Good secretarial skills should enhance your chances of getting a job .

  9. 移动素养成为一项基本的工作技能。

    Mobile literacy is becoming a vital basic work skill .

  10. 企业办公室主任的工作技能

    A Study on Working Skills of Office Directors in Enterprises

  11. 师范生班主任工作技能实训模式的探讨

    Discussion of the Training Mode of Masters ' Working Skill

  12. 我是一个小型IT部门的经理,我的工作技能都是自学而成。

    I manage a small IT department and all my skills are self-taught .

  13. 大力提高企业员工的工作技能;

    Making very progress of employee 's working skills ;

  14. 大学将实施全国性工作技能测试

    Universities to Impose National ' Job Skill ' Tests

  15. 你有必需的工作技能和责任感吗?

    Do you have the necessary skills and commitment ?

  16. 同样的,个人必须采取实际措施提高工作技能。

    Similarly , a person must take pragmatic measures to better its work skills .

  17. 而教育又怎样不仅影响一个人的工作技能而且还影响到生活质量?

    How does education affect not only labor skills but the quality of life ?

  18. 那之后还有工作技能讲座。

    and after that seminars on work skills .

  19. 政府提供工作技能的课程,帮助许多失去生活经济来源的妇女。

    The government has tried to help many displaced homemakers by offering job skill courses .

  20. 基本技能,生活技能,和工作技能。

    Skills and job duties are interconnected .

  21. 班主任工作技能实训课教学问题初探

    A Preliminary Exploration on Teaching Problems about the Training Courses of Head Teachers ' Working Skills

  22. 要达到这一标准需要组织结构,工作技能和就业方式的巨大改变。

    Meeting these standards requires great changes in organizational structures , skill needs , and jobs .

  23. 突出应用性,追求实效性&班主任工作技能课程与教学初探

    Stressing Application and Pursuing Substantial Results : Research on Class Teacher Technique Course Design and Teaching

  24. 记住你的餐桌礼仪:公司希望除了工作技能之外还需要有社交技能的员工。

    Remember your table manners : companies want employees with social as well as job skills .

  25. 办公室工作技能包括:操作英文文字处理机及微型电子计算机、速记每分钟85个字。

    Office skills include ; operating English word processor and microcomputer , taking shorthand 85 wpm .

  26. 第六步:工作技能

    Step 6 : Areas of expertise

  27. 我的主管鼓励我去提升我的工作技能以致于我能在我的工作中不断提升。

    My boss encourages me to develop my job skills so I can advance in my career .

  28. 工作技能&领导力;有效管理工作量;专长于团体环境;处理信息

    Work skills-Leadership , For effectively managing workload , For excelling in corporate environment , For handling information

  29. 学习好的工作技能。

    Learn great work skills .

  30. 规范和发展社区健康测度方法培养和完善全科医生工作技能

    Criterion and Development Measuring Methods of Community Health , Train and Perfect the Working Skill of Gps