
  • 网络potential
  1. 第四,内蒙古高校体育教师工作潜力还没有得到充分挖掘。

    In fourth , Inner Mongolia college sport teachers work potential has not yet been fully excavated .

  2. 快乐对我而言莫过于发现自己除了学习以外的工作潜力。

    As far as me , nothing is better than to see my working potential except learning aspect .

  3. 同一时间,在某特定的时期,我们很多姐妹公司却有着剩余的工作潜力。

    At the same time , many of our agencies at any particular moment will have spare capacity .

  4. 在改进后的激励模式的作用下,相信企业能够对80后实施更有效的激励和管理,不断激发出他们的工作潜力,为企业创造更大的价值。

    In the role of the improved model of incentives , I believe that enterprise is able to do more effective incentives and management to " after 80 " and inspire their work potential constantly , while create greater value for the enterprise .

  5. 他表示,科技夸大了更努力工作的潜力:黑莓(BlackBerry)和手机意味着,人们没有很好地管理自己的时间。

    The potential for working harder , he says , is exacerbated by technology : BlackBerries and mobile phones mean that people are not managing their time well .

  6. 桑顿先生对这份工作的潜力抱有巨大的热情。

    Mr Thornton is enormously enthusiastic about the potential in his job .

  7. 梅拉尼娅全家嗅到了她从事模特工作的潜力。

    Melania 's entire family sensed potential in her modeling .

  8. 从就业角度,就业能力是劳动者在一个既定的劳动力市场上成功从事某种工作的潜力。

    Form the perspective of employment , employability is a potential success of workers in an established labor market .

  9. 双足机器人是一种可模拟人类双腿行走的高级智能机器人,具有代替人类在危险环境下进行重复工作的潜力。

    Biped robot is a kind of advanced intelligent robot that can walk like human being and have ability of doing repetitive works instead of human being .

  10. 使妇女在工作中发挥潜力的支持体系严重不足。

    The support systems to enable women to realize their potential at work are seriously inadequate

  11. MOS器件的最高工作温度及潜力开拓

    The Limited Operating Temperature and The Potential Development of MOS Device

  12. 改良工作具有很大潜力。

    There is tremendous room for improvement .

  13. 它具有以快速方法改变网络工作方式的潜力。

    It has the potential to change the way our networks work in a rapid way .

  14. 谦逊被认为是一种软弱和糟糕的男性性格特征,影响工作和收入潜力。

    Modesty for males is viewed as a sign of weakness , a low-status character trait that could affect their employability or earnings potential .

  15. 作为一个老师,我满意和学生们的关系,但是我的工作没有很多潜力来关注人的成长。

    As a teacher , I had enjoyed my relationships with students , but my job had provided me with little potential for personal growth ;

  16. 它还得到了纽约和硅谷一拨风险投资人的支持,而这些人最清楚技术改变未来工作状况的潜力有多大。

    It has also gained support among a cadre of venture capitalists in New York and Silicon Valley , the people most familiar with the potential for technology to alter modern work .

  17. 我国建筑能耗占总能耗的比例大约为27%,而且呈现出明显的上升趋势。因此开展建筑节能工作有巨大潜力,建筑节能主要包括两个方面:一是节流,二是开源。

    The building energy consumptions is about 27 % of total consumptions , and the ratio is up grow now , so expanding building energy conservation work has a big potential , it has two aspects , one is to save energy , the other is to use renewable energy .

  18. 其中.隧穿场效应晶体管(TFET)因其独特的工作原理而有潜力用作低功耗器件。

    Among them , the tunneling field effect transistor ( TFET ) has the potential to be used as low power device due to its unique working principle .

  19. 抓好设备管理工作深挖企业内部潜力挖掘生产内部潜力,调整畜群结构;

    Adjust the structure of herd and flock to take advantage of internal potential of production ;

  20. 通过单因素方差分析,对工资、性别、工龄、工作环境、工作潜力、职称、受教育程度等多个因素对离职意图的影响做了分析。

    It analyses from the single factor of variance on the wages , gender , working age , working environment , work potential , titles , and the education degree and etc , multiple factors .

  21. 我做事情常常一拖再拖,把工作拖到最后一刻。因此,我总是觉得好象自己原本可以完成更多的工作,自己的潜力没有充分发挥出来。

    I tend to procrastinate and leave tasks until the very last moment . As a consequence , I always feel as though I could have done more and that my potential has been somewhat unfulfilled .