
ɡōnɡ zuò nénɡ lì
  • working ability;working capacity
  1. P型双偏心式提前器工作能力的研究

    A Study on the Working Ability of P-type Double Eccentric-Pieces Advancers

  2. AD严重影响患者的工作能力和生活质量,也为家庭和社会带来沉重的负担。

    The working ability and life quality of the patients are damaged significantly and this disease places a heavy burden on the family and society .

  3. 工伤赔偿方案要考虑实际残疾情况以及残疾是否会影响其工作能力。

    The industrial injuries scheme takes into account the actual disability and whether it handicaps a person in working .

  4. 他的同事非常钦佩他的工作能力。

    All his colleagues have the greatest respect for his work .

  5. 我真钦佩他的工作能力。

    I really admire his capacity for work .

  6. 他工作能力强,上级很器重他。

    He is a capable worker , and his superiors think highly of him .

  7. 这起事故使他丧失了工作能力。

    The accident disabled him for work .

  8. 此外,民航、公安部门、机场以及航空公司等均要加强反恐情报工作能力。

    Additionally , civil aviation and public security administrations , airports and airlines are asked to enhance their anti-terrorism intelligence capabilities2 .

  9. 目的评价工作能力指数(WorkAbilityIndex,WAI)量表的内在结构及其条目合理性。

    Objective To evaluate the item rationality and construct validity of the work ability index ( WAI ) scale .

  10. 因此,本文对基于多Agent的敏捷制造调度系统中制造设备的工作能力进行了比较全面的定义,并实现了其在制造设备Agent中的表示。

    Therefore , an appropriate way should be found for the definition and representation of the manufacturing ability of equipment in a Multi-Agent based agile manufacturing environment .

  11. 而要使FRP-混凝土组合结构良好的受力性能得以发挥,保证FRP材料与混凝土之间协同工作能力的研究就显得至关重要。

    To the composite structure , it is very important to have good interaction between the concrete and FRP composite .

  12. 结果操作者明视持久度、反应时、阅字数、脑力工作能力指数四项指标在有屏组与无屏组间比较,无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

    Results Difference was not significant in visuognosis persistence , visual-motor reflex time , reading number and intellective capacity index between those with protective filters and without filters study groups ( P > 0.05 ) .

  13. 生活质量评定显示,经8周治疗患者在躯体症状、工作能力、生活满意感及业余生活等方面均有显著改善(P<0.05~0.01)。

    The results of quality life determination demonstrated that , after 8 weeks treatment , the physical symptoms , work performance , life satisfaction and leisure activity were improved ( P < 0.05 ~ 0.01 ) .

  14. 显示:心肌细胞膜上Na、K泵的工作能力提高,心脏的保护机制有所增强。

    After endurance exercise , the ability of Na + , K + - pump in cardiac cell membrane has increased and the protective mechanism of heart has improved .

  15. 增氧呼吸器在高原对机体PWC(170)时脑-体工作能力的影响

    Effects of oxygen-increased respirator on mental-physical capacity of PWC_ ( 170 ) in high altitude environment

  16. 方法对101名化工作业工人进行肌肉骨骼功能(背肌耐力、手握力、躯干柔韧性、腹肌力和肌肉骨骼功能指数)测定和工作能力指数(WAI)测定。

    Methods The musculoskeletal function and work ability index ( WAI ) were tested in 101 workers from CI .

  17. 方法采用职业紧张量表(OSIR)和工作能力指数法(WAI)测试2270例不同职业类型者的职业紧张、紧张反应、应对资源和工作能力变化。

    Method Occupational stress and work ability were carried out with revised occupational stress inventory ( OSI-R ) and work ability index ( WAI ) in 2 270 workers .

  18. 最后,在实现上述系统的基础上,构建了基于ICE的网络化控制系统的时钟同步测试平台,并对系统进行了时钟同步测试,从而检验了网络通信平台的工作能力。

    Finally , based on the realization of the above systems , we built a clock synchronization test platform of networked control system based on ICE . The communication system has been tested clock synchronization to verify its capability .

  19. WAI方法操作性强,结果较为可靠,可适时应用于全路调车作业关键工种的工作能力测定工作中。

    WAI method have a high maneuverability and more reliable , so can be applied in shunting key kinds of work ability in assessment work .

  20. 跳频(frequencyhopping)通信由于具有良好的低截获概率、抗干扰性及组网工作能力,在军事和民用通信领域得到了广泛应用,因此开展跳频信号处理技术的研究,具有重大的现实意义。

    Frequency hopping communication has been widely applied in military and civil communications , due to its low probability of interception and detection , anti-jamming performance , and networking capability . So it is very important for us to study the processing of FH signals .

  21. 所有这些都给Chromebook带来了更高的工作能力,但Macbook先进的组织和多任务工具却让我觉得更加方便。

    All those things make Chromebooks highly productive for me , though my MacBook 's advanced organization and multitasking tools make me more nimble .

  22. 新的移动交换中心最初建立在高级电信处理体系(ATCA)上,这是一种硬件标准,用来提升不同网络组件间的协同工作能力。

    The new MSC is first built on the Advanced Telecom Computing Architecture ( ATCA ), a hardware standard designed to promote interoperability with different network components .

  23. 方法利用职业紧张量表(OSIR)和工作能力指数法(WAI),测试1692例中小学教师和578例非教育工作的脑力劳动者的职业紧张强度和工作能力变化,分析其相关性。

    Methods Changes in occupational stress and work ability were measured with revised occupational stress inventory ( OSI R ) and work ability index ( WAI ) for 1 692 teachers and 578 non teacher brain workers , and their correlation was analyzed .

  24. 目的综合性工作能力指数(Comprenhensiveworkabilityindex,CWAI)量表同质性信度评价。

    Objective To evaluate the Inter-item consistency reliability of comprehensive work ability index ( CWAI ) scales .

  25. 其中,由心态、社交状况、生活和工作能力几个因素所代表的生活状态特征对GERD产生的影响多于由年龄、BMI指数、吸烟情况、运动频率所代表的人口社会学特征。

    The mentality , social status , ability to live and work which on behalf of Living status characteristics affected GERD rather than by the age , BMI index , smoking tobacco , frequency of exercise which represented by population characteristics of sociology .

  26. 结论服用常规单剂量莫达非尼(200mg)对飞行工作能力无明显不良影响,并有明显提高机体应激反应能力、降低主观疲劳感的作用。

    Conclusions Modafinil given at routine , single dose ( 200mg ) had no significant adverse effect on flight performance , and could significantly enhance the ability of stress reaction and lower the subjective fatigue level .

  27. 结果显示,在3500m和4500m,工作能力得分较300m平原降低了17.9%和33.7%,且以体能下降为主,两个高度体能的降幅分别是23.7%和31.2%(P<0.05)。

    The results indicated that the markers of labor ability significantly decreased by 17.9 % and 33.7 % respectively at the two altitudes and among which the physical capacity mainly decreased ( the decreased rate was 23.7 % and 32.2 % respectively , P < 0.05 ) .

  28. 18~23岁各年龄组大学生中,男子18、19岁年龄组的无氧工作能力及18岁年龄组的有氧工作能力明显好于其他各年龄组(P005);

    For both male and female students from 18 to 23 years old , aerobic working ability of the 18 and 19 years old male age group and the anaerobic working ability of the 18-year-old male age group are much better than those of the other age groups ( P0.05 );

  29. 能自我激励,有独立工作能力,并能承受工作压力。

    Customer-driven , self-motivated , can work independently and withstand pressure .

  30. 提高金刚石钻头工作能力的试验研究

    Experimental research into increase of working efficiency of diamond drilling bits