
  1. 如何提高药品抽验工作效益

    How to Raise the Benefit of Sampling and Testing of Drugs

  2. 影响企业思想政治工作效益的不利因素

    The Unfavorable Factors Influencing the Benefit of Political Work in Enterprises

  3. 军队政治工作效益受多种因素的制约。

    The effect of military political work is restricted by many factors .

  4. 论制约政治工作效益的因素

    On the Restrict Factors of the Effect of Political Work

  5. 地质调查工作效益评价研究

    On working the appraisal research of the geological survey benefit

  6. 海洋监视工作效益和工作质量评价方法探讨

    An approach to assess benefit and quality of marine surveillance

  7. 对地质勘查劳动安全保护工作效益问题的刍探

    A tentative discussion on labor safety and production performance of the prospecting industry

  8. 长春市干部教育培训工作效益分析

    Analysis of Benefit in Changchun Cadres Educational Training

  9. 学校体育工作效益评价中的思考

    Thoughts on Evaluation for College PE Sufficiency

  10. 浅谈对市场经济条件下档案工作效益观的认识

    The Cognition to The Mileage Notion of Files Work Under The Condition of Market Economy

  11. “我们的目标是提高财务顾问的工作效益。”杰森说。

    " Our goal is to increase the productivity of financial advisors ," said Jason .

  12. 试论思想政治工作效益观

    On the Effectiveness of Ideologically Political Work

  13. 这就大大地缩短了设计周期,极大地提高了工作效益。

    With the presented strategy , it is possible to shorten design periods and enhance efficiency .

  14. 影响战略:提高高校思想政治工作效益的新课题

    Strategy of Influence : A New Attempt to Enhance the Benefit of Ideological Education in Universities

  15. 而社区工作效益的最大化则是社区治理发育与成熟。

    And community work is to maximize the benefit of the community management development and mature .

  16. 思想政治工作效益问题是我国思想政治工作长期忽视的一个重要问题。

    The efficacy of ideological and political work is an issue that has long since been neglected .

  17. 对医疗卫生服务工作效益问题的思考&兼论卫生体制改革的目标

    On the Benefits form Public Health Work and on the Goals of Reforms of Health Service System

  18. 提高工作效益

    Improve the efficiency of work

  19. 思想政治工作效益的界定及其对思想政治工作的促进作用

    The Definition of the Benefit of Political Ideological Work and How It Promotes the Political Ideological Work

  20. 中小学校长培训模式的构建是事关培训工作效益与质量的非常重要的组织机制问题。

    The construction of training pattern of middle and primary school headmaster is a very important organizational question to training benefit and quality .

  21. 高校思想政治工作效益的评定及其影响因素

    The Evaluation of the Benefit of Ideological and Political Work at Universities and Colleges and Some Factors that Are Influential in Achieving the Benefit

  22. 骑车上班能够增强创造力,增强活力,提高工作效益。

    Another benefit of cycling is feeling more creative and full of energy once you get to work , which will improve your performance .

  23. 该机可采用自动送料、减轻劳动强度,提高工作效益,并确保成品准确度。

    It could send the material automatically , release the working pressure , improve the productivity and make sure of the accuracy of finished products .

  24. 管理虽不能直接创造出利润,但是科学管理却能在提高企业工作效益、稳定高校秩序和发展后勤事业等方面发挥着重要的作用。

    Management can not create the direct profits , but scientific management will promote the working efficiency , stabilize the working orders and develop rear-service industry .

  25. 介绍一种航道测量的实际改进方法,提高航道测量的工作效益和经济效益,促进航道测量的现代化发展。

    A practical improved method of channel surveying is introduced , which can raise working efficiency and economic efficiency , and accelerate modem development of channel surveying .

  26. 如何实现高职院校学报交流与赠阅工作效益最大化&以《青岛职业技术学院学报》为例

    The Methods of Achieving the Maximum Effectiveness in Exchanging and Offering Free Copies of the Journals of Higher Vocational Colleges & Take Journal of Qingdao Technical College for Example

  27. 有效教学是为了提高教师的工作效益,强化过程评价和目标管理的一种现代教学理念。

    Effective Teaching is a method of modern teaching concept that is applied to improve the teaching efficiency , strengthen the evaluation of the teaching process and management by objectives .

  28. 城市基础测绘一图多用的方法不但能够提高工作效益和经济效益,同时可加快地理空间基础框架的架设。

    The method of a map for multi-purpose of urban basic surveying and mapping will not only im-prove work efficiency and economic benefits , but also accelerate the erection of geo-spatial framework .

  29. 建议对乡村医生实行工资加奖金的报酬模式,按乡村医生的技术职务、医龄、岗位工作效益等实行有层次的结构工资制,以医疗预防保健工作质量作为分发奖金的依据。

    So a remuneration mode of " laborage and bonus " is suggested . Pay the village doctors based on their technic office , their years of medical work , and their work efficiency .

  30. 本系统能够实现对图书馆信息服务的评价,可以减轻工作量,提高工作效益。能够实现对各评价结果的可视化,是一个基本于图书馆网站的在线评价系统。

    The system can realize the evaluation of library information service , lighten workload , improve work efficiency , and visualize each evaluation result . It is an on-line evaluation system based on library web-site .