
  • 网络work element;job element
  1. 但教师对不同工作要素的满意度的变化趋势可能不同,其中保健因素可能呈U形发展。

    The tendency of teachers ' satisfaction may be different toward various job elements , in which the development of " hygiene " elements may appears as " U " .

  2. OJT通过对一线不同工作要素的观察,试验,实践,最终达到标准化来指导我们的工作。

    OJT is conducted on the shop floor by observing , trying out , and practicing different work elements of a job , and using standardized work sheets as a guides .

  3. 高校思想政治工作要素趋势论

    On the Trend of Main Factors of Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities

  4. 根据其需求特点设计了本系统的矩阵模型,并对实现功能的矩阵系统工作要素及方式进行说明。

    According to the demand characteristic , I designed the matrix model of this system , and introduced how the system worked .

  5. 随着经济节奏的加快和竞争日趋激烈,信息沟通越来越成为最重要的生活学习和工作要素之一。

    With the accelerated pace of the economy and increasing competition , communication is increasingly becoming the most important element of study and work life .

  6. 此类数据被编码并进入系统,随后可对数据进行追踪、参考和用于自动更新已完成工作要素的状态。

    These data are then coded and entered into the system where they can subsequently be tracked , referenced and used to automatically update the status of completed work elements .

  7. 详细成本估算中的具体项次成为工作成本要素。

    Specific items in the detailed cost estimate become job cost elements .

  8. 防锈工作三要素

    On working Three Factors of Antirust

  9. 另一方面,对企业竞争情报工作的要素和工作机制进行了评析。

    On the other hand , analyses the basic element and work mechanism of enterprise competitive intelligence .

  10. 按照工作资格要素的标准来衡量员工,获得在各种工作资格要素方面员工自身的条件与职业要求之间的匹配度。

    Matching degree between job and employee is obtained through estimating employee by factors of job qualification .

  11. 文摘论述了图书馆展览服务的定义、特点,图书馆展览服务工作的要素以及图书馆展览服务未来创新发展的若干思考。

    This paper studies on the definition of public library exhibition service , discusses its characteristic and key elements , finally innovative thinkings on the development of the library exhibition service in the future are given .

  12. 分析结果表明:中小民营企业人才对于薪水、晋升机会、内部沟通、上司、福利的满意度与流失意图呈显著负相关,而其它工作满意度要素对人才流失意图影响相对较小。

    The analysis showed that : small and medium-sized private enterprises , personnel salary , promotion opportunities , internal communications , boss , benefits , satisfaction and turnover intention was significantly negatively correlated , while the other job satisfaction factors on brain drain , the intention to influence relatively small .

  13. 文献[13]提出了一个迁移工作流管理系统的框架,该框架主要由迁移工作流管理引擎、迁移实例(migratinginstance,以下简称MI)和工作位置三要素构成。

    A framework was proposed in the document [ 13 ] for the migrating workflow management system , which is composed of three key factors , that is , migrating workflow management engine , migrating instance ( MI ), and workplace .

  14. 做好技术安全管理工作的几个要素

    Several Key Factors to Do Well in Technical Security Management Work

  15. 公共图书馆提高读者服务工作质量诸要素浅议

    Discussion on How Public Library Improve the Quality of Readers ' Service

  16. 建筑设计工具是建筑设计工作的技术要素之一。

    Architectural design tools are key factors of the architectural design technologies .

  17. 试论做好发令工作的几个要素

    Remarks on Some Key Elements of Starting Work

  18. 高校实验室工作的五要素

    Five elements of college laboratory work

  19. 心理情景剧自身的基本组成要素和小组工作的组成要素具有一定的相似性,二者在组成要素上可以进行角色的转换。

    The basic elements of psychological drama and team work have some similarities , they can transform to be each other in the elements .

  20. 本标准包含有指导原则,将使得术语工作的核心要素更加标准。

    In line with current standardization trends to include guiding principles , this International Standard is intended to standardize the essential elements for terminology work .

  21. 主要包括:宣传思想工作的基本要素、宣传主体、宣传客体以及宣传主客体间的关系。

    Include mainly : Basic key element of propagating ideological work , propagating the subject , propagating the object and propagating the relation among the main object .

  22. 来源期刊与评价指标体系是期刊评价工作的核心要素,其中评价指标体系分为基础理论指标、实际应用指标和定性评价三部分。

    The source journals and index system which can be divided into the basic indexes , applied indexes and qualitative assessment , are the core elements in journal assessment .

  23. 学生评教是学生通过教学过程对教师教学工作中各要素的综合认知,依据一定的标准体系,从学习者角度对其教学工作进行的定性与定量的评估。

    Students ' evaluation of teaching is a qualitative and quantitative assessment of teaching . It is based on certain criteria and is a comprehensive cognition of the basic elements of the teaching process .

  24. 其次通过比较档案利用工作在各要素随着时间的变化下的不同状况,从中发现规律,总结各个要素对档案利用工作的影响。

    Secondly , by comparing the file using the elements of work changes over time under different conditions , and found the law summarized the work of the various elements of the file used .

  25. 介绍了黑火药控制爆破法在河南省商城县花岗岩开采中的试验与应用,给出了工作面开采要素和合理的爆破参数。

    The test and use of the controlled blasting of black powder in granite dimension stone production in Shangcheng County , Henan is described with working face production elements and reasonable blasting parameters recommended .

  26. 因此,本文主要考察社会保障这一因素在决定工作满意度诸要素中的地位与影响,从而实现其对人才流动影响的研究。

    So , this paper mainly investigates this factor 's position and influence in determining all key elements of job satisfaction of social security , thus realize its research of the influence of floating of professionals .

  27. 本文突破传统观念,从管理科学的高度阐释教务工作的管理要素和方法思路,力求对学院的改革发展提供借鉴和支持。

    This paper , breaking through the traditional ideas , discusses the management factors and methods of academic affairs from the aspect of scientific management , trying to offer support and use of reference to the college reform and development .

  28. 本文首先分析了数字化医疗设备的特点,其次提出了数字化医疗设备引进时须把握的环节和搞好维护管理工作的几个要素。

    At first , the article analyzed the characteristic of digital medical equipments . Then , it raised the links that the users must hold when the digital medical equipments were introduced and the factors that the users settled the mainte ˉ nance and management .

  29. 然而,城市轨道交通运营组织设计工作包含的要素众多,各要素间作用关系复杂,人工设计一个可行方案往往需要花费较长的时间,且难以达到整体最优。

    However , the operation organization design of urban rail transit contains many factors , and the relationships among the factors are complex . Designing one feasible plan by man needs a long time , and it is very difficult to realize the whole superior plan .

  30. 其三,论证了高校只有统筹兼顾、齐抓共管,才能保证思想政治工作机制各要素环节的协调运行,并进而保证高校思想政治工作机制整体的优化与有效运行。

    Third , the only integrated demonstration of the university , make concerted efforts to ensure the ideological and political work mechanism links the elements of the coordinated operation , and thus ensure that ideological and political work in colleges and universities mechanisms and optimizing the overall operation .