
  • 网络working poverty;Working poor
  1. 此外,这些在城市工作的贫穷妇女积极寻求培育长期雇佣的关系。

    Moreover , poor women working in urban areas actively seek to cultivate long-term employer-employee relations .

  2. 该团队将构建软件以帮助公众向这个慈善团体贡献自己的力量,该团体工作于贫穷的玻利维亚。

    The team will build software to help the public contribute to the work of this charity , which works among the poor in Bolivia .

  3. 有关Poverty“贫穷”的词群n.贫穷很多美国人借着辛勤的工作,从贫穷走向富裕。

    Group 02 indigence By hard work , many Americans have raised themselves from indigence to wealth .

  4. 贫穷人口基础工作:减少贫穷,改善贫穷人口的水源和卫生状况。

    Infrastructure for the poor : poverty alleviation and water and sanitation services for the poor .

  5. 该报告说,它们可以帮助创造新工作并且为贫穷的农村地区提供更廉价的电力。

    They can help create new jobs and provide poor rural areas with cheaper electricity , the report said .

  6. “仁爱之家”继续着他们在泰国南部的工作,帮助当地贫穷的家庭和社区改善他们的生活。

    Habitat for Humanity is continuing their work in the south of Thailand , helping poor local families and communities to improve their lives .

  7. 那里失去的任何工作,在较贫穷的内陆省份都能同样深切地感受到,因为后者依赖的汇款,正是来自在沿海地区工作的民工。

    The loss of any jobs there would be felt just as keenly in poorer inland provinces , which rely on remittances from migrant workers employed on the coast .