
  • 网络Transfer
  1. 从对外披露的原因来看,辞职和工作调动是使用最多的托词。

    Quitting and work transfer were the most frequent claimed excuses .

  2. 作为一位惠普(HP)信息技术(IT)专家,在他妻子工作调动时,他能毫不费力地找到工作或调换工作。

    As an information technology specialist for Hewlett-Packard , he has had no problem finding work or transferring when his wife moves .

  3. “三五”目标是围绕全球扩大获得HIV治疗全球工作调动国际支持和行动的一项主要促进因素。

    The " 3 by5 " target has been a major catalyst for mobilizing international support and action around the global effort to expand HIV treatment access .

  4. 所在会计师事务所的聘用合同或者工作调动证明;

    Employment contract or employment remove certification of the certified public accountants firm in which the applicant practiced ;

  5. 波特13岁那年随着当推销员的父亲工作调动来到波特兰。

    12 Porter came to Portland when he was 13 after his father , a salesman , was transferred here .

  6. 本报告就如何通过发展工作调动社区居民参与预防暴力提供了有参考价值的分析结果,并提出了具体建议。

    The report offers valuable analysis and recommendations on how communities can be involved through development work in violence prevention .

  7. 由于新部门成立,公司部门工作调动,本人被委派为采购部主管。

    As the new department was set up , I was accredited to the purchaser executive officer of PANASONIC CHINESE MANUFACTURER .

  8. 前不久我工作调动的时候,我的新老板不知道指导设计师是做什么的。

    When I was re-org 'd a while ago , my new boss didn 't know what an instructional designer did .

  9. 如您因工作调动或户口迁移需要从异地调剂外汇金钱时,银行可为您打点储蓄存款异地托收营业。

    If you want to maneuver foreign exchange fund from other places because of job relocation or inhabitance registration transition , Bank can offer you the inter-city collection of deposit .

  10. 这可能很简单的诸如寻找完美沙发或租赁完美的度假小屋之类的小事情,也过能是类似于海外工作调动的大事件,来吧,我们去巴黎!

    It may be as simple as finding the perfect couch or the perfect vacation cottage to rent , or as massive as a job relocation overseas , say , to Paris !

  11. 下一步工作:调动更大规模投资

    Next Step : Catalyzing Larger-Scale Investments

  12. 那年由于工作地调动,来到了上海。

    That year as a result of the work of mobilizing , came to the shanghai .

  13. 充分认识新时期环保工作任务调动全社会积极因素努力减少环境污染

    Well Aware of Environmental Protection Mission in New Period , Transfer Positive Factors of Whole Society for Strive Reducing Environmental Pollution

  14. 因工作需要调动时,应当征得本级工会委员会和上一级工会的同意。

    If work requirements necessitate such a move , approval shall be obtained from the respective level trade union committee and higher level trade union .

  15. 该文通过对青年教师发展需要、成就需要、尊重需要和正常人际交往需要的分析,阐述了从心理需要的角度做好青教师培养工作和调动其积极性的问题。

    The article analyses development needs , fulfilment needs , respectful needs and communicated needs of the Young Teachers , and clarifies the problem that we should improve the Young Teachers training from the angle of psychological needs .

  16. 如何激发教师的工作热情,调动他们的积极性是高校管理者必须研究的问题。

    For college administrators , it is necessary to consider how to stimulate work enthusiasm and promote active work among them .

  17. 二是重视针对研发人员的培训工作、充分调动研发人员的工作积极性;

    Secondly , thinking much of the training aimed at R D personnel 、 promoting R D personnel 's working enthusiasm fully .

  18. 在人力资源开发与管理中,绩效管理是一项重要的基础性工作,是调动管理者和员工积极性、创造性的重要手段。

    During the development and management of human resource , performance management is an important fundamental work . It is an important way to motivate employee initiation and creation .

  19. 比如,工作上的调动让你的办公室离家更近了,那么,更短路程的交通费以及便宜的停车费就帮你节约了开支。

    For instance , when a job change moves your office closer to home , you may realize cost savings in the form of a shorter commute or cheaper parking .

  20. 通过实施人性化管理,增强了护士的凝聚力,提高工作效率,调动了护士工作的积极性,提高护理质量,提高护士的综合素质。

    Through the application of humanization management , strengthen nurses ′ cohesiveness , increase working efficiency , motivate nurses ′ working attitude , upgrade nurse serving quality and improve nurses ′ general diathesis .

  21. 在改革开放的新形势下,不断创新思想政治工作,充分调动广大职工的积极性和创造性,对企业发展具有重要的现实意义。

    Under the new situation of reform and opening-up , there are important realistic meanings to enterprise 's development , in the innovative ideological and political work constantly , arousing the enthusiasm of the masses of workers and creativity fully .

  22. 企业管理者可以通过三种力量来影响员工的工作行为,调动他们的工作积极性:一种是外在的经济力量,主要是指工资薪金等经济手段,也包括工作环境等。

    Business managers can use three forces to influence the behavior of employees and mobilize their enthusiasm in work : One is the external economic forces , mainly referring to wages and salaries and other economic measures , including the work environment .

  23. 她的新工作只是平级调动。

    Her new job is just a sideways move .

  24. 如果求职者只在网上搜索工作信息而不调动自己的人脉很可能会错过一些“隐藏的”机会。

    When job-seekers choose to search for jobs exclusively online-rather than also include in-person networking-they may be missing out on " hidden " opportunities .

  25. 贯彻和落实科学发展观,加强高职院校思想政治工作,必须充分调动育人的各个要素。

    To carry out and fulfill scientific concept of development and strengthen the ideological and political work in higher vocational colleges , every element of education must be mobilized .

  26. 因此,关注并满足员工的主观幸福感和工作满意度,是调动员工的工作积极性和创造性并最终提升工作绩效的重要途径。

    So , the way of taking subjective well-being and job satisfaction into consideration and meeting them is a important way of mobilizing enthusiasm and creativity and eventually improving performance .

  27. 国民经济动员工作主要是国家调动经济资源潜力和社会的物力、财力应对紧急事态的活动。

    Mobilization of National Economy is mainly the nation 's activity of taking countermeasures to respond to emergency , by using the economic resources , the material resources and the financial resources .

  28. 对人员的有效管理的关键就是对员工工作积极性的调动,而员工激励制度将有效地增强企业的活力和竞争力,并成为企业成长发展的持续动力源泉。

    The key of effective human resource management is to inspire the staff to work positively and the system of inspiring staff will improve the energy of competed capability effectively , promote firms to develop and grow up .

  29. 发展委员会会议期间,我们将讨论世行集团资金的充足性问题,包括我们目前开展的工作、今后数月内我们能够开展的工作以及我们如何调动更多资金等。

    At the Development Committee we will discuss the adequacy of World Bank Group resources , including what we are doing now , what we can do in coming months , and how we can mobilize more resources .

  30. 外经贸公务员的工作内容和任务具有一定的特殊性,其工作积极性的调动方式也应区别于其他公务员。

    The work contents and tasks of foreign trade and economic cooperation of civil servants has certain particularity , its work enthusiasm also should be different from other civil servants .