
  1. 从黑色污染到绿色财富

    From " Black Pollution " to Green Fortune

  2. 所制备的玻璃防护润滑剂具有无毒、无黑色污染,涂覆方法简单易行等优点。

    The glass protective lubricant which is prepared in this paper is non-toxic , non-ferrous contamination .

  3. 随着汽车工业的发展,越来越多的废旧轮胎所形成的“黑色污染”正逐渐威胁着人类的生存环境。

    As the development of the automotive industry , more and more " Black Pollution " formed by waste tyre are gradually threatening the human living environment .

  4. 再生胶(粉)是一种主要利用工业上易形成黑色污染的废旧轮胎再生而成的环保产品。

    Recycled glue ( powder ) is an environmentally safe product that is made from old and useless tires which is easy to form " black pollution " .

  5. 为了有效地消除逐渐威胁着人类生存环境的越来越多的废旧轮胎所形成的黑色污染,将其低温粉碎制取有广泛用途的精细胶粉。

    In order to effectively eliminate more and more " Black Pollution " formed by waste tyre are gradually threatening the human living environment , which is powdered rubber through grinding at low temperature , which is widely used .

  6. 与粘土砂产生的粉尘污染与黑色污染、树脂砂产生的化学污染相比,属无机粘结剂的水玻璃砂是最有可能实现绿色清洁铸造生产的型砂工艺。

    Compared with the dust pollution and the black pollution and the resin granulated substance produces which with the clay granulated substance had chemistry pollution , the inorganic cementing agent , the sodium silicate granulated substance was the most possibility to realize the green clean casting production molding sand craft .

  7. 湘中HJC铀矿区黑色页岩土壤重金属污染地球化学分析

    Geochemical Study of Heavy Metal Contamination of Soils Derived from Black Shales at the HJC Uranium Mine in Central Hunan , China