- robinson;Robinson Crusoe;Daniel Defoe

People had been writing novels for a century — most experts date the first novel to Robinson Crusoe in 1719 — but nobody wanted to do it professionally .
On the Alienation of the Protagonist in Robinson Crusoe from the Traditional Concept of Family
Coetzee 's Foe is a postcolonial reading of Robinson Crusoe .
The first edition of Robinson Crusoe was printed in 1719 .
Robinson Crusoe was written by Daniel Defoe in the year 1719 .
The Symbol Meaning of the Robinson Crusoe 's Art World
On Realistic Elements in Island Literature from Robinson Crusoe and Lord of the Flies
I have worn out six Robinson crusoes .
The Influence of Humanism on Robinson Crusoe
Robinson Crusoe and the Patriarchal Empire
Robinson Crusoe is a classic .
1731 Daniel Defoe , English writer , author of Robinson Crusoe and Moll Flanders , died .
In Robinson Crusoe , there are no female characters , even mentioned several , they have not names .
You either starve to death or live like Robinson Crusoe , waiting for a boat which never comes .
Daniel Defoe wrote the story of Robinson Crusoe suggested by the experience of Alexander Selkirk , a Scotish sailor .
Robinson Crusoe is regarded as the first authentic novel of Britain and it is also the cradle of realistic novels .
Benjamin : Good , by the way , do you finish reading the book Robinson Crusoe I 've bought for you ?
" Robinson Crusoe " is " fiction , the father of Europe ," Daniel Defoe created an era of old age novel .
The Analysis of Textual Structure and Meaning of Robison Crusoe from the Perspective of Transitivity ; Book a holiday , possibly white-water rafting .
British writer Defoe all the life have created plenty of works , his Robinson Crusoe , is the novel with widely known one .
Defoe 's first and greatest novel appeared in1719.This was Robinson Crusoe , the most famous tale of shipwreck and solitary survival in all literature .
De Foe in his Cruso , his Moll Flanders , Religious Courtship , Family Instructor , and other pieces , has imitated it with success ;
Sun , sand and sea , a thousand'Robinson Crusoe'islands , massive lagoons with different depths and infinite shades of blue and turquoise , dazzling underwater coral gardens .
In this thesis , two representative writings of British desolate island literature , The Tempest and Robinson Crusoe , are studied with the perspective of postcolonial criticism .
In the 18th century in Britain , the image of women always seems to be ordinary and small , and women appear as passers-by or accessories to men .
Moreover , this typical postmodern novel might be a reconstruction on the basis of its deconstruction of the classic canon Robinson Crusoe and the western metaphysics Robinson Crusoe probably represents .
This thesis employs a comparative analysis to study Daniel Defoe 's Robinson Crusoe , Herman Melville 's Moby Dick and Ernest Hemingway 's The Old Man and the Sea simultaneously .
In Robinson Crusoe , the hero is put into a spiritual wasteland , tortured by the inner solitude and the sense of insecurity . His life is lacking in emotional ties and personal relationships .
Daniel Defoe ( 1660-1731 ), an English writer , journalist , and political pamphleteer , gains enduring fame for his novel Robinson Crusoe ( 1719 ), a story of a man shipwrecked alone on a deserted island .
Robinson Crusoe , a classic story of a shipwrecked mariner on a deserted island written by the English writer Daniel Defoe , is one of the earliest and the most important novels in the history of English literature .