
  • 网络Michelle Wie;Wie;Michel Wie
  1. 美国的高尔夫运动员魏圣美(MichelleWie)13岁时曾被认为是一名可与男球手一争高下的种子选手。

    At 13 , Michelle Wie , the U.S. golfer , was supposed to evolve into a player who could compete with men .

  2. 至于10岁获得首个重大业余锦标赛女子赛事参赛资格、16岁成为职业选手的韩裔美国球员魏圣美(MichelleWie),她的经历则不那么戏剧化。

    The career of Michelle Wie , an American of Korean descent who qualified for her first major amateur tournament on the ladies tour aged 10 and turned professional at 16 , offers a less dramatic example .

  3. 魏圣美与耐克(Nike)和索尼(Sony)等公司签署了几百万美元的代言协议,却没有赢得任何一场重大锦标赛事的冠军。

    She has signed multimillion-dollar deals with the likes of Nike and Sony . But she has not won a major championship .

  4. 但是魏圣美希望同男子比赛,并且她已经证明了她有这样的实力。

    But Michelle Wie wants to compete against men , and she 's already proved she can do it .