
  • 网络JANE;Jane zhang;dear jane
  1. 去年上海的秀场由乐队OneDirectioner前成员哈里·斯泰尔斯、格莱美奖获得者马吉尔、小莱斯利?奥多姆和中国流行音乐巨星张靓颖联袂出演。

    Last year 's acts to hit the catwalk in Shanghai were former One Directioner Harry Styles , Grammy winner Miguel , Hamilton alum Leslie Odom Jr. and Chinese pop sensation Jane Zhang .

  2. VSFS的执行制片人EdRazek表示,单向组合的前任成员HarryStyles,格莱美大奖的获奖者Miguel,Hamiltonalum的OdomJr.和中国的流行音乐代表张靓颖将会在秀场上唱歌。

    Former One Directioner Harry Styles , Grammy winner Miguel , Hamilton alum Leslie Odom Jr. and Chinese pop sensation Jane Zhang are set to sing on the runway , VSFS executive producer Ed Razek said in a statement .

  3. 刘翔还开玩笑说,如果可能想从张靓颖那里学到一些唱歌技巧。

    He joked that he wanted to learn some singing skills from Zhang , if possible .

  4. 下一个歌坛的国际巨星将会在中国诞生,比如流行歌手李宇春、张靓颖。

    The next big artist will be from China . Among the popular ones are Li Yuchun and Zhang Liangying .

  5. 据北京一家媒体报道,张靓颖星期四到达上海时曾经在训练场见过刘翔。

    A report in the Beijing News story said Zhang met Liu at his training camp , just after she had arrived Thursday in Shanghai .

  6. 张靓颖,这个正在崛起的新星并没有在超女比赛中夺冠,李宇春则用她的男性化魅力赢得了更多选票。

    Zhang , a rapidly rising singing star , lost in the Super Girls'competition to champion , Li Yuchuan , who won with a boyish charm .

  7. 年仅22岁却红遍全国的张靓颖是2005年“超级女声”歌唱比赛的第三名,这一选秀节目被公认为“美国偶像”的中国翻版。

    The22-year-old gained nationwide popularity by taking the third place at the2005 Super Girl singing competition , a show widely regarded as China 's version of American Idol .

  8. 超女在形式上接近美国选秀节目《美国偶像》。许多女歌手如李宇春、周笔畅和张靓颖等,都是从这个节目中脱颖而出的。

    Partly inspired by the US Show American Idol , many popular Chinese female singers like Li Yuchun , Zhou Bichang , and Zhang Liangying have all emerged from this reality show .

  9. 张靓颖说她和所有中国人一样仍然记得那个激动人心的时刻&刘翔在去年夏天的奥运会上获得金牌。

    The singer also said she could still recall all the " emotional moments " she and other Chinese felt when witnessing Liu win the gold medal for China in Athens last summer .

  10. 具有代表性的节目如《超级女声》,曾创下高收视率的纪录,而李宇春、张靓颖等歌手也依然在当下流行乐坛表现活跃。

    Representative programs such as " Super Girl ", and had set a record of high ratings . Singers like Li YuChun , Jane Zhang are still very active among the pop music area .