
guǐ guài
  • Ghosts;evil spirits;bogeyman;ghosts and monsters;Old Nick;monsters of all kinds;forces of evil
鬼怪 [guǐ guài]
  • [ghosts and monsters] 鬼魅妖怪。比喻恶人或小人

  • 扫除一切妖魔鬼怪

鬼怪[guǐ guài]
  1. 让我们感到奇怪的是,筹办婚姻会好几天,可却是秘密进行的,因为公开筹办会触怒鬼怪或引起他们的嫉妒。

    To our surprise , preparations for the wedding lasted for many days but were made secretly , because to show happiness openly would arouse the anger and jealousy of evil spirits .

  2. 这个森林黑暗寂静,经常有幽灵和看不见的鬼怪出没。

    The forest was dark and silent , haunted by shadows and unseen presences

  3. 她觉得这座房子里有可怕的鬼怪,开始变得神经紧张。

    She started to be affected by the ghostly presence she could feel in the house .

  4. 当时,这个地方的鬼怪旅游就已经具有很长的历史了,开展得也非常普遍,但是其中有一个与众不同的地方非常有名,因为这里出了一个叫做麦肯斯的闹鬼,并且据说对这个鬼还有着非常充分的考证。

    Now this place has quite a lot of history so ghost tours are common but one stands out as being famous due to the fact that it has an extremely well documented case of a poltergeist called the Mackenzie Poltergeist .

  5. 然而,最近的一个周末,往日拥挤的传奇(legends)酒吧和鬼怪(hobgoblin)酒吧里,客人少了一半,还主要是日本人。

    But on a recent weekend , the crowds at Legends bar and the hobgoblin , part of the same chain , were half their usual size and mainly Japanese .

  6. 传说那房子曾住过鬼怪。

    The house is fabled to have been inhabited by ghosts .

  7. 这架鬼怪式飞机从航空母舰弹射起飞。舰载弹射起飞多体动力学仿真张量模型

    Multibody Simulation Models in Tensor Form for Carrier-based Aircraft Catapult Launch

  8. 横置:鬼怪神射手对目标生物或玩家造成1点伤害。

    Goblin Sharpshooter deals 1 damage to target creature or player .

  9. 我们能将电流反转,而把鬼怪制造过程倒转过来!

    We could reverse the current and reverse the monster-making process !

  10. 这个是制造鬼怪的操作手册。

    This is an instruction manual on how to create monsters .

  11. 我修改过了它,那可以消灭所有鬼怪。

    I fixed it so it will destroy all the monsters .

  12. 我是神父,不是鬼怪。

    Father : I 'm a priest , not a genie .

  13. 人们听见拱顶下这些鬼怪的扫帚声;

    Beneath these vaults one hears the brooms of spectres .

  14. 鬼怪出现时她吓得毛骨悚然。

    Her hair stood on end when the ghost appeared .

  15. 在万圣节他喜欢装扮成鬼怪。

    He enjoys dressing up as a ghost at Halloween .

  16. 鬼怪神射手在你的重置步骤中不能重置。

    Goblin Sharpshooter does not untap during your untap step .

  17. 我正在读的这本书讲的是鬼怪和超自然的事。

    I am reading a book about ghosts and other supernatural sightings .

  18. 以鬼怪或超自然为主题的电影受到排斥。

    Movies involving ghosts or supernatural themes are frowned on .

  19. 你是鬼怪方面的专家。

    You 're the expert on all this ghost stuff .

  20. 要是那鬼怪改变了画中的内容的话。

    If the spirit 's changing aspects of the painting .

  21. 他想念那个城堡,那些秘密通道和幽灵鬼怪,

    He missed the castle , with its secret passageways and ghosts ,

  22. 那为何我们在你图书馆找到了鬼怪书籍?

    Then why did we find the monster book in your library ?

  23. 他不是鬼怪或不腐坏的灵魂。

    He was not a spirit or an immortal soul .

  24. 也有其他人在这魔幻森林里见过精灵鬼怪。

    Others too have seen spirits in the Enchanted Woods .

  25. 如果我看到鬼怪,我会相信它的。

    If I see ghost , I believe it .

  26. 总之,神仙思想丰富了小说内容与情节,同时有利于志怪小说中神仙和鬼怪形象塑造。

    In short , the novel concept of immortality rich content and plot .

  27. 可我们都不是很相信鬼怪这回事。

    It 's just , materialism is not really our bag , man .

  28. 我读过关于这类可怕的化身鬼怪的书。

    I had read of such hideous incarnate demons .

  29. 从此,桃都山上的鬼怪再也不敢下山了。

    Soon , monsters in Peach City Mountain no longer dared leave it .

  30. 哦,野蛮人触发了一个箱子陷阱,四周跳出了4个鬼怪要劫财劫色。

    Barbarian triggers a trap chest that spawns four spectral enemies around him .