
gāo liang
  • sorghum;kaoliang;Chinese sorghum;broomcorn;gaoliang;jowar;China corn
高粱 [gāo liáng]
  • [kaoliang;China corn;chinese sorghum] 一种粮食作物,茎细,含干髓,圆锥花序直立、散开,种子小、白色或棕色。主要栽培于中国(尤其在东北),谷粒用作粮食,茎秆作饲料、燃料之用

高粱[gāo liang]
  1. 民间视阈下《红高粱》英雄叙事的再解读

    On the Hero Narration of Red Kaoliang from a Popular Viewpoint

  2. 《红高粱家族》中两个宾故事及意义

    Two " Subtheme Stories " in Red Kaoliang Family and Their Significance

  3. 这块地可以种高粱或玉米。

    We can grow sorghum or maize on this plot .

  4. 高粱抽穗了。

    The sorghum is in the ear .

  5. 咱这儿种稻子比种高粱出息大。

    It 's more profitable to grow rice than sorghum here .

  6. 侦查人员隐蔽在高粱地里。

    The scouts took cover in the sorghum fields .

  7. 漫山遍野的大豆高粱。

    Soyabean and Chinese sorghum grow across the land .

  8. 他们把高粱做成了猪饲料。

    They made sorghum into pig feed .

  9. 高粱DNA导入水稻的初步研究

    Preliminary studies on the introduction of sorghum DNA into rice

  10. 高粱DNA导入小麦后代的和面仪曲线变化

    Changes of the Mixograph Curve of the Progenies of Wheat with Introduced Sorghum bicolor DNA

  11. 水稻、高粱、高粱稻重复顺序DNA复性动力学分析

    The Reassociation Kinetic Analyses of The Repeated Sequence DNA of Rice , Sorghum and Their Hybrid

  12. 将含糖量高的高粱DNA导入后,获得了15个高于受体含糖量的导入后代,占总数的7.9%。

    15 transferred progenies ' sugar content was higher than their receptors , accounting for 7.9 % .

  13. 导入高粱DNA选育高产抗逆春小麦新品系研究

    The Studies on Breeding a New High-yield Stress-resistance Wheat Line by Introducing Exotic DNA From Sorghum into Wheat

  14. 高粱CMS材料线粒体基因组DNA指纹研究

    DNA fingerprints of mitochondrial genomes in Sorghum bicolor CMS lines

  15. 从幼苗的实验结果看,土壤速效磷(P)含量与高粱幼苗干物质量有良好的线性关系。

    Seeding dry matter was linear relationship with soil effective P.The amount of SiO2 and CaO in PRs had impact on its direct application .

  16. 应用cDNA文库快速构建法克隆高粱肌动蛋白基因

    Cloning of a Sorghum Actin Gene with the Quick Construction Method for cDNA Library

  17. 镧对酸雨胁迫下高粱种子萌发及POD活性和MDA含量的影响

    Effect of lanthanum on the germination and peroxidase activity in sorghum under acid-rain stress

  18. 采用增广NCⅡ设计,对高粱生育期遗传模型进行了测验。

    The genetic model test of growing period of sorghum was Carried out by Augmented NC ⅱ design .

  19. 亲本间的交互作用对杂交高粱F1籽粒蛋白质含量的影响及食用品质预报

    The effect of parental interaction on the grain protein content in Hybrid Sorghum f_1 and the prediction of palatability

  20. 高粱抗丝黑穗病基因SSR反应体系的优化

    Optimized SSR Reaction System of the Head Smut Resistance Gene on Sorghum

  21. 高粱不同器官生长对NaCl胁迫的响应及其耐盐阈值

    Response of different organ growth of sorghum to NaCl stress and the threshhold salinity

  22. 高粱种质资源种子醇溶谷蛋白的SDS-PAGE表型多样性

    Diversity of SDS-PAGE Phenotypes of Kafirins in Seeds of Sorghum Germplasm Resources

  23. 高粱叶中有机渗透调节物质对NaCl胁迫的响应

    Respones of the organic osmotic adjustment solutes in the leaves of sorghum to NaCl stress

  24. 高粱原花青素对α-淀粉酶和蛋白酶活力影响的DSC研究

    Effects of Procyanidins from Sorghum Episperm on Activity of α - amylase and Protease by DSC

  25. 初步建立了高粱BTAM428I、CS-12B、124B的RAPD反应体系。

    RAPD reaction system was established .

  26. 旱稻、稗草、高粱属间杂交F2糯质胚乳现象及分析

    Phenomenon and Analysis of Waxy Endosperm Segregated in F_2 Derived from a Generic Hybridization among Upland Rice , Barnyard Grass and Sorghum

  27. 高粱CMS与核质基因组互作综述

    Integration of Sorghum CMS and Nucleo-cytoplasmic Interaction

  28. 在太原市三大农业区布点采集成熟的农作物籽粒(玉米、高粱、水稻、小麦、谷子)和相应的农田土壤进行Hg含量的测定,分析Hg在土壤和作物中的迁移转化的关系。

    Mercury content in several crop grains and farmland were measured and analyzed in Taiyuan agriculture area .

  29. 采用盆栽试验,研究了施用NPK肥料对高粱杂交草吸收微量营养元素Cu的影响。

    The effects of fertilizing NPK on Cu uptake of sorghum hybrid grass was studied by pot experiment .

  30. 拟高粱春播单株最终DM产量较夏播的高,苏丹草和杂交狼尾草则反之。

    On the contrary , sudangrass and pennisetum hybrid had higher final DM weight at summer sowing than at spring sowing .