
  • 网络golf cart;Buggy;Caddy;club Car
  1. 他开着高尔夫球车上去看他们打球。

    He drove up in a golf cart to watch them .

  2. 模糊PID在高尔夫球车驱动控制中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy PID in Golf Cart Driven Control System

  3. 基于DSP的电动高尔夫球车数字化驱动系统的研究

    The Research on the Digital Driven System of Electric Golf Cart Based on DSP

  4. 我们在航空、工业产品和财经领域的强大品牌如贝尔直升机、赛斯纳飞机、莱康明飞机引擎、考泰斯汽车油箱、E-Z-GO高尔夫球车和格林利工具等都在我们的客户群中享有盛誉。

    Textron is an industry leader with powerful brands in aviation , industrial and financial fields such as Bell Helicopter , Cessna Aircraft , Lycoming , Kautex , E-Z-GO and Greenlee , among others .

  5. 麦肯恩与小布什同乘一台高尔夫球车;

    McCain rode in a golf cart with Bush senior ;

  6. 允许每个人使用高尔夫球车,只要他们想用

    Let everyone ride in a golf cart if they want to .

  7. 基于虚拟装配的高尔夫球车设计方法

    Designing method of golf cart based on virtual assembly

  8. 请看一下我们的绿色产品如电动单脚滑行车和高尔夫球车。

    Take a look at our green products such as scooter and golf car .

  9. 所以,无论是分配笛子,高尔夫球车

    So with flutes , with golf carts ,

  10. 今天要走路、还是要搭高尔夫球车呢?

    NO03, 4.Would you like to walk or ride in a golf cart today ?

  11. “但是我需要一部高尔夫球车,来帮助我在场上自由行动”

    But I need a golf cart to get from one hole to the next . "

  12. 明镜的水池阻挡经过的高尔夫球车的视野。

    The reflecting pond has been arranged so that it blocks the view of passing golf carts ;

  13. 定律十一:高尔夫球车总是在离会所最远的地方耗尽燃料。

    LAW11 : Golf carts always run out of juice at the farthest point from the clubhouse .

  14. 表面上看,这似乎是一场关于高尔夫球车的辩论

    On the face of it , it seemed to be -- this debate about the golf cart

  15. 法拉利拒绝了将其品牌用于高尔夫球车和红酒等商品的提议。

    Ferrari has turned down offers to lend its brand to such goods as golf carts and wine .

  16. 他将于本周六乘坐一辆高尔夫球车进入德雷克体育馆,与约18000名观众见面。

    On Saturday , he 'll ride in a golf cart at Drake Stadium before about 18000 spectators .

  17. 所以,让马丁使用高尔夫球车会改变这项运动的本质

    And so it would change the fundamental nature of the game to give him the golf cart .

  18. 这些符号都包含性别,地鼠,高尔夫球车,奖杯和一些更优秀的高尔夫球手。

    The symbols contain some talented golfers of both genders , gophers , golf carts , trophies and more .

  19. 跟我们说说,查莉,你为什么说他应该被允许使用高尔夫球车?

    Tell us , Charlie , why would you say he should be able to use a golf cart ?

  20. 主要用于高尔夫球车、观光车、游览电动车、看楼车等动力运行车辆。

    Mainly used for golf car , sight-seeing cars , tour electric cars , see floor car dynamic operation vehicles .

  21. 小贝懊恼的将杆举过头顶,然后朝他的高尔夫球车走去。

    Beckham raises his sand wedge above his head in frustration and then marches back to his bag on the golf buggy .

  22. 它的占地面积比曼哈顿还要大,拥有超过10万居民——其中大多数以高尔夫球车代步。

    It covers an area larger than Manhattan , and has over 100000 inhabitants - most of whom move around in golf carts .

  23. 认证和授权的制造商,主要从事贸易的矿山机械卡丁车高尔夫球车电动车。

    Accredited and authorized by the manufacturers , it is mainly engaged in trading of Mine Machinery Go Kart Golf Cart Electric Cart .

  24. 一名球员的球杆由一辆机动的高尔夫球车运输,然后他雇用一个人来履行球童的其他职责。

    A player whose clubs are transported on a motorized golf cart hired an individual to perform all the other duties of a caddie .

  25. 居民们还因开高尔夫球车酒驾,服用违禁药物以及在酒吧斗殴等“事迹”出名。

    Inhabitants are also known to drive under the influence ( in golf carts ) , use illegal drugs , and engage in bar fights .

  26. 主要产品有电动叉车、电动牵引车、电动堆高车、电动旅游车、高尔夫球车、电动汽车等专用蓄电池。

    The main products are electric forklifts , electric tractors , electric stacker , electric coaches , golf carts , electric vehicles and other special battery .

  27. 事实上,那里曾以3321辆车参加高尔夫球车游行而创下了吉尼斯世界纪录。

    In fact , it holds the Guinness World Record for assembling the longest golf cart parade in the world , with 3321 total golf carts .

  28. 经过一段高尔夫球车之旅后,工程师们解释了该公司将如何组装锂离子电池组,以取代柴油驱动卡车。

    A short golf-cart ride away , engineers explain how the company will assemble the lithium-ion battery packs that will power the trucks instead of diesel fuel .

  29. 实验结果表明了数字化驱动控制系统的有效性,其分析和控制思想对于进一步研究电动高尔夫球车具有一定的参考价值。

    And the control system is proved to be effective by experiment results . Consequently this paper has certain reference value to the further studying of electric golf cart .

  30. 在座有多少人认为凯西·马丁有权使用高尔夫球车?多少人不同意他使用高尔夫球车代步?

    How many here would say that Casey Martin does have a right to use a golf cart ? And how many say , no , he doesn 't ?