
  • 网络high-end manufacturing;high-end manufacturing sector
  1. 美国的产业优势在于高端制造业,这类产品在中国有很大的市场需求。

    The U.S. industrial advantage lies in high-end manufacturing products that are greatly needed in the Chinese market .

  2. 英国贸易投资署给我安排了许多参观机会,我参观过几十个公司和工厂,对英国高端制造业印象深刻。

    With the help of UKTI , I visited about a dozen companies , I was amazed at your high-end manufacturing .

  3. 但作为一个中等收入大国,巴西必须设法扩大自身在高端制造业领域的实力。

    But , being a large middle income country , it must manage to expand its presence in sophisticated manufacturing .

  4. 例如,高端制造业和电子信息产业,已成为增长最快的产业区域。

    High-end manufacturing and the electronic information industry , for example , have become the fastest growing industries in the region .

  5. 该公司只是全国这类公司的一个代表,它向我们展示了高端制造业如何帮助刺激就业和经济增长。

    This company is just one example of how advanced manufacturing can help spur job-creation and economic growth across this country .

  6. 同时,北京的技术服务及高端制造业也在蓬勃发展,它们都将带动工业设计产业的兴盛。

    Beijing is also expanding technology service and high-end manufacturing industries , both of them can help boost the industrial design sector .

  7. 盖特纳还欢迎中国决心减少针对外国公司向中国服务业、高科技产品、节能产品和高端制造业领域投资的贸易壁垒。

    He welcomed its commitments to reduce barriers to foreign investment in services , high-tech goods , energy saving products and high-end manufacturing .

  8. 走出危机的中国,现在必须致力于自身的产业升级,比如高端制造业以及环境产品和服务等领域。

    Coming out of crisis , China must now work to upgrade its own industries in areas such as high-end manufacturing and environmental goods and services .

  9. 并就目前存在的问题与障碍,提出了促进承接高端制造业国际产业转移,加速中国生产性服务业升级的解决办法。

    According to the problems and obstacles , the ways of undertaking high-end manufacturing international industrial transfer to promote the upgrade Chinese producer service industry were advised .

  10. 近几十年来,美国的产业结构不断向高端制造业、现代服务业升级,传统制造业逐步向其他国家转移,其中也有不少美国企业转移到中国生产经营。

    Over recent decades , the American industrial structure has been upgraded toward high-end manufacturing and modern services , while its traditional manufacturing industry has gradually shifted to other countries .

  11. 由于高端制造业具有高技术含量、高附加值、强竞争力的特点,其处于制造业价值链的高端环节,对整个制造业的发展具有重要的引领作用。

    Because the advanced manufacturing is with high technology , high added-value , and strong competitive ability , it is at the high-end in the manufacturing industry value chain , it has an important leading role .

  12. 国有企业的投资对第二产业及第三产业影响最大,其投资主要偏重于第二产业和第三产业中的传统行业,缺乏对第一产业和高端制造业的投资。

    The effect of investment by state-owed enterprises on secondary and tertiary industry is significant and the investment especially is focused on traditional industries , but the state-owned enterprises hardly invest in primary industry and high-end manufacturing .

  13. 我国还处在全球产业链的低端,科技研发和高端制造业等方面的竞争力还较弱,出口几亿件衬衫才能换回一架空客或波音飞机。

    China is at the lower end of the global industrial chain and lacks competitiveness in scientific research and development and high-end manufacturing . We need to export hundreds of millions of shirts in order to buy one Airbus or Boeing .

  14. 同时2007年次贷危机引发的全球金融危机使欧美发达经济体意识到实体经济的重要性,美国、德国等国家提出了再工业化战略,尤其是在高端制造业上,并提出了具体的优惠措施。

    Simultaneously the whole world financial crisis caused the developed economy to realize the importance of the entity economy . United States and Germany put forward the " industrialization " strategy , particularly in high-end manufacturing , and offer concrete concessions .

  15. 优化利用外资结构,鼓励外资投向高端制造业、高新技术产业、现代服务业、新能源和节能环保产业,鼓励跨国公司在华设立地区总部等各类功能性机构,鼓励中外企业加强研发合作。

    encourage more foreign investment in high-end manufacturing , new-and high-technology industries , modern service industries , and the new energy , energy-conservation and environmental protection industries ; encourage multinational corporations to set up regional headquarters and other functional agencies in China ;

  16. 然而对战略性新兴产业的研究不仅需要整体研究还需要局部研究,因此本文选取了高端装备制造业和碳纤维产业进行了案例研究。

    Strategic emerging industries requires not only the overall research also need local research . This article selected high-end equipment manufacturing and new materials industry case studies .

  17. 展会期间还举行签约仪式、贸易洽谈、项目对接以及邯郸高端装备制造业发展方向研讨会等活动。

    During the exhibition also held a signing ceremony , trade negotiation , project docking handan high-end equipment manufacturing industry and direction of development activities such as the seminar .

  18. 大使说,她出使伦敦的三年间,最有意思的事情包括参观许多高端的制造业企业,参观简奥斯汀、勃朗特姐妹和威廉莎士比亚等名人故居。

    Highlights of her three years in London include , says the ambassador , lots of visits to advanced manufacturing sites ; trips to the homes of Jane Austen , the Bront sisters and William Shakespeare ; and , less predictably , the British TV talent show the X factor .

  19. 从低端到高端:中国制造业转型与升级的品牌定价权模型与品牌战略模式

    From the Low-end to High-end : The Brand Model of Pricing Power and Brand Strategy Patterns of the Transformation and Upgrading of China 's Manufacturing Industry