
  • 网络Polymer science and Engineering;Macromolecular Science and Engineering
  1. 21世纪高分子科学与工程的发展与方向

    Polymer science and Engineering in 21st century

  2. 与每个科学分支一样,高分子科学与工程已经走完了它的初始阶段,并成为科学和技术的重要部分。

    As every branch of science , polymer science and engineering has gone through its infant stage and become an important part of science and technology .

  3. 材料化学(高分子科学与工程)

    Speciality of Material Chemistry ( Ploymer Science and Engineering )

  4. 本文对高分子科学与工程作简要的评述,并讨论21世纪与其他研究领域相关联的若干可能的新发展方向。

    This article provides a brief review of the history in polymer science and engineering , as well as discusses several possible new directions associated with other research areas in the 21st century .

  5. 聚合物的共混改性是高分子材料科学与工程领域中的一个重要分支。

    Polymer blend is an important branch in the field of polymer materials science and engineering .

  6. 聚合物增韧是高分子材料科学与工程中十分活跃的研究领域。

    The study on polymer toughening is the most active domain in the polymer material science and engineering .

  7. 通用塑料高性能化是当前及今后较长一段时间内高分子材料科学与工程领域的重要的研究课题。

    Properties improvement of general plastics is one of the important research fields of polymer materials science and engineering at present and in the coming long period of times .

  8. 分子自组装在自然界中是普遍存在的,而且最近已经在化学合成、纳米技术、高分子科学、材料与工程领域成为一种新的研究手段。

    Molecular self-assembly is ubiquitous in nature and has recently emerged as a new approach in chemical synthesis , nanotechnology , polymer science , materials and engineering .

  9. 分子自组装系统是分子生物学、化学、高分子科学、材料科学与工程之间的交叉学科。

    Molecular self-assembly systems lie at the interface between molecular biology , chemistry , polymer science , materials science and engineering .

  10. 高分子材料的高性能化是高分子材料科学与工程近年来发展的主要方向。

    High-performance manufactured polymeric materials are mainly developing tendency in the field of polymeric materials ' science and engineering lately .