
  • 网络Exostosis
  1. 椎管内外生骨疣的X线、CT、MRI特征及其诊断

    X-ray , CT and MRI in the Osteochondroma Grossing in Vertebrae Canal

  2. 结论EXT1基因1633-26(C→A)突变可能是导致这个患者发生多发性外生性骨疣的致病突变。

    Conclusion The mutation 1633-26 ( C → A ) may be the disease-causing mutation in this patient with multiple exostoses .

  3. Goppa码一致校验位数目的下限指(趾)甲下外生性骨疣

    Lower Bound on Number of Parity Check Digits for Goppa Codes

  4. 目的进一步阐明遗传性多发性外生骨疣(hereditarymultipleexostoses,EXT)的发病机理,并为最终防治本病提供依据。

    Objective To investigate further the genetic basis of hereditary multiple exostoses ( EXT ) and provide useful information for gene diagnosis of the disease .

  5. 结论:疗效方面骨疣汤对KOA与西药无显著性差异。

    Conclusion : The efficacy of bone soup warts KOA with western medicine was no significant difference .

  6. 结论EXT2基因的IVS2+1G>A突变是导致这个家系发生外生性骨疣的原因。

    Conclusion The mutation IVS2 + 1G > A is the disease-causing mutation in the Chinese pedigree with hereditary multiple exostoses .

  7. 变性梯度凝胶电泳在遗传性多发性外生性骨疣基因诊断中的应用

    Denaturant gradient gel electrophoresis in the genetic diagnosis of hereditary multiple exostoses

  8. 遗传性多发性外生骨疣一大家系的遗传与治疗研究

    The study of heredity and treatment about a family of hereditary multiple exostoses

  9. 目的:经家系分析探索多发性外生性骨疣的相关基因变异。

    Objective To explore the disease-associated gene mutation of multiple exostoses by family analysis .

  10. 指(趾)甲下外生性骨疣侧副韧带和跖板对跖趾关节屈曲功能的影响

    The effect of the plantar plate and the collateral ligaments on the flexion of the metatarsophalangeal joints

  11. 其中服用骨疣汤者为治疗组,治疗20例;服用西药贝速清者为对照组,治疗20例。

    Take one of warts soup bone for the treatment group , 20 cases of treatment ; taking western medicine Pui-ching speed for the control group , the treatment of 20 cases .

  12. 骨岛(内生骨疣)的影像学和病理学特征回顾

    Bone Island ( Enostosis ): A Review of Imaging and Pathologic Characteristics